Mistakes in learning Chinese by Russian speakers — by example characters with side element 女 (woman) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (456) март 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 04.03.2023

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Федоскина, К. Н. Mistakes in learning Chinese by Russian speakers — by example characters with side element 女 (woman) / К. Н. Федоскина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 9 (456). — С. 222-225. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/456/100505/ (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

In the study of female paraphrase, there are many research results for native Chinese learners, but the study results for native Russian learners are relatively poor. Although these collateral characters are not difficult in nature, they have great difficulty in learning Russian native speakers. They are influenced by their mother tongue for a long time and take a long time to accept new things. Because of the large difference between Chinese and Russian grammar systems, it is difficult to compare the two languages with each other, and most Russian students cannot notice this kind of characteristic. Based on the similarities between the two grammatical points, the characteristics of female paraphrase in Chinese are analyzed in detail. Therefore, in this paper, the author studies the errors of female paraphrase in Chinese learning from the perspective of native Russian learners, and analyses the causes of the errors in Chinese learning.

Keywords: Russian, Chinese, Error, Female paraphrase

With the development of society, China's national strength has been strengthened, and many foreign students have been able to learn new knowledge on Chinese soil. The most important feature of inflections is that they transform grammatical meanings by inflection. Chinese is an isolated language. Isolated words are characterized by the importance of word order in the expression of grammatical relationships, and the absence of clear boundaries between functional and real words. In order to emphasize a particular part of a sentence, or to change the general meaning of a sentence, it is often necessary to use modal words to express it. The two languages, because of their differences in nature and details, tend to skew most Russian students studying Chinese. This paper analyzes the female-shaped colloquial characters used by Russian students in learning Chinese, and makes practical suggestions for the problems raised.

The shape-side is the meaning-side of Chinese characters classifying things. The shape-side of Chinese characters is composed of two parts: the meaning-side and the sound-side of Chinese characters. The combination of the same shape and different sounds can form many meaning-related words. For example, with 木 (wood) as the shape of the side, can form "桃peach, 梅plum, 梨pear, 枝branch, 株 plant, 棵 tree» and other trees-related phonetic characters. There are many ways to combine shape-side harmony with shape-side harmony: some are on the left, some on the right, some on the right, some on the left, some on the top, some on the bottom, some on the top, some on the outside, some on the inside, or on the outside.

«Side» and «meaning» are different, meaning is the meaning of the characters, all parts of Chinese characters are meaning, the number of «meaning» about 560 Chinese characters, Chinese characters in the classification of things about 170 shape side.

«Shape side» and «Ministerial Head» are different, the first part of the first, for the single word, the first part of the first painting, such as "天白" is the first part of the "一丿"; for the combination of characters, the head is used to categorize the meaning of the «parts», that is, «shape side», such as "名明描蒋形" of the head is "夕日扌艹彡”. The dictionary has a first-reading method, with about 200 first-reading dictionaries, most of which are by the shape. Side by side is a part of the ministry.

As a kind of writing system, Chinese characters have made great contribution to the preservation of the glorious Chinese history and culture. Therefore, Chinese characters with «women» as the sidearm have played an important role in any dictionary since ancient times.

  1. Commendatory tone. Approximately 24,1 % of the characters used to express commendatory colors. The words with meanings of female beauty such as 奼, 姼, 妭,媄, 姝, 好, 姣, 嬮, 姣, 嬽, 娧 etc. Describing the inner character, describe the woman quietly and meekly have: “嫿,靜好也”,“妴,婉也”,“婉,順也”,“娓,順也”,“妌,靜也”,“嫺,雅也”. There are also descriptions of women's bodies: 嫣,長皃。”“孅,銳細也。" From this, we can see that ancient times also to slenderness for beauty.
  2. A pejorative tone. About 36.7 percent of the characters were derogatory, more than those with commendatory colors. These words have the meaning of low status: «servant, female humble person also (婢,女之卑者也。奴,奴、婢,皆古之辠人也) ". Zhou Li (周禮) said: " all slaves live without the freedom of personality (其奴,男子入于辠隸,女子入于舂藁)".
  3. Neutral tone. About 39,2 percent of the words mean neutrality. It is mainly composed of surname, marriage and family, female official status, and female character. In matrilineal society, the gens were connected and independent, and the gens were intermarried. Under this condition, women had fertility and occupied the main position, and their children were subordinate to the female clan.

With the development of bias analysis theory, more and more scholars agree that bias analysis is a tool to discover the cognitive process of every learner in learning a second language. It is believed that bias analysis has three advantages: firstly, bias analysis theory reveals the errors of learners' language system and raises the question of why learners make mistakes. According to the theory of comparative analysis, learners' bias in the process of second language acquisition is caused by the following five main factors.

One is the negative transfer of mother tongue. Negative transfer of mother tongue refers to the fact that learners can only rely on their mother tongue knowledge when they are not familiar with the rules of the target language. This type of bias often occurs at the junior level because they are new to the target language and are not familiar with the target language rules.

Second, the negative transfer of target language knowledge is also called «overgeneralization» or «overgeneralization”. Learners can apply one language rule inappropriately to another language phenomenon by analogy with the rules of their own inadequate limited knowledge of the target language. This kind of bias can't be found in their mother tongue, and learners from different backgrounds often have the same type of bias, which occurs in the middle and higher level.

Third, the negative transfer of cultural factors. Some of the errors are not caused by the language itself, but by the interpretation of the target language by the cultural background of the mother tongue community, or by the failure to understand the culture of the target language.

