It's no secret that sports are currently developing at lightning speed. In any sport, literally every coach and teacher is puzzled by the improvement of their student's game, and at the international level, even a slight increase in technical, tactical or psychological terms brings huge benefits in competitions.
In table tennis, each element is truly unique, each athlete has his own individual style, technique that helps him win competitions, but one of the most important technical elements in table tennis is undoubtedly the serve. Like any individual game sport, table tennis is a technically challenging sport. Due to the vast number of technical elements, this sport is considered incredibly demanding in their execution, so athletes have been honing each element for years to bring them to perfection.
Keywords: table tennis, ping pong, serve in table tennis, role of serving.
Unfortunately, not all athletes and coaches understand the importance of submission. In my practice, I also paid insufficient attention to the serve, which consequently led to an unfavorable result in competitions. As soon as you get into a fight with a stronger or equal opponent, literally every element of the game is important, and among them, of course, is the serve, which in my opinion is one of the fundamental ones for winning competitions.
The feed varies in components, such as: speed, rotation, and hit accuracy. Athletes, honing their serve for hours in training, purposefully improve each such component. But one way or another, the effectiveness of the feed will depend more on its accuracy.
Why is the accuracy of the hit the main component of the feed?
The main element of the pitch in training is the accuracy of hitting the pitch at the intended point by the player. The realization of this task is associated with the learning process, where it is necessary to instill such skills that are fundamental and will allow at subsequent stages of training to form more complex motor activity that meets the modern requirements of table tennis.
Communicating with highly qualified athletes at competitions, I came to the conclusion that for them, serving is the main element of the game, which they work hard on every training session. They work out both the feed speed and rotation on them, but they devote most of their time to the accuracy of the feed. You can give a strong spin to the ball, or serve it quickly, but all this will be useless if the serve is fast, according to which the opponent will be able to make an attack. At the level of qualified athletes and above, there is always an attack on long serves, so it is important to serve in the part of the table that will be most difficult for the receiver and, accordingly, the pitcher gets an advantage in attack. That's why it's so important to be able to serve accurately. Studying and analyzing the work of leading experts in the field of table tennis, it can be noticed that the authors in their works do not even mention the accuracy of the serve and how to improve it, and in general, little attention is paid to the serve in literary sources.
Based on this, we decided to create a technique to improve the accuracy of the feed, and test its effectiveness in practice.
Main part
The study was conducted from July to April of the academic year 2022–2023 on the basis of the National Research University «BelSU» in the sports complex «Burevestnik», as well as in «AVTODORSTROY».
The study included 3 consecutive and interrelated stages:
The first stage (July-August 2022). Collection of preliminary information on the status of the issue in the literature and in practice Analysis and generalization of literature data and documentary materials. In my work, I relied most of all on the works of G. V. Barchukova, who is the most popular author of many books on table tennis. Books on the psychophysiological characteristics of students were also analyzed, modern methods of improving serves in table tennis were considered. On the basis of the studied material, the purpose and objectives of the study were formulated, methods were defined.
The second stage (September — April 2023). The stage began with the testing of the national team of the National Research University «BelSU» in table tennis. The testing was carried out at the beginning of the academic year. After testing, we implemented the technique we developed to improve the accuracy of serves in the training process. And at the end of the school year, the national team was tested to compare the results with the beginning of the school year. Data processing was performed, as well as a comparison of the results of the beginning of the academic year and the end of the academic year.
The third stage (April-May 2023). This stage included the final systematization of information, analysis and generalization of literary sources, processing of test results, development of conclusions and recommendations.
Improving the feed is a really difficult process, as is improving any technical element. Absolutely every element that is involved in the execution of the feed is important, these are the muscles of the arms and legs, the eye and attention. Based on the results, we see an increase in the group due to the use of our methodology. The arithmetic mean value when feeding with the «left» style was increased from 5.562 to 6.218. When feeding with the «fan» style, the indicators improved from 5.187 to 5.343. When feeding with the «pendulum» style, the indicators improved from 4.375 to 5.821. The overall increase in pitch accuracy was 16 % of the figures at the beginning of the year. These results indicate the effectiveness of the methodology we have created. Thanks to our methodology, we were able to improve the accuracy of the serve of the tennis players who are part of the national team of the National Research University «BelSU».
In the course of a comprehensive theoretical and practical consideration of the problem, we came to the following conclusions:
- Based on the analysis of specialized literature on the problem of technical training of athletes, we identified a lack of information on how to improve the serve, there were only practical recommendations and described the technique. Therefore, we decided to develop this technique.
- The developed technique proved to be effective. We saw this increase in each serve of each athlete.
- The results of mathematical processing of the data obtained at the end of the experiment allow us to assert the effectiveness of the developed methodology for improving the accuracy of serves in table tennis for students who are members of the national team of the National Research University «BelSU».
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