Итоговое занятие по теме «Страдательный залог» на уроке английского языка в 9 классе | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (228) октябрь 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 22.10.2018

Статья просмотрена: 835 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ахраменко, Е. В. Итоговое занятие по теме «Страдательный залог» на уроке английского языка в 9 классе / Е. В. Ахраменко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 42 (228). — С. 43-46. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/228/53199/ (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

В статье рассматривается тема «Страдательный залог» на уроке английского языка в IX классе. Автор приводит пример итогового занятия по теме. Представлен комплекс заданий, направленных на совершенствование грамматических навыков учащихся по данной теме.

Ключевые слова: страдательный залог, действительный залог, утвердительная форма, отрицательная форма, вопросительная форма, вспомогательный глагол, смысловой глагол.

Вашему вниманию предлагается комплекс заданий и упражнений на уроке английского языка в IX классе, который является итоговым по теме «Страдательный залог» учебника английского языка для IX класса (авторы: Л. М. Лапицкая и др., в рамках темы «Погода», Unit 5 Weather).

Образовательная цель: совершенствование грамматических навыков учащихся по теме «Страдательный залог», развитие умений говорения.

Развивающая цель: развитие языковой догадки на основе контекста, развитие способности к сравнению языковых единиц, их форм и значений, развитие саморефлексии.

Воспитательная цель: воспитание культуры взаимоотношений в процессе работы в парах, в группах, воспитание необходимости контролировать свою деятельность, распределять время для подготовки домашнего задания.

Вначале учитель предлагает учащимся ответить на вопросы по теме.

Ex. 1 Answer the following questions:

  1. How is the Passive Voice formed? Give an example.
  2. What is the formation of the interrogative form? Give an example.
  3. Do we omit by in passive questions with who/whom/which? Give an example.
  4. How is the negative form built up? Give an example.
  5. What are the voice forms of the verb “to take”? Write them down on the blackboard.
  6. What forms are not found in the Passive Voice?
  7. When is the Passive Voice used? Give examples.
  8. What do we call an agent?
  9. When do we use by and with? Give examples.

Ex. 2 Read the poem “A man is made” and find the verbs in the Passive Voice.

“A man is made”

A man is made

Of flesh and blood

Of eyes and bones and water.

The very same things make his son

As those that make

His daughter.

A tree is made

Of leaf and sap,

Of bark and fruit and berries

It keeps a bird’s nest

In its boughs

And blackbirds eat the cherries.

A table’s made

Of naked wood

Planned smooth as milk. I wonder

If tables ever dream of sun,

Of wind. And rain, and thunder?

And when man takes

His axe and strikes

And sets the sawdust flying –

Is it a table being born?

Or just a tree that’s dying?

Ex. 3 What happens in the restaurant before it opens for the evening? Look at the prompts and make sentences using the present simple passive.

  1. the carpets/vacuum
  2. the tables/wipe
  3. the cutlery/polish
  4. the places/set
  5. the menu/check
  6. the ovens/heat

Ex. 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense. Work in pairs.

  1. A: That’s a lovely shirt. Is it new?

B: Yes. It …… (buy) for me by my grandmother.

  1. A: Did you read the newspaper this morning?

B: No. It … (not/deliver) by the time I left for work.

  1. A: Where is your car?

B: At the garage. It … (repair).

  1. A: Do you know your exam results yet?

B: No. They ……(not/announce) yet.

  1. A: Have you finished your homework yet?

B: No, but it …… (finish) by eight o’clock.

  1. A: Who waters your plants for you when you’re away?

B: They …… (water) by my neighbour.

Ex. 5 Complete these sentences (from an article about Shakespeare) with appropriate forms of the verbs, plus by or with where necessary. Why is Shakespeare considered to be the greatest English writer?

Комментарии: Lenta.ru: В частном собрании найден оригинал по…

consider establish experience fill perform not write

  1. Shakespeare was born in 1564 and …… many to be the greatest English writer.
  2. His early reputation …… writing and appearing in his own plays.
  3. His plays …… interesting characters and memorable speeches.
  4. Today, at the new Globe Theatre, the plays …… in conditions similar to those which …… audiences in Shakespeare’s time.
  5. Some people have claimed that many of the plays …… Shakespeare.

Ex. 6 Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences. Work in pairs.

  1. Child rescued from fire yesterday


  1. Family rescued from burning house last night


  1. Missing painting not yet recovered


  1. New Harry Potter film screened next month


  1. Money being raised for homeless


  1. Decision made about new exams yesterday


Ex. 7

A) Choose a verb for each space and put it into the correct passive or active tense.

carry crash explode hand knock open run shake stop tell

When I was in Ireland, people often (1) …… me that I was lucky. I remember one time, years ago, when I was sitting with friends in the Emerald Arms, Belfast. The door suddenly (2) …… and a voice called out, ‘Bomb! Get out!’ Conversations (3) …… instantly as everyone and everything suddenly moved. Glasses and bottles (4) …… to the floor. As I started to get up from my seat, I (5) …… down. I struggled to my feet and then I (6) …… along by the surging crowd towards the back door. I was pushed out of the door backwards by the force of the people behind me. Then I just (7) …… like everyone else until I reached a crowd at the end of the street. As I stood there waiting, an old woman told me that there was blood on my cheek. We waited, but no bomb (8) ……, no walls (9) …… and no windows shattered into a thousand pieces. I wiped the blood from my cheek with a piece of cloth that (10) …… to me by the old woman. I thanked her. ‘It’s just a scratch,’ she said. ‘You’re lucky you didn’t get seriously injured.’

B) Recall one incident that happened to you. Use passive forms.

Ex. 8 A new art gallery opened in London. Look at the notes below, then report the event. You may use your own ideas. Use passive forms. Work in groups.

– night before opening — owners hold — party

– over 400 people — attend — event

– owners — invite — some famous artists

– waiters — serve — drinks and sandwiches

– city mayor — give — speech

– several art critics — praise — gallery

Ex. 9 Fill in the blanks of the proverbs with the correct form of the verbs in the Passive Voice. Use these proverbs in situations of your own.

  1. A man … (to know) by the company he keeps.
  2. A liar … (not to believe) when he tells the truth.
  3. The ass … (to know) by its ears.
  4. Desires … (to nourish) by delays.
  5. Forewarned … (to forearm).
  6. A name … (to lose) sooner than won.
  7. What may be done at any time … (to do) at no time.


You are a reporter at a newspaper. Your editor has asked you to write a short article about the gallery opening. Use your notes from ex. 7 to complete the article. Use passive forms.

Подводя итоги занятия, учитель просит учащихся оценить их работу на уроке.

I feel

Positive emotions

– Satisfaction

– Happiness

– Joy

– Success

Negative feelings

– Dissatisfaction

– Irritation

– Sadness

– Boredom


Because I …

… was not bored;

… worked hard;

… didn’t relax;

… answered properly;

… was active, emotional;

… fulfilled the tasks;

… was passive.


  1. Jenny Dooley, Virginia Evans Grammarway 4. — 1999
  2. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley New Round-up 6. — 2011.
  3. George Yule Oxford Practice Grammar. — 2006.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык, грамматический навык учащихся, комплекс заданий.

Ключевые слова

действительный залог, страдательный залог, утвердительная форма, отрицательная форма, вопросительная форма, вспомогательный глагол, смысловой глагол

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