Peculiarities of teaching monologue speech at Intermediate level of English proficiency | Статья в сборнике международной научной конференции

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Рубрика: 24. Педагогика

Опубликовано в

LX международная научная конференция «Исследования молодых ученых» (Казань, май 2023)

Дата публикации: 08.05.2023

Статья просмотрена: 40 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Искакова, Д. К. Peculiarities of teaching monologue speech at Intermediate level of English proficiency / Д. К. Искакова. — Текст : непосредственный // Исследования молодых ученых : материалы LX Междунар. науч. конф. (г. Казань, май 2023 г.). — Казань : Молодой ученый, 2023. — С. 50-53. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.07.2024).

Intermediate level of English proficiency (B1) implies the ability to speak more fluently, be able to talk about simple topics in a foreign language and understand original speech by ear. Speech is the main instrument of communication between people. The expressive, logically built, structural speech of each person shows his cultural and intellectual development, and is also one of the components of critical thinking. Monologue speech is a slightly more complex type of coherent speech, and begins to form in children from about 5 years old. At the intermediate level of learning, the main task is to improve the communicative core or fundamental skills of foreign language communication. Improving communication skills makes it possible to independently solve communicative and cognitive tasks, including the ability to express a personal opinion to perceived information.

Keywords: monologue speech, intermediate level, communication skills, teacher, students.

Monologue speech is the oral speech of one person, which implies a more or less detailed form of his thoughts, intentions, assessment of different events, etc. Accordingly, the monologue statement is divided into the following types: monologue — message; monologue — description; monologue — reasoning; monologue — narration; monologue — persuasion. They are determined by the context and adverbs of time (usually, then, yet, often, ever), adverbs expressing sequence (firstly, next, consequently, meanwhile), as well as by combining speech patterns in accordance with the goals and conditions of communication.

At the beginning level of teaching English, the teacher faces on the objective of generating interest and arousing the desire of students to learn English. The teacher must form a lexical minimum for students and gradually expand it, explain how to build statements using the learned vocabulary.

After studying at the pre-intermediate level, moving to the intermediate level, the student is already familiar with such types of statements: monologue-narration, story, monologue-description, monologue-reasoning and it is assumed that the student understands how to distinguish these types, and how appropriate to apply the previously described adverbs. At the intermediate level of education, the process of developing knowledge, skills and abilities, creating a base for the formation of other types of speech activity begins. Requirements for monologue speech at the intermediate level of language learning:

– Be able to give short statements about facts and events, using such communicative types of speech as description/characterization, narration/message, emotional and value assertion;

– Be able to present a summary, the main ideas of what was read;

– Retell the read/heard text;

– Express and argue your opinion to what you have read.

Teaching monologue speech goes through three stages.

At the first stage of learning, language skills are trained, which are subsequently practiced to automatism. The student learns the correct use of phonetic, lexical and grammatical material. For example, the teacher determines the topic «Travel», and students in turn give statements on this topic with the obligatory use of previously learned vocabulary or grammatical patterns.

At the second stage of learning, students learn the correct selection of language material and the selection of language tools which will correspond to the purpose of communication. The focus is on the logical connection of the spoken phrases. For example, if the statements were too simple, slightly off-topic, inconsistent, like «I would like to visit New Delhi. My favorite Indian actress is Aishwarya Rai. I have always liked Indian culture».

The third stage is characterized by an increase in the extent of utterance and a focus on the initiative of speech. Now the student must include elements of argumentation in his speech. Also, it is necessary to develop a longer meaningful statements and, accordingly, of a better quality. For example, expand simple sentences and then they will look like this: «I found out about Bollywood when I was 15 years old, I saw a movie «Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam» starring Aishwarya Rai. After that, I get interested in Indian culture, which has excited me for many years. As soon as I have the opportunity to travel, the first thing I will do is fly to the capital of India, New Delhi».

– To train a monologue utterance, the teacher uses exercises that are contribute to the development of logical thinking, the formation of skills and abilities of structural construction of speech. For example:

– Form complex sentences from simple sentences;

– Complete the statements using the suggested options or your own opinion;

– Choose the appropriate arguments for these theses, given below, or come up with your own arguments;

– Explain the reason...;

– Prove that...;

– Look at the picture and describe who you see, what situation is happening, what circumstances are around, how you feel about it etc.;

– Listen to the audio / watch the video and express your opinion about what is happening, events, etc.

The formation of reasoned monologue speech should be systematically developed, overcome various difficulties in the process, train with the help of specially selected exercises and constant oral practice. It is necessary to follow the goal competently, logically, structurally express thoughts. Also, not the last place is occupied by the teacher's correct setting of the motivational aspect for learning English for students. As a result, students should understand the importance, learn to the ability to build monologue speech and appropriately combine language tools and learn how to use the language as a way of communication.


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  3. Королева Елена Владимировна, Конышева Юлия Романовна Использование метода сторителлинг при обучении монологической речи на уроках английского языка // Проблемы современного педагогического образования. 2022. № 76–4. URL:

Ключевые слова

students, teacher, monologue speech, communication skills, intermediate level