Design and practice of the APP of let’s exercise together — a college student’s innovation and entrepreneurship project | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №51 (185) декабрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 21.12.2017

Статья просмотрена: 34 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Li Yan, Ma Ruiqin, Qi Xiang. Design and practice of the APP of let’s exercise together — a college student’s innovation and entrepreneurship project // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — №51. — С. 285-289. — URL: (дата обращения: 29.12.2017).

In this era of rapid development of the Internet, «Internet + Sport» is also spawning more sport APPs. The project team conducts research on exercise-related data. Through the design of questionnaires, distributing to different social strata, age groups to conduct a survey, the feedback results were analyzed and summarized. The existing sports app on the market was downloaded and compared with the designed «Let’s Exercise Together» APP. Finally, response measures and the next step is proposed.

Keywords: APP, Internet + sports, meet the exercise


The sport application (APP) is the product of the Internet era. It gained public recognition and love, set off a national fitness upsurge. By combining online and offline, the sport APP promotes people's understanding of their movements, abilities, and exercise load. Its social function has also become an important reason for people to choose sports APP. Therefore, in 2017, the project team applied for the project of «Let’s Exercise Together», the innovation and entrepreneurship training program for undergraduates and the support of Jilin Province.

1. Preliminary project design

After project establishment, in order to carry out the project better, the project team conducted a series of pre-design and concluded the feasibility theoretical basis of the project.

(1)Information Research

The project team collected information on the combination of exercise and the Internet at first.Then, the paper summarizes the current situation of the demand for the combination of the Internet and sports and the theoretical basis for the feasibility of the project. It also points out the shortcomings in the current research and further improves the project plan.

(2)Questionnaire design

The project team designed the questionnaire and distributed it online, and analyzed the collected questionnaire data to determine the content of the next step.

Table 1

The questionnaire of APP

1.Your gender

Basic survey of personal information

2.Your age

3.Your highest level of education

4.Your occupation or position status

5.Do you like sports?

Understand people's likes and dislikes about sports

6.Do you have regular exercise in your life?

The frequency of exercise

7.What do you think is preventing you from exercising?

Explore the reasons that hinder people's exercises

8.How many people do you like to exercise together?

Understand people's preferences for the number of sports participants

9.Who do you usually exercise with?

Usually exercise partner

10.In the case of acquaintances absent, can you accept with strangers to exercise?

An important point in the APP is to understand people's perceptions and acceptance of meetingtogether exercises

11.Did you Used some kinds of sport APP.

Understand the prevalence of sport APP currently available

12.What is the best sport APP you have ever experienced?

Understand the best sports app in the eyes of the general public, explore the causes, and learn the good places to improve the current project design deficiencies

13.What are the features of sports app you use more?

Check up the concept of project functionQueQue, improve and improve

14.Whether sports APP used to meet the needs of people that you want to move with the?

Find missing features in project ideas

15.Are you willing to make friends by using sports apps?

Understand the attitude of the function sports making friends

16.Would you like to use the APP that shows you the same sports with others?

Understand the overall level of acceptance people have about sport APP

(3)Experiencing the sports APP available on the market

The project team experiences sports APPs that are already in use on the market. In addition to WeChat, QQ and Alipay, we also download sports-themed APPs to understand their functional distribution. In the meantime, we should further consider how to uniquely reflect the project theme of «dating exercises» while enjoying the advantages of using existing sports APPs.

2. Implementing the project

The project team carried out the project in different aspects.

(1)The current research progress

Project team has completed the preparatory work for the project. The project framework and design questionnaire have been established. Survey questionnaires have been completed and recovered.

The team has conducted statistical analysis on the collected questionnaire data, made theoretical improvements to the existing problems in the project, and improved the theoretical feasibility of the project.

(2)The current stage results

①Information Research

The project members collected relevant information about sports and the Internet, sorted out and summed up the current demand for the combination of the Internet and sports, provided preliminary data preparation for the project, and provided theoretical basis for the feasibility of the project. Data analysis and finishing are as follows:

A. In the first half of 2017, China Mobile Internet Development Big Data showed that the DAU in the sports health market are growing clearly [1]. The sport was getting more and more attention in people's lives. With the popularization of mobile internet, the APP of the internet + sports has a good development possibility. The sports APP makes the training can be transferred online from offline and provides great convenience [2].

