Статьи по ключевому слову "communicative competence" — Молодой учёный

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Formation of lexical skills in teaching foreign languages

Forming the communicative competence of learners at using the communicative technologies in the English lessons

The effect of modern pedagogical technologies in teaching foreign languages

Die Entwicklung der Fremdsprachlich-Kommunikativen Kompetenz Von Studierenden Aufgrund der Deutschen Sprichwörter

The impact of project-based learning on developing intercultural communicative competence at B1 level

Forming the communicative competence at the English lessons

How to Work with Students to Motivate Them to Learn English?

Some features of reading and speaking skills development of students in technical university at the process of teaching foreign languages

Using drama techniques for EFL classes

The method of developing communicative competence through authentic song materials

Creating a textbook in ESP on the basis of a professional discipline

How to Make University English Classes More Interactive

The formation of communicative competence in English lessons

The formation of communicative competence of bachelors in the university

Games at English Lessons in Primary Classes

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