Developing students’ language skills through Magtymguly’s works | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (489) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 25.10.2023

Статья просмотрена: 1 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мухаметдурдыева, Г. М. Developing students’ language skills through Magtymguly’s works / Г. М. Мухаметдурдыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 125-127. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Keywords: creative works, poetic world.

Each nation has its own history, which is connected with spiritual and moral culture coming from ancestors. Turkmen poetry has always reflected the life of the ancient Turkmen land. In this land, the poetic word has a great place, and poets are highly valued. It is said that «a poet is greater than just being a poet», and this appreciation of the creative work and the role of poets in life also applies to Turkmen poets.

Magtymguly Pyragy's creativity is widely recognized throughout the world as the prime example of the spiritual values of the Turkmen people. His worldview and philosophy, which are focused on nationalism and human values, have been of interest to the scientists of our country and the world, as well as the general public, for almost three centuries.

Magtymguly Pyragy's creativity is widely recognized throughout the world as the prime example of the spiritual values of the Turkmen people. His worldview and philosophy, which are focused on nationalism and human values, have been of interest to the scientists of our country and the world, as well as the general public, for almost three centuries.

Magtymguly's works have a special place in introducing Turkmenistan and its national outlook to the world. That is why the translation of the poet's works into world languages is of great importance. Until now, the works of the great Turkmen thinker have been translated into dozens of languages. A tradition of translating the poet's works into some world languages has been formed, following the original principles.

The poet's works have been translated into world languages and published again and again. Magtymguly's poems have been translated into several languages of the world. Translation is an art. To be a master of this art, a translator must have a good knowledge of the source language, the target language, and the content of the work being translated.

The language of the works of Magtymguly Pyragy, a great thinker of the 18th century, is an inexhaustible source for studying linguistic features. He left his long-standing book in the madrasa writing language and created his immortal works in the language of the common Turkmen people.

Based on Magtymguly's creativity, let's look at what he said about language in order to develop students' language skills.

The intelligent poet learned the unique resources of the Turkmen language from the vernacular and skillfully used it in his works. Poet collected the speech heritage of various Turkmen tribes living in a wide area and incorporated it into his works. He returned the words received from the people to the people with his works. His artistic lines were spread throughout the country in the songs of the Bakshy’s in the vernacular language.

When analyzing the use of wordsmiths, attention is first drawn to their linguistic attitudes. In this regard, Magtymguly Pyragy's thoughts on language are of particular interest.

A tongue is needed to say the words...

Language is needed to communicate...

The heart will be excited; the words will be excited for the tongues...

Magtymguly speaks from the language...

The first of these lines suggests that words originate in language and that language is necessary for words. The next line shows the service of language in contract and communication. In the third line, it is said that for the formation of a poetic word in the language, the passion of the heart is necessary. In the last line, the poet emphasizes that the poem is born and the creative work is carried out by his own words. Looking at these examples according to his time, Magtymguly Pyragy's views, thoughts, and deep understanding of language, its service in word formation, mutual exchange of ideas, and the creation of artistic works through poetic speech show.

The great wordsmith's views on language should be considered grandiose by the standards of his time.

Concepts are the most common ideas about language and attitudes about its meaning. An example of this is the poet's thoughts in the following lines:

This is understood from the words of Magtymguly,

It will come to mind, youth flows from his eyes...

Magtymguly will make sense,

Everyone enjoy...

In these lines, it is said that a word is spoken, the person who hears it thinks about its meaning, tears flow from his eyes due to the effect of the meaning, he spreads meaning through the word, everyone gets pleasure from it, and the thoughts about the effect of the word and its meaning are mentioned.

Magtymguly will say, this is my word.

I agree, there is no fault.

Slaves who read the book

Will there be a devil in your soul?!

Not everyone understood the meaning of the word.

One is ill, and medicine is the enemy.

Let the word spread within this good and bad...

The heart will love the word of the mind...

Different ideas and concepts related to language can be understood from the meaning of these lines. First of all, it is crucial that the conversation is brief. In the next stanza, the poet says that he has many meaningful words in his heart, but he still doubts it, but there are many meaningful words in the language of the book. The next line says that a person who does not understand the meaning of the word is a person who is in an irreparable condition.

There are many other examples of such linguistic ideas and concepts in Shahir. All of them deserve scientific study.

The main principle of the state policy is to help our young people to get high level of education, to become masters of their chosen profession, to encourage them to study, to educate them in the spirit of honesty, morality, unity and high patriotism.

Learning a language is one of the important ways to train the young generation of skilled people. In this regard, the school works closely with the family to study the professional needs of young people, to develop and strengthen their motivation.


  1. Magtymguly Pyragy's poetic world and world languages. — A: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2014
  2. Annagurban Asyrov. Commentary on Magtymguly manuscripts. -

Ключевые слова

creative works, poetic world
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