The idea of patriotism in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Аллагулыева, Алтын. The idea of patriotism in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy / Алтын Аллагулыева, Айгуль Аннанурова, Джемал Атамурадова, Мехрибан Мухамметгулыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 19 (466). — С. 649-650. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

Keywords: patriotic poet, unity, integrity, humanitarianism, spirituality, poetic creativity.

Magtymguly Magtymguly, a great figure of classical Turkmen literature, dedicated his entire meaningful life and passionate talent to his beloved people, loved his country, the Motherland from the bottom of his heart, and considered its honor higher than anything else, a true patriotic poet.

Magtymguly Pyragy is one of the poets who have a high reputation among our people as a jeweler of verbal art. A poet's literary legacy is a bottomless ocean beyond which nothing can be seen.

The creativity of the great thinker Magtymguly Pyragy, who entered the world literature's treasure trove and bequeathed his wonderful, indelible works to his generation, is multi-faceted, and calls to friendship, unity, and unity are resounding in him with the vassal of the homeland.

The creativity of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great speech master of the Turkmen people, is wide and multifaceted. In the poet's poems of wisdom, wonderful lines such as loyalty to the motherland, people, pure morals, noble spirit, humanitarianism, and looking to the future with confidence have found their rightful place.

Magtymguly lived in a turbulent and complicated time. Breathing in the air of that time, the poet Jovher always called the country and its people to unity and unity with his wise and rational thoughts and called them to fight to build a unified state. Shahyr says this in his poem «Turkmenin»:

Cooked in a pan,

The fate of the Turkmen...

he stated.

At that time, Magtymguly fought for the unification of Turkmen and the establishment of a unified state. The main idea in Magtymguly's patriotic poems is the people and their fate, the Motherland and its independence.

In his poems, Magtymguly often addresses the issues of patriotism, independent state, unity and peaceful living. The destiny of the people, the creation of a unified Turkmen state by uniting the heads of the mountain tribes are reflected in his creativity.

Dear friend, I ran into the house.

I went into the river, I fell in the waves,

Don't be disrespected

A stable state will

the poet wanted a stable state and became a champion of the people's opinion, he believed in the future, he believed in the future of good days for the life of the people.

During the reign of Magtymguly in the 18th century, the Turkmen people were oppressed by foreign invaders. The people were looted, boys and girls were taken captive, cattle were stolen.

The wise poet lamented the state of the people. Throughout his life, he dreamed of the creation of an independent Turkmen state.

In the poem «The Five of Us»:

Turkmens come together

Dry Gulzumy, river Nile,

A goat, a goat, a goat, a goat,

If we serve one state, five of us -

put forward very important ideas. He strongly believed that Turkmens become a great power when they are united, they can give a strong response to the enemy, and if this is done, the wise poet can trust the country's building.

Our great patriotic poet to get rid of foreign robbers:

Pyragy will appeal to the Turkmen country,

Let not the enemy touch the red rose -

addressed to his people with the call.

Akhildar's poems are a classic school for developing great qualities such as patriotism, heroism, bravery, and bravery in youth. It is a sacred duty to love the country and to protect it as long as possible. Poem:

After suffering years of sojourn,

The year is good, whether the bear is destroyed or destroyed.


In other countries before walking to Mestana,

Lifelong alienation.

In the lines, the sanctity of the Motherland is described. These lines, which are full of words and give spiritual strength, echo as a celebration of the sacredness of the Motherland. As a true patriot, Magtymguly was happy for the Turkmen country, its beautiful nature, wealth, and brave men.

In the poems of the cities, the characters of brave, brave, young men were widely reflected. This is true but not true. Because in the image of the brave young men, the qualities of the leading people of the time who love their homeland, fight for its peace, live with the care of the nation are expressed.

Magtymguly loved his homeland and placed it in a higher place. He showed a great example of love and loyalty to the country. The wise poet advises to always love the Motherland and protect it faithfully, in his poem «Don't leave»:

Come, my love, let me advise you,

Don't leave the country.

You don't care about others,

Don't be a servant in the service -

he paid special attention to training young patriots who could attack the enemy at any time.

The great Turkmen building dreamed of by Pyragy shines in the world today. The foundation of that building is firm, and its pillars will not be shaken. Magtymguly's poems are studied and read not only in our country, but also in many countries of the world. Poems of the poet are very important not only for the Turkmen people, but also for the ideas that protect and support the common interests.

Today, our Turkmen people living in our stable state live in the shadow of that strong building, under a peaceful sky, on a peaceful land, growing and changing day by day. May Pyragy's dream of the Turkmen state live peacefully and continue forever!


  1. K. M. Kuliev. “Makhtumkuli” — Magaryph, 1987
  2. “Folk novels about Makhtumkuli ” — TDNG, 1959
  3. Makhtumkuli’s lyrics world and world languages — TDNG, 2014
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TDNG.

Ключевые слова

spirituality, Unity, patriotic poet, integrity, humanitarianism, poetic creativity
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