Fourth, the influence of learning strategy and communication strategy. The strategies adopted by learners to achieve learning effect or to communicate smoothly in the process of learning and using target language are called learner's learning strategy and communication strategy. Learning strategies refer to strategies adopted by learners in target language learning, such as simplification, transfer and overgeneralization, while communication strategies refer to strategies adopted by learners in communication.

Fifth, the influence of learning environment is an external factor, such as inaccurate explanation, incorrect demonstration, unscientific compilation or improper arrangement of textbooks, and even the deviation of classroom training.

Students do not know enough about the culture of Chinese characters. For foreign language learners, cultural factors should be taken into account in learning any foreign language. Chinese is no exception, especially Chinese hieroglyphics, the combination of sound and meaning, cultural factors have an important role. In practical teaching, I found that students can master the new word quickly if they are taught the brushwork, Chinese wolf characters and cultural knowledge. In addition, language is an important part of culture, and the relationship between the two is inseparable. Therefore, when learning a language, learners must learn cultural knowledge. Chinese characters are square hieroglyphics, and their relationship with Chinese culture is inseparable. Cultural factors and Chinese character teaching are both indispensable and must be carried out together in the process of teaching Chinese.

There are three main errors in parts and strokes: replacing correct strokes with similar strokes or parts; increasing or decreasing strokes and parts; and irregular strokes. There are two main reasons for the typographical and phonetic errors of foreign students: one is the wrong combination of some strokes, which leads to the structural errors.

In writing the characters with side of 女 (woman), also call mistakes of the «stroke omission», foreign students miss one or more shit in writing Chinese characters, for example, "婚" is composed of three parts "女, 氏, 日", maybe wrong to write 日 as 口, and "妗" is made up of "女, 今", maybe wrong to write 今 as 令, " 姼 «from» 女, 多 " it's wrong to write 多 as 夕», 娳 «consists of» 女, 利 «it's wrong to write 利 as 禾», 媠 «consists of» 女, 左, 月 «may miss 左 or 月», 嫝 «consists of» 女, 康 «it's wrong to write 康 as 隶», 嫉 «consists of» 女, 疾 «it's wrong to write 疾 as 矢», 妒 «consists of» 女, 户, " may be wrong to write 户 as 尸, And "媳" consists of "女, 自, 心", possibly missing 自 or 心.

Stroke is the writing unit of Chinese characters, which is the different points and lines that make up Chinese characters. The strokes can be divided into basic strokes and derived strokes. In writing, each Chinese character has a certain number of strokes. Any increase or decrease in stroke results in mischaracterization. In learning Chinese characters, most students pay attention to phonetic variations, but not to stroke variations. Some students are completely unfamiliar with the concept of a variation of strokes. Although the study of female characters near the stroke errors, but the errors are not without. When writing next to a female character, the third horizontal stroke next to a female character must be written flatly.

Chinese character writing plays an important role in speech. Chinese characters are pictograms, and each side capital has a specific meaning. Since ancient times, the Chinese people have attached great importance to the standardization of writing Chinese characters. Any Chinese character, whether lacking a single stroke or more horizontal into other characters, is of course not the same. If the writing of Chinese characters is not standardized, it can also cause a bad influence on the article. The number of Chinese characters beside the female characters is large, and there are many similar characters, so it is easy for learners to write incorrectly if they are not careful. Such as 姣娇、姬姖、嫦婵、姑姞姡、妹姝、妧妩 and so on. This bias comes from the interference of similar strokes or similar characters, which leads to students' mistakes. During practical teaching, the author finds that this kind of bias often appears in the elementary level of students. It is difficult to distinguish between strokes and symbols, so students often make this mistake when learning Chinese characters next to female characters. In order to write correctly, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the font and the meaning of the word, and it is also necessary for learners to study knowledge and writing constantly. Only then can the female characters next to the Chinese characters learn well, the standard of writing neat.

Homophonic phenomenon occurs frequently in any language and cannot be avoided, and Chinese is no exception. Chinese is hieroglyphic and modern Chinese is phonetic. There is often a direct relationship between shape and meaning. Chinese characters differ from other phonetic characters (for example, 俄-俄国, 娥-嫦娥). Most of the phonetic notes in Chinese characters are different from those in phonemes or syllables, and the number of Chinese characters in Chinese characters is basically borrowed from the female characters.

C onclusion

The suggestion for students is that self-reviewing is a difficult process to learn Chinese by referring to other documents besides classroom materials. It’s easy to forget if students don't pay attention to practice. In order to improve the level of Chinese learning, students should improve their ability of self-review and practice more. Ask the teacher if you have any questions. Ask the teacher or native speaker if the sentence is accurate. Russian students have many errors in the course of characters, so both teachers and students themselves should try to improve their own problems and improve the accuracy of Chinese grammar learning.

Chinese characters are a special part of Chinese culture, which carries the charm of the Chinese traditional culture. Chinese characters are influenced and restricted by Chinese culture in the process of their development. Chinese characters and culture are inseparable in teaching practice. Chinese characters teaching and culture teaching are complementary to each other in the whole teaching process. It is difficult for Russian students to learn Chinese characters, and the complicated relationship between the phonetic meanings of Chinese characters and the phonetic meanings of Chinese characters makes it difficult for students to learn Chinese characters. Only by continuously cultivating Chinese theoretical knowledge and understanding the mysteries of Chinese culture can learners fully understand Chinese characters and improve their Chinese language level.


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Ключевые слова

Russian, error, Chinese, Female paraphrase
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