Статьи по ключевому слову "education" — Молодой учёный

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Some issues of evaluation of teaching efficacy perception

Thinking type and age as factors influencing the learning of English by adults and children

Criteria and stages of development of educational resources for the applied sciences and humanities for children with disabilities

History of Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation

Having English classes with the means of ICT

Education as a Tool of the UAE’s Soft Power

Methods of teaching English language with innovation system in higher educational institutions

Reading as an activity in the educational process

Formation of student aesthetic competition by teaching the works of Russian classic composers in music culture classes

New educational trends in professional orientation of the younger generation

The source of developing intеllеctual ability

Musical science and its stages of development

Music and Museum

Reading sources for effective self-learning for PIRLS examination preparation

The function of social media in today's educational environment. Peculiarities of the use of social networks in the education of secondary school students

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