To the question about the self-esteem of students when learning a foreign language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Хужаниязова, Г. Ю. To the question about the self-esteem of students when learning a foreign language / Г. Ю. Хужаниязова, Д. Н. Жумабаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 29.3 (133.3). — С. 50-52. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.10.2024).

Языковой портфель повышает мотивацию обучающихся, их ответственность за результат учебного процесса способствует развитию осознанного отношения к результатам обучения. Использование языкового портфеля помогает конкретизировать цели обучения иностранным языкам, помогает, исходя из самооценки обучающегося, его мотивации и потребностей, корректировать содержание обучения, находить индивидуальный подход к учащимся.

Ключевые слова: анализ, обсуждение, ролевая игра, языковой портфель, мотивацию, культурологические аспекты, межкультурная интерференция, аудирование.

Language portfolio increases the motivation of students; their responsibility for results of educational process contributes to the development of a conscious relationship to the learning outcomes. The use of the language portfolio helps to concretize the objectives of foreign language teaching, helps, based on the self-esteem of the student, his motivation and needs to adjust the content of training, to find an individual approach to students.

Key words: analysis,discussion, role play, language portfolio, motivation, cultural aspects, cross-cultural interference, listening.

Currently, there is an increasing need in the training of specialists in one area or another foreign language for the purpose of professional use in connection with the globalization of the modern society and the accompanying processes, expansion of international ties and contacts of representatives of different cultures. This leads to the need to focus on such things as raising the status of the student in the process of education and awareness of the student of personal responsibility for the results and outcome of the training that contributed to the emergence of the so called «portfolio», or portfolio which is the official certificate of competence knowledge of a foreign language. In the paper departs from the «common European framework of reference for languages: learning, teaching, assess». «Portfolio» is a document indicating the level of proficiency in a foreign language, regardless of where and how it was studied (in a group, with teacher or individually) [1] «Portfolio» (the European language portfolio consists of 3 parts: 1) language passport; 2) the language biography; 3) file. With the help of the developed questions, tables and self-assessment of language skills in the student has the opportunity to write what he knows and can do and what else he would like to be able to do, i.e., the student determines the level of their achievements in reading, speaking, listening, writing level А1до level C2. This kind of activity in the learning process, the teacher gives a subjective view about their success, i.e. along with the self-assessment language portfolio provides an assessment of the level of proficiency of the teacher: the student is able to compare and discuss teacher personal views on their successes and impressions of the teacher. Consider the position C1 «speaking dialogue»: the student should assess whether he knows how spontaneously and fluently, without experiencing difficulties in finding words to express their thoughts; to determine the difference between his speech with the variety of language means and accuracy of their use in situations of professional or everyday communication; does it accurately articulate their thoughts and express their opinions, to actively support the conversation; to identify whether it is to participate freely in any discussion and debate, possessing idiomatic and colloquial expressions to express fluently and to express all shades of meaning; and in the event of difficulties in the use of linguistic tools, be able to quickly paraphrase his statement [2]. It is obvious that such introspection and self-control necessary to have appropriate practice. The real opportunity for learning self-awareness is, in our view, the phase of reflection, role-playing, e.g., the organization of role-playing situations after viewing the video.

The use of video lessons plays a vital role in teaching foreign languages. With their help, improve pronunciation skills of students, particularly rhythm, melody, intonational making a speech, developing phonemic hearing and increases the amount of auditory memory. Videos contribute to the development of skills in listening, expanding its range, which in turn has a positive effect on the development of reading and speaking, as well as contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, as students relate to the video more as a means of entertainment than as a learning tool.

Modern videos are presented in such a way that the entire video is divided into several segments (3–4 min.), each fragment is demonstrated twice. Snippets of video interspersed with text explanations in a foreign language.

Experience shows that video plays a leading role in the transfer of nonverbal components of communication: gestures, facial expressions, style of dress, and is a powerful means of forming intercultural communicative competence.

When working with video great importance of the preparatory stage before watching the movie in a foreign language, organized by the teacher. Unfortunately, many students experience language difficulties, as well as intercultural perception prevents interference. Therefore, students need to prepare in advance to watch the movie. The task of the teacher is to remove the language difficulties and to explain cultural aspects that impede the perception. It is necessary to prepare comments, the vocabulary, to introduce the students to the explanation of some phenomena of culture that can be interesting for them. Of course, a similar preparation to the lesson requires a lot of time and attract a large number of sources.

The stage before viewing the video is the amount of information necessary for the perception, interpretation and, in the final stage, an adequate understanding of the film. At this stage, great importance is given to work with unfamiliar vocabulary. In this case, vocabulary can be divided into 3 groups:

1) Proper names and place names.

2) Unfamiliar words, without knowledge of which the text is impossible to understand.

3) International words whose meaning is easy to understand by context is usually new vocabulary is studied orally in the classroom. First of all, worked through the phonetic side of the language, subsequently, students use it in conversation with the teacher and in their own dialogues. Preferably, before viewing the video briefly to revise the learnt vocabulary. It is known that careful preparatory work provides an immediate understanding of the content of the video.

The preview stage is divided in the initial view (for a General understanding of the plot, the content of the film) and detailed view (aimed at formation of skills of listening, reading).

The first time you view the students express their views and assessment of what they saw, comment on the issues raised in the film.

Secondary (detailed view) it is important to take into account the time criterion, so it is recommended to view the movie in small snippets to remove the possible difficulties and a better understanding of the sociocultural component of foreign language film [3].

The main objective of the final phase — the results of the review, analysis and discussion, the organization of role-playing in groups with the use of the examined material. At this stage also offers different exercises such as: debate, discussion, exchange of opinions, development of various creative projects for students (writing reviews, critical articles), etc.

Thus, the role- play consists of three stages: preparatory, where a role-playing and verbal behavior of the participants, the actual game action, in which communicative tasks are solved, and the phase of reflection. In this context, a table of self-assessment can serve as reference points for reflection. An important role in understanding how to study effectively, with the greatest success, becoming the so-called metacognitive processes of students, allowing them to transcend their own teachings and look at it «from outside».

It is obvious that the language portfolio increases the motivation of students; their responsibility for results of educational process contributes to the development of a conscious relationship to the learning outcomes. The use of the language portfolio helps to concretize the objectives of foreign language teaching, helps, based on the self-esteem of the student, his motivation and needs to adjust the content of training, to find an individual approach to students.


  1. Abashina N. M. Portfolio, or the European language portfolio // a Collection: Foreign languages in economic universities, 2004, № 3.
  2. F. Cuny, A.-M. Johnson. «Portfolio» d’après Méthode de français «Belleville», CLE International, 2004. Pp.135–137.
  3. Video BBC — Language — Ma France:Shopping, 2007.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): языковой портфель, BBC, CLE.

Ключевые слова

анализ, Ролевая игра, ролевая игра, обсуждение, Языковой Портфель, аудирование, мотивацию, культурологические аспекты, межкультурная интерференция

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