B. People who really love sports rarely use sports APPs. Users are mainly people who do not usually love sports. Because these APPs address the psychological needs people show off in social software. It's hard to maintain just to satisfy your vanity [3].

C. The main functions of the current exercise APP vary greatly in the degree of satisfaction among different types of people and the preference of the function. Professional sports students generally believe that the existing sports APP less professional, providing quality of service is not high. Ordinary students hold a positive attitude toward sports APP, believing that their data are reliable and can provide relatively professional services [4]. Most users are young people, with less utilization of the elderly [5].

D. There are a lot of sports apps in the app market, but their functionality is not very different. Each sports APP covers the sports record, record details, social and other functional sections. The difference is mainly in the layout design and ease of use [6].

②Conducting surveys

The project team designed the questionnaire to conduct an extensive online survey. Statistical analysis of the questionnaire led to the following conclusions:

A. Of the 251 respondents, «no companion» accounted for the majority of the reasons for the small amount of physical activity except «no time».

Figure 1. The reasons why respondents feedback less daily exercise.

B. 21.91 % of respondents prefer single-player sports, 31.08 % prefer double sports, 21.91 % prefer three to five sports and 25.10 % prefer a group of sports. It is show that about three-quarters of respondents like multiplayer sports.

Figure 2. The respondents tended to join together in sports

C. Respondents who were willing to exercise with strangers accounted for 34.66 % when they could not find an acquaintance to sport together; 40.64 % as the case may be; and 24.70 % did not want to go with strangers.

Figure 3. Acceptance degree of exercise with strangers

D. The data collected on the question «If you have an app that can exercise with others, are you willing to use?" show 45.02 % of respondents can try and take up the majority, 37.05 % are willing, and only 17.93 % are unwilling.

Figure 4. The propensity degree of respondents to use dating sports APP

The above analysis of the survey data provided theoretical necessity and feasibility of the project.

③Project team experience «YUE DONG QUAN» and «KEEP» sports APP

The project team selected two sports APPs, the most popular «YUE DONG QUAN», and «KEEP» with the largest increase in user scale, mentioned in China Mobile Internet Development Analysis Report in the first half of 2017.

The «YUE DONG QUAN» APP includes walking, running, cycling, fitness. It is characterized by red envelopes reward to drive users to complete the relevant activities and tasks. There are many games, including online and offline, there are also related courses to provide learning. The APP has its own online store. The «keep» APP requires registrants to fill in basic information, including height and weight, as well as options for the purpose of choosing a sport, in order to recommend suitable exercise classes for registrants. APP features include a friend ranking, a variety of course teachings and experiences, health training and diet knowledge. The features in common of KEEP and YUE YUN DON Gare the types of exercise have similar and have their own online store. Although KEEP has the ability to search nearby, all members of the project team feel that the nearby function can not date sports.

It can be seen from the experiences that currently the most used sports APPs include sports such as fitness, running, running, etc., those do not have the nature of sport that needs people to work together to accomplish. The experience shave demonstrated the uniqueness of the APP project of Let’s Exercise Together in accomplishing multi-person sports.

3. Assumption of the following work

(1)To explore techniques that ensure accurate positioning information for participants of dating sports, as well as conduct a full-process orientation of participants throughout the exercise to enhance their sense of security.

(2)Reminder function will be added to the APP. For those who have data sports successfully, the reminder function would shorten the preparation time. If one party fails to appoint, the APP can promptly notify the other party to cancel the activity.

This article is a stage result of 2017 college student innovation and entrepreneurship training project, Let’s Exercise Together, supported by Jilin Province Department of Education.


  1. 《2017年上半年中国移动互联网发展分析报告》 [R].Trustdata移动大数据监测平台 2017:7
  2. 吴若熙,王庆军.《体育健身类APP的发展现状、问题及对策研究》 [J].山东体育学院学报,2015(4).
  3. 孙翼飞,郝一萍.《在运动App“气喘吁吁”》 [J].人民周刊,2016(5).
  4. 石璞.《在不同类型大学生对运动健身类APP的选择研究——以北京体育大学学生为例》 [J].体育世界(学术版)2016(2).
  5. 上官晨.《体育健身类APP与全民健身》 [J].江西省体育科学学会,2016(3).
  6. 蓝色.《生命在于运动4款热门运动APP对比体验》 [J].个人电脑,2015(10).
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): APP, YUE, DONG, QUAN, KEEP, DAU, DON, YUN.

Ключевые слова

APP, Internet + sports, meet the exercise

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