Language features in Makhtumkuli’s poems | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Данатарова, Г. А. Language features in Makhtumkuli’s poems / Г. А. Данатарова, Г. А. Агаева, М. Г. Оразгулыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 51 (446). — С. 597-598. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Key words: creative work, languages, linguistic nuances, literary language.

Each nation has its own history, which is connected with spiritual and moral culture coming from ancestors. Turkmen poetry has always reflected the life of the ancient Turkmen land. In this land, the place of the poetic word is great, and the cities are heavily invested. It is said that «a poet is greater than just being a poet» and such appreciation of the creative work and the place of poets in life also applies to Turkmen poets.

The language of the works of Makhtumkuli’s Pyragy, the great thinker of the 13th century, is an inexhaustible source for studying linguistic nuances. He created his immortal works in the common language of the Turkmen people by writing his long-standing book in the madrasa language.

The intelligent poet learned the unique resources of the Turkmen language from the vernacular and skillfully used it in his works. Poet collected the speech heritage of various Turkmen tribes living in a wide area and incorporated it into his works. He returned the words he received from the people to the people through his works. His artistic lines have been spread over the years in the songs of the Singers in the vernacular language. Thus, it influenced the standardization of the Turkmen literary language. He collected the rich resources of the folk language in his lines and dedicated them to the people themselves and to future generations.

Makhtumkuli Pyragy thoroughly studies the creativity of Eastern poets. He studied in Muslim religious schools and madrasahs. He has taught in several of them. Arabic Persian words are mostly used in Makhtumkuli’scharacteristic poems. In the poet's poems about life, it is used playfully.

Some features are evident in the use of individual morphological means in the Makhtumkuli’s lyrics:

– I slept for nine months mostly in my stomach......

– Almonds grow in our garden.

– To speak if you are wise,

Where there is no queue...

– Magtymguly, my dear,

– He gave his life from nowhere,

– Faith in the field of joy...

– If you go, it's a long way,

– Iran, Turan, India...

– Whose words are like honey...

Apart from these, several morphological features are found in Makhtumkuli’s lyric language. Studying them in depth from the point of view of historical comparison opens the way to trace the ways of development and transformation of current grammatical forms, thus clarifying their phono-morphological development stages.

When analyzing the language use of wordsmiths, their attitudes towards language are the first to draw attention. In this regard, the thoughts of the great Makhtumkuli’s Pyragy, the classic poet of Turkmen literature, about language are of particular interest.

A tongue is needed to say the words.....

Language is needed to communicate...

The heart will be heated, the words will jump out into the tongues...

Makhtumkuli said is from the heart language

In the first line of these lines, the idea that words arise in language and that language is necessary for meaning is expressed.

The second line shows the service of language in contract and communication.

In the third line, it is said that for the formation of a poetic word in the language, the passion of the heart is necessary.

In the last line, the poet emphasizes that the poem is born and the creative work is carried out by his own words. These examples show Makhtumkuli Pyragy's views, ideas, and deep understanding of language, its service in the formation of words, exchange of ideas, and the creation of artistic works through poetic speech.

The great wordsmith's views on language should be considered large-scale by the standards of his time. However, they also have unique systemic properties.

Concepts are the most common ideas about language and attitudes about its meaning. An example of this is the poet's thoughts in the following lines:

From the meaning of Makhtumkuli’s lyric words,

Peer will fall, youth will flow from his eyes...

Makhtumkuli will make sense,

Everyone enjoys...

In these lines, the words are spoken, the person who hears them thinks about the meaning, tears flow from his eyes due to the effect of the meaning, he spreads meaning through the words, everyone gets the pleasure of the words from him, and thoughts about the effect of the word and its meaning are mentioned.

My words are too much, he will say.

I agree, there is no fault.

Slaves who read the book

Will there be a devil in your soul?!

Not everyone understood the meaning of the word.

One is ill, and medicine is the enemy.

Let word of mouth spread this good and bad inside.....

The heart will love the word of the mind.

Different ideas and concepts related to language can be understood from the meaning of these lines. First of all, it is said that the conversation is short.

In the next stanza, the poet says that he has many meaningful words in his heart, but he still doubts it, but there are many meaningful words in the language of the book. The next line says that a person who does not understand the meaning of the word is a person who is in a hopeless, irreparable condition.

There are many other examples of such linguistic ideas and concepts in poet’s lyrics. All of them are fully worthy of study and scientific analysis.


  1. K. M. Kuliev «Makhtumkul» — Magaryph, 1987
  2. «Folk novels about Makhtumkuli» — TDNG, 1959
  3. Makhtumkuli’s lyrics world and world languages — TDNG, 2014
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TDNG.

Ключевые слова

languages, creative work, linguistic nuances, literary language
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