The use of poetic stylistic devices in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Баймырадова, С. А. The use of poetic stylistic devices in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy / С. А. Баймырадова, А. А. Бабаниязова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 316-317. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

Keywords: creative works, poetic world .

During the period of the Revival of a New Era of a Powerful State, famous personalities of the Turkmen people, the life and work of our classical poets are scientifically studied, and their precious heritage is available to our people.

During the preparation for Magtymguly Pyragy's 300th anniversary, more attention was paid to the thinker's creativity. In order to study the creative world of the poet in detail, scientific and practical consultations, forums at the national, regional and international levels are held, books, manuals and collections of the poet are published. Approaches to teaching the poet's creativity to students in the educational system — in general education institutions — acquire a new meaning. In this article, we aimed to consider the possibility of solving educational problems of our time in connection with Magtymguly's creativity. In connection with this, it would be correct to use the president's concern for the Turkmen youth, the policies he promotes, wise ideas based on the Turkmen national education as the main source of lessons.

When teaching the creativity of wise Magtymguly, love for the Revival period of the new epoch of Powerful state should be created and Turkmen national qualities should be brought up in the students. Students should be deeply taught the importance of the President's contribution to our national heritage, the policy related to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker of the East, the image of the sage Magtymguly in the works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, his will and his educational and educational significance. The richness of artistic turns of the poet's poems, the depth of meaning, and the variety of forms of poetic composition mean that studying (teaching) his creativity should be approached with special care. In general, when studying the poet's creativity, it should be appreciated that he shows the political and life conditions of his time, the life of the people, addresses the global issues of his time, and is able to use the artistic means of the language of his time. This is even more important when studying the work of a genius like Magtymguly.

A literature teacher should pay special attention to each of his lessons when he teaches works dedicated to the cultivation of high moral, spirited young people who encourage loyalty to our Motherland. Analyzing a literary work is a basic form of working on a work of art. After providing information about the writer's biography and creativity, his creative path is studied. In accordance with the curriculum, his individual works are thoroughly analyzed. Before proceeding to the analysis of the work of art, it is necessary to determine how well the students know the work, whether they have read it, and before the analysis of the work, an hour or a half of the lesson should be devoted to preparing for the analysis of the work. In literature lessons, students should gain a clear understanding of life events and develop language and writing skills. The following principles can be used to analyze the work. 1. The principle of historicity. In the work of art, life events, events, and the author's emotional impressions from life are presented in a descriptive manner. The story in the work describes the life of a specific historical period. For example, the thinker Magtymguly describes the historical situation of his time in his patriotic poems, that is, the dreams of the Turkmen people to unite and build a strong state.

For example:

If all Turkmens joined forces at one place,

They would make the Red Sea and the Nile dry.

Tekke, Yomud, Goklen, Yazyr, Alili,

If five (all) of us served a single state

In this he wanted to explain the dream of the Turkmen people to have a unified state through his lines. 2. The principle of unity of content and image. In a work of art, content and image are closely related. Therefore, content and image must be taught. Content is the writer's chosen theme from life, the idea and image it expresses, and the image is the structure, artistic language, style and genre of the work. First, the writer selects material from life. It then finds the appropriate image to reveal it. The richer the content of the work, the more the image is compatible with it, the society and the reader perceive it as an interesting and valuable work. If a work of art has historical content and image, its national status is preserved forever. For example, wise thoughts, patriotism, heroism, life, advice, criticism, love-friendship, praise of nature (landscape) lyrics, philosophical poems.

The great Magtymguly Pyragy is a poet-philosopher who deeply thinks about the future of the Turkmen people and humanity, their peaceful, halal, decent and responsible life. The analysis of the poet Magtymguly is very thorough and innovative. Combining mystical and rational understanding in his spiritual development, he takes a new approach to thinking about society, thinks about man's ability to transform society, and puts forward new ideas about it. As Magtymguly reached a new level in the spiritual development of the poet, a fundamental change in his worldview began. The result of that transformation is evident in the poet's concern about the real life of people and trying to find ways to improve the Turkmen society based on national values.

Magtymguly is a poet who admonished the people to fully understand the meaning of every word used in the language with a very wise understanding.

When talking about the stylistic language of Magtymguly's works, the fact that his poems are written in the language spoken by the Turkmen people and that the words that are incomprehensible to the people are not used is one of the main things to emphasize. No matter what poem of the poet you read, it is not difficult to make sure that it is written in the language of the people, in a language that is understandable to the people.

True, Magtymguly skillfully uses Arabic and Persian languages ​​in his poems. He often uses Arabic-Persian words to correct the number of syllables in the lines of his poem, or when he uses a word in the lexicon of the Turkmen language in the same stanza, and when he needs to use the same word again, he uses it as a synonym, because the same word is used twice in the same stanza. if the use of inappropriate repetition, on the other hand, deteriorates the artistry of the poem. But these cases, typical of the artistic creation of the great poet, confirm how perfect a master he is.

One of the main reasons for the high artistic level of Magtymguly's poems is his skillful use of the artistic means available in the language.


  1. Magtymguly Pyragy's poetic world and world languages. — A: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2014
  2. Annagurban Asyrov. Commentary on Magtymguly manuscripts. — 2014
  3. Magtymguly. — Ashgabat, 1977.

Ключевые слова

creative works, poetic world
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