The importance of Magtymguly's poetry in upbringing young generation | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Акиева, Л. Д. The importance of Magtymguly's poetry in upbringing young generation / Л. Д. Акиева, А. С. Акмаммедова, С. С. Реджепова, А. М. Мухаммедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 38 (485). — С. 36-37. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

Keywords: humanity, courage, wisdom, patriotism, morality.

Magtymguly Pyragy, the great thinker and poet of the Turkmen people, is not only the founder of classical Turkmen literature, but also one of the prominent figures in Turkmen and world literature. Magtymguly's literary heritage has been living in the minds of our people for centuries as an example of humanity, courage, wisdom, patriotism, morality, and wisdom with his wonderful works of wisdom. Magtymguly left many of his poems on various themes, such as patriotism, unity, friendship, advice, courage, to our literary creativity. The creativity of Magtymguly Pyragy is a source of inspiration for us. In educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, the poetic poems of our poet are a source of merit and a school of education.

The service of Magtymguly Pyragy's creativity in educating young people is also very great. Through his works, our poet repeats the principles of diligence, generosity, honesty, purity, honesty, loyalty to friends, and humanitarianism.

Magtymguly Pyragy, the leader of many lyricists of the Turkmen people on the path of great history, awakens a national spirit in the soul of every person and forms the attitudes of spiritual purity by talking about human life.

In Magtymguly's poems, nationality, national spirit, and national feelings determine the humanitarian qualities of a person, and he reveals these signs in the meaning. Courage, patriotism, honor, cleanliness, purity of soul, compassion for nature and its creatures, respect for the big and small, loyalty, kindness, gentleness, prudence, decency, keeping humanism in all circumstances. Sheydibem's national-spirited concepts, perfect attitudes revealed that his dignity was not lost in the blood of Magtymguly.

The poet's national poems are a great spiritual force in human life. The ideas expressed in the poems, their significance, and their consequences, are the path of upbringing in life. The works that enrich the spiritual world of a person and give him aesthetic pleasure are the foundations of national education. The poet's poems describe life events, various events, human interaction and moral norms.

There is no doubt that the literature has a very effective influence on the human mind, especially on the mind of the young generation that is being formed as an individual. For example, the life, patriotism-heroism, admonition, horse-beauty, love-nature themes are abundant in the work of Magtymguly Pyragy, a great philosopher-poet whose world of poetry is equal to Jemshid's cup. His poems about the country, heroism, country, unity and integrity occupy one of the most prominent places in his creativity.

Magtymguly is considered the joy and pride of the Turkmen people, he is recognized as a poet of the past, present and future. Our wise poet is a master who brought Turkmen literature to the world, not only among the Turkmen people, but also among the peoples of the world.

«The rich make the poor rich,

I'm sure you'll be happy.

Let each one be his brother.

He will look at the moon and not at another moon.

Through his lines, he teaches that the soul should be rich, patience should be your friend, and love should be faithful.

The lines of honoring one's place of education, which is a model school, encourage young people to invest in science and education, the school they attend, and the library they attend:

«Uncle will never forget me,

I'm gone, good-bye, beautiful Shirgazy!”

In other words, our classical poet expresses his respect and gratitude to the place where he «lived and ate salt for three years» and learned through his wise lines.

By reciting lines of poetry aloud, teenagers try to understand the meaning of the lines they read, and to share them with their teachers, parents, or each other. Reading the works of classical poets takes place in a more vivid way. Because our classical poets skillfully managed to reveal deep meaning through lines that seem simple to see, and express wisdom thoughts as wide as the ocean and as high as the mountains through «short but meaningful» words. It is worth noting that our young generation, by reading these works, increases their vocabulary and searches for words they don't understand in dictionaries. This forms their ability to independently use the library and information sources, and to think independently.

In any country, at any time, the youth have been a great force in managing the state and improving all systems of social development. Each age has a philosophy of life according to its own principles of development. A new philosophy of life is being created in order to create and educate the new generation of Turkmenistan, which is considered the strength of the Turkmen state. Its core is, on the one hand, the principles of statehood of our ancestors, the living culture of our people, who unfailingly followed the Turkmen norms of life, and on the other hand, a set of humanitarian norms that are harmoniously combined with the moral culture of the general humanity.

Turning the healthy national ideas formed from the principles of Turkmenism filtered from the soul of our ancestors into the personal thoughts and beliefs of people, especially young people, educating them in this spirit, forming a pure moral culture in the young generations — both their creative works and today Time is an indomitable force in bringing the Turkmen society to new developments. To create in the minds of the young generation an insatiable love for the Motherland, the Motherland, which absorbs the warmth of the Karakum, is not only a sense of belonging to the society, but also to educate young people who are ready to give their lives to their native land. At the same time, such a feeling is that young people feel their great responsibility for the current and future development of the country.

Educating the youth of Pyragy in the humanitarian ideals of the national and at the same time common spirit of the Turkmen people, such as peace-loving, friendship-fraternity, good neighborliness with neighboring countries, friendly relations, respect for each other's traditions, and morals among them. It is a great contribution to improving culture, ensuring peace and sustainable development in the whole world.

Patriotism is one of the main moral principles of the Turkmen prince, which permeates Magtymguly's creativity. Patriotism, as is known, is one of the most sacred emotions. Patriotism means being loyal to one's country and people, being ready to serve it wholeheartedly, even to sacrifice one's life if necessary.

The idea of caring for one's homeland, putting the interests of the nation before personal interests, and serving the people occupies a great place in Magtymguly's creativity.


  1. Magtymguly Pyragy's poetic world and world languages. — A: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2014
  2. . Annagurban Asyrov. Commentary on Magtymguly manuscripts. -

Ключевые слова

patriotism, morality, humanity, courage, wisdom

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