An increase in efficiency of marketing activity in food market grown in agriculture of Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Исматов, Р. О. An increase in efficiency of marketing activity in food market grown in agriculture of Uzbekistan / Р. О. Исматов, М. Х. Дадамирзаев, О. Т. Маллабаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2014. — № 4 (63). — С. 522-523. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

Recommendations according to the peculiarity of producing agricultural products in Uzbekistan, economic reforms in this field, developing markets of food product on the condition of economic modernization, to organize marketing activity and to increase productivity of it are given in the article.

Keywords:process of globalization, learning of market, strategy, marketing of food products, strategic resource, effectiveness, expense, exchange, segments of market, policy of selling service.

One of the main issues to be handled is to supply Uzbekistan with quality food products in the period of globalization that include food products of the world market. However, any country can achieve a stable economic growth by enhancing its economic power.

As a consequence of present economic reforms in Uzbekistan, the industry of mental recycling and mechanical engineering based on latest technologies reached to 121 %, industry of constructional materials was 113,6 %, light industry went to 113 %, food industry consisted of 109 % in 2013. Besides, manufacturing agricultural products grew to 2,3 times compared to 2000 year. Last year, the volume of production of agricultural products increased to 6,8 %, including peasantry 6,4 % and livestock 7,4 %. Production of grain grew to 2 times, potato 3,1 times, grapes 2 times, dairy products 2,1 and eggs 3,4 times.

Researching the market to supply the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan with food products, to conduct marketing research in this field and plan the strategies from gained results are predominant issues of the country.

In Uzbekistan the market condition of the products of food industry influences mutually to other markets as well. The reforms of selling manufactured products in certain places which were developed for a long time were accepted by population in accordance with objective and subjective reasons. Permanent attention is paid to food products attentively and, its growth indicators are regularly investigated by the government. Because, the great part of food products are considered to be and continue being the state’s strategic reserves. Besides, selling the food products which are grown in agriculture in certain places by population serves to satisfy the population’s demand that do not deal with production and growing them.

Growing food products in agriculture in the country is not only measured by high degree of socio-economic importance for production and its offer, but also the efficiency is considered to be the priority. As there is a limit based on physiological, historical, national, territorial, climatic and intellectual consumption of products, and supplying internal market with these products results in an increase of incomes of population, and there will not be over demand for these products. Consequently, the expenditures for the consumption of food products will decrease, and negative flexibility in revenues will be observed and more attentions will be paid to other products, the manufacture of goods and services will also be supported.

Recent years the concept of marketing of food products has been used often in market relations in food complex. One of the main reasons for paying attention is the great share of food products in total expenditures of population. Therefore, the activity of marketing is crucial for supplying population with food products. Economic scientist J. Rodes states: “Marketing-the scope of actions covering all processes starting from the raw materials of food and technology of households of agriculture from farmer to consumers”.

A specialist on food products of marketing G. V. Astrova uses the concept “so as to know” in order to supply the consumer of food products with full information and he says that in this way we can determine the information that draws attention of customer to qualitative food products. Such an approach is very urgent for the activity of farmers of economic developed countries and effective mechanisms have already developed.

In the condition of Uzbekistan, the main share of food products which are delivered to population is trade, and primarily, considering the responsibility for the exchange organized in consumer market, it is derived from present demands in the points of marketing.

Because, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to claim that it wasn’t spoken much about consumer marketing in present scientific researches carried out. That’s why our goal is to focus attention on this problem and we state that the establishing of retail trade marketing, commerce process taking place in different areas, will attract the engaged and new subjects. In this way we can enhance the prestige of market.

We think, it is reasonable to keep following basic conditions of goals and objectives of marketing activity in the market of food products grown in agriculture.

-          achievement of proper information support in marketing department, market research on the basis of gained sufficient and up-to-date information, establishing of the contact between consumers and sellers;

-          Setting up the rationally established organizational structure of food products market, number of qualified and well organized staff, relationships of market employees and their coordinated actions;

-          Use of effective methods of activity from growing until consuming in the market of food products;

-          Determination of development perspective of food market and its constant improvement;

-          Adopting managerial decisions based on being informed of the condition of development of food market;

-          Determination of prospective ways and methods of trade in food market;

Organizing of marketing activity in the market of food products grown in agriculture directly concerns the offer all necessary facilities for sellers and selling in the territory of the market. The main aim of this activity is to supply the customers with quality cut-price food products, and to improve the financial-economic activity of the market.

By reason of various factors and opportunities existing in the activity of food products market in the territory of Uzbekistan, market segment can be different as well. Classifying of segmentation indicators on the basis of different factors follows from the modern social-demographic, social economic development conditions. Segments of food market are of decisive importance in trade organization and in detecting of its development indexes. It is proved in practice that in many cases the price formation depends on the size of city, on the grade of population’s income and others.

Great number of market segments follow from the feature of mastering carried actively out by people and as a result recurrent production will occur.

The amount, price and scope of goods selling in the market for food industry products grown in agriculture are different in various situations and conditions. They are connected with some specific features of this market. The features are:

-          Separate markets can’t pursue one-price policy;

-          Selling price of goods is fixed proceeding from the expenses of seller, his money needs and market conjuncture;

-          Food market can’t pursue sales policy in its own territory and can’t control the scale of goods for sale in proper area;

-          Food market can’t pursue unified advertisement policy, encouragement measures are considered to be the task of each person;

Hence, on the basis of above mentioned facts we can conclude followings:

-          Under market relations the categories of trade and market, and their essence will increase. Especially, the market of food products grown in agriculture needs investment in Uzbekistan’s economy; there are sufficient resources and possibilities for its development;

-          As a principal component part of food market the trade development of agricultural food products is an objective necessity. Availability of market, mentality, customs and traditions, lifestyle, striving for effort, and existing commerce activity, its own place and role in the development of economy reveals its essence;

-          It is essential to generalize the international experience in formation and improvement process of food marketing policy in state regulation of agricultural sector, its general principles and advantages;

-          Following the marketing activity in food market means to consider the market specific features and pursue high class service for sellers and consumers.


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2. Karimov I. A. The report devoted to the results of socio-economic development in 2013 and main guidelines of economic program for 2014. Halq so’zi, 2014, № 13.

3. Aaker D., and others. Marketing research. 7th edition. Translation from English/edited by Bojuk.-SPb.: Piter, 2004.

4. Fatkhutdinov R. A. Strategic marketing. Textbook for institutes of higher education. 3rd edition.-SPb.: Piter, 2003.

Ключевые слова

Процесса глобализации, Изучение рынка, стратегия, Маркетинг продуктов питания, Стратегический ресурс, эффективность, расходы, обмен, Сегменты рынка, Политика продажи услуг., Effectiveness, process of globalization, learning of market, strategy, marketing of food products, strategic resource, expense, exchange, segments of market, policy of selling service

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