Статьи по ключевому слову "students" — Молодой учёный

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Teaching Foreign Language to Preschool Children

Use of modern technologies in the foreign language lessons in primary education

The functional role of the national and cultural factors in teaching (learning) a foreign language

Социальное воспитание школьников в спортивно-игровой команде в условиях спортивно-ориентированного обучения в общеобразовательной школе

Development of critical thinking skills in modern digital world

Effectiveness of using the testing method in teaching English

Peculiarities of teaching monologue speech at Intermediate level of English proficiency

Ineffectiveness of using mother tongue (L1) in EFL classrooms

Innovative teaching methods for teaching reading to young learners using the PIRLS literacy resource

Challenges English foreign language teachers face during the development of students’ communicative competence

Classification of distance learning models

Concepts of student ability and motivation

Perception of students about cheating on exams

Media education is one of the most successful ways of teaching

Integrated foreign language lessons in higher educational institutions

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