The use of multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Абдурахмонова, М. С. The use of multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages / М. С. Абдурахмонова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 23 (157). — С. 290-291. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

The following article is devoted to the use of multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages. It is presented different multimedia training programs for young learners, who can learn foreign language easy, fast and with fun.

Key words: multimedia technology, action games, board games, word games, pronunciation

We are living in the XI century — the century of innovation technologies, where everything is computerized and automatized. Learning as well as teaching foreign language is not an exception. There are many different software for all grades and ages, especially for young learners. In this article, we are going to present different computer programs directed to the teaching kids to foreign language, which are easy to learn and joyful.

Teaching children is not an easy task and it is a great responsibility. There are sort of things to keep in mind: kids learn and remember faster than the elderly generation; the sooner they start learning a new language, the sooner they will become fluent speakers; program should contain topics related to their age and level as well as be entertaining and motivative.

Moreover, if you want your children to have the best starting point when they are learning foreign language, you’ll need to use the Internet and new technologies, because they are kids of a new era — era of digital technologies. Thus, without any doubt, we can call them «digital kids».

There are many apps designed especially for kids. However, there is one thing we should point out, if the program is not created in a proper way that is without proper methodological approach and if the kids learn language incorrectly from the very beginning, the program will not work for benefit of kids. Therefore, we should be careful in using and choosing the right e-program for kids.

Program Brain Gym is a quite well known method of teaching, especially for younger students. The basic idea of it is that the brain and body movement are interrelated and the brain will function well if it is provided with certain movement patters.

Children learn naturally, when they are having fun. Flashcards are a great way to teach and revise vocabulary and there are many different games, which kids can play with flashcards, such as Memory, Kim’s game, Snap, or Happy Families.

There are many other types of games you can play with your children to help them to practice foreign language.

− action games;

− board games;

− word games;

− online games.

Moreover, one of the interesting and motivative ways of learning foreign language is a song, where the learner can learn new words and improve pronunciation. Songs with actions are particularly good for children as they are able to join in even if they are not yet able to sing the song. The best way to demonstrate the meaning of the words in the song are actions and emotions.

There are many funny programs with songs about different animals, where kids will be able not only to look at the colorful illustrations, but also to pronounce different sounds and sing songs with animals. In addition, carefully selected pictures allow the child to not only learn the names of various animals, but also glimpse into the animal’s beautiful world and everything it offers.

After your child looks over and experiences the animal flashcards, there are funny and entertaining games are waiting for them that test how much they have understood the lesson. Regardless of the number of correct answers, the player earns stars and young talent is rewarded with thunderous applause and balloons!

In the app, the animals could be divided into four groups: «domestic animals», «forest animals», «insects animals», «under water animals» (animals that live in Asia, Africa, the Arctic and Antarctic). 3D full-length beautiful images are used to resemble actual animals (as they look in real life), which help the child easily remember their names and features.

The principle of the game is very simple: select category and the kid looks at the real photos, pictures, animals of this category, listening to what they are called and what sounds they make. In addition, the child will always be able to test its knowledge with an interesting verification system that allows playing, learn and consolidate the knowledge acquired in the course of the study. Moreover, the prize at the end, with the correct answers will be a great incentive!

The child does not even need to know how to read with this app! Its simple interface and voice prompts allow even the youngest kid to play and learn the names of the animals by themselves! After playing the game, be sure to visit the zoo or pet store with your child — you will be happy and impressed as they present their newly acquired knowledge of all the animals they see!

Experience has shown that for most children, viewing, learning from bright and vivid images becomes a favorite pastime, and having them play this game often reinforces their knowledge. According to Glenn Doman, an American physical therapist and founder of the «The Institutes for The Achievement of Human Potential», training just 5–10 minutes a day stimulates the development of various parts of the brain. This allows for the development of a photographic memory, which means the kid could develop faster his knowledge than the peers, and become more open to the vast knowledge of the world.

Sort of program is also helpful for elderly children of primary school. The reason is, as far the game is being played the more complex it will become. Therefore, this educational game will come in handy for them too.

In conclusion, learning foreign language with the means of computer programs could be more effective and motivative. Playing these types of games with flashcards has been proven to aid students in quickly learning a foreign language. They can develop reading, speaking, writing and listening skills just playing games. Moreover, they are able to impress their teachers and mates with their results!


  1. Larsen-Freeman Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press, USA: 2000.
  2. Peck Sabrina. «Learning Styles in Elementary School ESL». Learning styles in the ESL/EFL classroom. Ed. Joy M. Reid. Boston, Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle Pub, 1995.
  3. Jukova Olga. «Teaching English Vocabulary to Children with Specific Learning Difficulties». MA thesis. University Pardubice. University of Pardubice, 2006.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESL, EFL, USA.

Ключевые слова

pronunciation, multimedia technology, action games, board games, word games

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