Статьи по ключевому слову "culture" — Молодой учёный

Отправьте статью сегодня! Журнал выйдет 27 июля, печатный экземпляр отправим 31 июля.

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Linguacultural analysis of Kazakh folk tales in translation aspect

Manifestation of interlingual verbal lacunarity through examples from different languages

Moral education of cadets in teaching English through culture

Study on cross-cultural communication in college English teaching

Basic philosophical aspects of comprehension of the phenomenon of mass culture

Characteristic peculiarities of translating social studies realities and terms

Intercultural linguistic personality from an ethnolinguistic and cultural perspective

History of formation of Latin language

Translators and bilinguals: theory and practice

Cultural aspects of historic-ethnographical research of local craftsmanship branches of Ganja

The legends of the facial chronicle as an irrefutable heritage of ancient russian culture

Integrated foreign language lessons in higher educational institutions

About cultural basis of investigation of typical features of some traditional craft kinds of Ganja

The creative direction of the Astana ballet theater and its role in the choreographic art of Kazakhstan

Intangible culture presentation in the museum

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