Статьи по ключевому слову "technology" — Молодой учёный

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A method of forming lexical skills at training English language

Use of modern technologies in the foreign language lessons in primary education

Проблемы совершенствования инновационного образования и технологии его реализации

The importance of learning foreign language

Сrypto labels system and blockchain as a service for pharma industry

The use of innovative methods in education

Breakthrough technologies: crypto labels and blockchain for pharmaceutical industry

Blockchain technology for through-life asset management in the aviation/space/automobile industry

Development of critical thinking skills in modern digital world

The development of digital economy in Central Asia

Distance learning: technology of the future

Crypto labels technologies integrating blockchain with automotive industry

Effective application of pedagogical methods and technologies in music culture classes

Crypto labels reader ready for future blockchain technology

Improvement of mathematical knowledge of primary school students on the basis of modern technologies

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