Design of a solar battery-optimized environmental object | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Тоноян, С. С. Design of a solar battery-optimized environmental object / С. С. Тоноян, А. В. Логинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 10 (90). — С. 1542-1544. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

Keywords: multi-purpose bench, promotional board, small architectural form, system of solar batteries, electronic devices, urban environment.


The relevance of this work is caused by the need to stage comfortable small architectural forms in an urban environment and to arrange some equipment to charge electronic devices.

Objectives: this work is dedicated to the proposal of a conceptual solution to a solar battery-optimized environmental object, providing an electronic device charging, as well as to a lighting system for promotional boards that are on an environmental object.

Research methods: the conceptual design of small architectural forms; material selection and an object design engineering; studying the solar battery system operating procedures and the application of this system to the object; the layout of equipment to charge electronic devices and of promotional boards; graphics program design of a small architectural form appearance and layout in the urban environment.

Results: we designed a multi-purpose bench that is used in recreation areas and stopping points. It solves the problem of power supply shortage for today's electronic devices. This bench is an object of contemporary design, a recreational facility and a data carrier.

We live in the days of a large number of new electronic devices and devices to improve the standard of living. The main characteristics of these devices are portability, ergonomics and multi-functionality.

All kinds of electronic devices became our constant companions. However, this diversity requires a constant power supply. Therefore, there is a problem to charge all these devices.

Currently, this problem is not solved despite its relevance.

In our city there are quite a few recreational areas, where there is a need to provide a variety of modern device power supply systems. In addition, the city authorities promote the designer street project where there is a need in a small architectural object design.

A bench was chosen as a small architectural form object design.

In the course of the project, we had the idea to create a multi-purpose bench that will contain solar batteries providing the electronic device charging, as well as a lighting system for promotional boards.

Designing the bench it was necessary to create a framework where it would be possible to place solar batteries, sockets, a lighting source, promotional displays, light boxes or other data carriers. In addition, the designer took into account that this structure must withstand various mechanical stress.

We carried out some work to find a convenient module for the bench. At the sketching stage the module similar to the Latin letter “Z” is obtained.

Before we took this structure as a basis, we consulted design engineers to be confident in the possibility to build such a framework.

The structure consists of two modules, namely: a bench and a canopy. The canopy is a carrier of solar batteries, sockets, a lighting system and promotional modules.

The common frame is assembled from square tubes where the plastic panels, standard solar batteries, a LED panel and a light box (an interactive screen) [1], [2] are attached. The basis of the bench is also a square tube framework and metal panels for a more robust structure. The seat surface is made of wood.

Solar batteries are connected to a controller that transfers the energy to the storage battery. Then the power gets back from the storage battery to the controller. After that, it comes from the controller directly to promotional devices, sockets, a LED lighting [3] with an output power of 12 volts.

The study of all listed devices shows that solar batteries can be used even under Tomsk weather conditions.

The next stage was to design a form using Autodesk 3D Max Design software. We developed the model framework in volume to represent the object better. When the framework was designed, we started to search a better location for all listed devices.

There is a place for a litterbin on the bench (Fig. 1). In addition, if it is necessary, we can use this area for planting. [4]

Fig. 1. Autodesk 3D Max Design software


At the upper part of the bench inside the canopy, a heating system will heat the entire surface. Thus, in winter we will not have a problem with the accumulation of snow on the canopy.

When we considered all aspects of the model and made a decision where to place all devices in 3D graphics, we started to design an entire model. The 3D modeling gives a complete picture of the designed object shape and has an ability to convey the texture of selected materials taking into account the desired color.

Using the opportunities of Autodesk 3D Max Design, we simulated the rain and as a result, we tested the level of bench protection from the rain. The experiment showed that the width of the canopy is not enough to protect the bench from the rain, so it was subsequently expanded to that size that will eliminate this problem.

Above the sockets we installed a plastic panel that covers the socket surface, making it secure.

Using the three-dimensional graphics the model can be positioned anywhere in the city to see how the object looks in the urban environment. The modularity makes possible to connect some benches (two or more) in different compositional groups (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Two benches layout


In the course of work, we designed a multi-purpose bench that can be used in recreational areas and stopping points.

This designed object can solve the problem of power supply shortage for all kinds of modern gadgets. Our project can also become an object of modern design, a recreational area and a data carrier.

Nowadays there is no such a small architectural object that would provide an opportunity for free device charging, a free lighting in parks and the possibility to promote a product or information without any extra costs for electricity.

The price of such bench, according to preliminary estimates, can reach 35,000–40,000 rubles. A mass production cost can be lower.

We would like to believe that soon we will see this bench on the streets of Tomsk, and other cities.




1.                  LED screens and their characteristics. URL: (access date: 28.09.2014)

2.                  LED panels and their characteristics. URL: (access date: 10.10.2014)

3.                  Operation principle of solar batteries and their types. URL: (access date: 2.10.2014)

4.                  Somov Yu.S. Arrangement in technology [study guide], М.: Mechanical engineering, 1987. — 288 p.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): LED, URL.

Ключевые слова

Универсальная скамья, Рекламный щит, Малая архитектурная форма, Система солнечных батарей, электронные устройства, городская среда., multi-purpose bench, promotional board, small architectural form, system of solar batteries, electronic devices, urban environment

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