Running an advertising campaign | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №27 (422) июль 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 08.07.2022

Статья просмотрена: 65 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Клованич, Ю. Д. Running an advertising campaign / Ю. Д. Клованич. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 27 (422). — С. 240-242. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.09.2024).

The article contains information about the features of the advertising campaign.

Keywords: advertising, advertising campaign, sociology, society, social environment, psychology.

Статья содержит информацию об особенностях проведения рекламной кампании.

Ключевые слова: реклама, рекламная кампания, социология, общество, социальная среда, психология.


In today's world, the impact of advertising on human life is difficult to overestimate. Everything from media personalities to everyday goods is advertised. It is for this reason that it is important to clearly understand the mechanisms and features during the implementation of advertising campaigns. By clearly defining the goals and objectives of such a campaign, you can maximize its effectiveness and avoid wasteful use of the budget.

Main points

For clarity, it is worth talking about the basic concepts discussed in this article.

Advertising is the production and dissemination of information in order to attract attention and maintain interest in a particular product, service or person. Most often, the mass media resort to this, however, the channels for distributing advertising are quite extensive and limited only by the creativity of its creator.

Another cornerstone of this article is the advertising campaign. This is a set of measures for planning promotional activities with the overall goal of informing, supporting or solving problems. Individual promotions are often less effective than full-fledged campaigns due to the fact that they do not have the extensive capabilities, resources and budget that an advertising campaign can afford [1].

Goals of advertising campaign

The goals that are set for an advertising campaign are different, depending on the needs of customers, but the factors influencing their formation are often common to all.

These factors are:

— Features of the promotion object;

— Position of the object of promotion in the market or media environment;

— Expected Result;

— Portrait of the target audience;

— Budget.

Often, all advertising campaign reporting is given in numbers for ease of perception, as well as the possibility of subsequent analysis and necessary adjustments and subsequent campaigns.

The most common reasons for advertising campaigns are:

— Creating an image;

— Increased interest;

— Increasing awareness;

— The expansion of the customer base;

— Establishing relationships with the target audience;

— Obtaining a competitive advantage;

— Formation of a positive opinion

Due to such a large number of opportunities provided by advertising campaigns, their implementation is a rather costly and time-consuming process, which should be approached with all possible responsibility [2].

Types of advertising campaigns

In the main advertising campaigns are divided into three main types that meet certain criteria. In reality, there are many more of them, since advertising campaigns are quite a flexible tool that is not within very strict limits.

Product advertising campaign

In this case, a separate product, service or group of goods is promoted. Often such an RC is carried out when a manufacturer launches a new product. The goal of a product advertising campaign is to acquaint the audience with the new product, talk about its advantages, interest and encourage potential consumers to buy.

Advertising should contain the characteristics of the product, the cost, the thesis that will show what the novelty of the product is. This is necessary in order to arouse interest in the product among an audience loyal to similar products. [3].

Trade advertising campaign

In this case, a specific point of sale is being promoted, whether it is a salon store or a company. The advertising campaign convinces the consumer that it is here that he will receive the highest quality or the best price. Also, such advertising campaigns are created in order to gain an advantage over competitors in the market, helping to convey all the advantages that a buyer can receive.

These advantages may include:

— Discounts;

— Bonuses;

— Stock;

— Warranty service;

— Client cards;

— Delivery;

— Convenient geolocation.

This type of advertising campaign is most popular among small and medium-sized businesses, as it is quite cheap to use and maintain, while helping to promote your business as much as possible.

Image advertising campaign

As the name implies, this advertising campaign is carried out to create or maintain the image of an individual or an entire campaign. By accommodating the target audience, making the logo, slogan, corporate identity widely recognizable, thanks to which a stable image is formed in the audience. Creating the effect of mass character, a person begins to trust the object of the advertising campaign due to the fact that he is constantly in his information space.

Such campaigns are most often long-term and cyclical. Therefore, they are resorted to by large companies with sufficient resources and which will be able to cover the costs of it in case of failure.

Stages of an advertising campaign

Due to the flexibility of such a tool as an advertising campaign, there can be a great many different stages and directions for their implementation. However, for this campaign to be useful, it is still necessary to clearly understand the procedure.

The following steps are most often taken as the basis for an advertising campaign:

— Choice of purpose;

— Market analysis;

— Formation of a portrait of the audience;

— Strategy Development;

— Definition of the budget;

— Choice of distribution channels;

— Drawing up a list of expenses;

— Production of promotional materials;

— Approval of the final plan;

— Launching an advertising campaign;

— Subsequent maintenance and adjustment of the advertising campaign.

As you can see, an advertising campaign is a very complex process with many stages that you can and should spend time and money on[4].


An advertising campaign is an important part of the work of any organization, firm or enterprise. It is thanks to it that you can draw attention to your products, services and other things, and in our era of competition, the use of advertising campaigns has become an integral part of our lives. Thus, in order to achieve success and not lose resources and money, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the process of creating and implementing an advertising campaign.


  1. Advertising campaign: types, stages, participants advertising 2018 [Electronic resource]. — (date of the application 04.07.2022)
  2. Advertising campaigns: basic building blocks 2019 [Electronic resource]. — (date of the application 05.07.2022)
  3. Advertising campaigns 2020 [Electronic resource]. — (date of the application 05.07.2022)
  4. Advertising concept and objectives of the advertising campaign 2020 [Electronic resource]. — (date of the application 06.07.2022)
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): рекламная кампания.

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