Статьи по ключевому слову "society" — Молодой учёный

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Modern school and modern teacher concept

Psychological approach to Ralph Ellison’s “Invisible Man”: from Byronic to Dynamic

Problems of poverty in Russia

The influence of the media on the formation of public opinion

PR as a tool for shaping public opinion

The role of Mahalla Institution in strengthening the spiritual-behavior honors of the youth of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Women as a leading force of social life: feministic ideas in E. L. Voynich’s novels

Running an advertising campaign

The education concept of modern school in Uzbekistan

Public opinion management

Advertising attractiveness and its importance in advertising strategy

Migration through the lens of sociology

The casualties chemilization of agriculture of Fergana Villager. 1950–1985 years

The sociological support of the advertising campaign

Personality of manager and his spiritual features

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