The role of teaching technologies in the development of speech and written speech in the English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Абдуллева, Н. Ш. The role of teaching technologies in the development of speech and written speech in the English language / Н. Ш. Абдуллева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 18 (308). — С. 467-468. — URL: (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).

This article discusses the formation of language learning skills in the process of learning English to improve independent writing skills of students using information technology and the development of their creative abilities.

Key words: technical means, television images, distance learning, individualization, differentiation.

В этой статье обсуждается формирование навыков изучения языка в процессе изучения английского языка для улучшения самостоятельных навыков письма студентов с помощью информационных технологий и развития их творческих способностей.

Ключевые слова: технические средства, телеизображения, дистанционное обучение, индивидуализация, дифференциация.

Reforming the higher education system at the present stage is impossible without the more widely spreading use of computer equipment and information technology, which can be considered technical means of teaching English in higher educational institutions of the country. Today, a university graduate should be an information literate person who knows modern technical technologies well, and also knows how to apply them.

The progress of science and technology could not but touch upon the development of the technological base and the teaching of the English language. Widespread television. The introduction of cable television and the reception of television programs using satellite communications contributed to the massive use of television in the educational process. Thanks to the availability of video equipment, teachers in many countries now have the option of distance learning. In many universities, video libraries have been created and are constantly replenished, the materials of which, along with the printed word, are widely used during self-study hours of student youth for classes. A computer should be considered not only as the most effective tool of human activity in the national economy, but first of all, as an indicator of the culture of mental work of modern man, the main criteria of which are efficiency, the ability to attract and analyze a huge amount of various information, the ability to determine core tasks and for a short time find the right solutions. Computers help a person free himself from secondary, routine work, raising him to a higher, creative level. A computer should be considered not only as the most effective tool of human activity in the national economy, but first of all, as an indicator of the culture of mental work of modern man, the main criteria of which are efficiency, the ability to attract and analyze a huge amount of various information, the ability to determine core tasks and for a short time find the right solutions. Computers help a person free himself from secondary, routine work, raising him to a higher, creative level.

A computer is able to individualize the learning process, control the work of students, correct their mistakes, adapt educational material depending on the individual characteristics of students, simulate various situations, present the material in dynamics. Learning a language with the help of modern technology has become possible, first of all, due to the formalization of certain linguistic phenomena. However, not every material can be embedded in a computer program, the material can be reproduced in strict accordance with the intent of the compiler. It depends on compliance with the requirements of the algorithmic approach. It is necessary, as experts in computer science say, that the considered algorithms are constructed correctly from a formal point of view, that they are decidable and in all cases lead to the desired results.

However, not every material can be embedded in a computer program, the material can be reproduced in strict accordance with the intent of the compiler. It depends on compliance with the requirements of the algorithmic approach. It is necessary, as experts in computer science say, that the considered algorithms are constructed correctly from a formal point of view, that they are decidable and in all cases lead to the desired results.

In the formation of spelling and punctuation skills, the computer has established itself as an indispensable tool, capable of controlling the assimilation of educational material in a mass audience, and developing, by repeatedly performing the same tasks and exercises, a certain automatism of using word forms in writing.

A significant part of existing programs is intended for the formation of a certain vocabulary among students, for example, terminological vocabulary. Depending on the stage and task, the process of mastering the terms can be carried out in various ways that complement each other.

Some success, according to the definition of teachers, can be achieved by learning the correct pronunciation. The program of such a complex consists of information and training parts. In the information part, the student receives the necessary information on a specific issue, in the training part, it consolidates the knowledge gained. The capabilities of such a complex can be realized when working on isolated sounds, syllables, rhythm, intonation. So, when practicing, for example, any sound, auditory visibility can act as a standard, and visual — as a guide in the articulation organization of this sound.

Modern information technology tools are recommended for use in teaching pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing. They make it possible to more fully realize the important didactic principles of teaching — auditory and visual visualization, activity and consciousness, individualization and differentiation, entertaining learning, and make maximum use of students' analytical and imitative abilities. The main thing that contributes to their use is the strengthening of the practical, communicative orientation of training, the development and consolidation of skills in interconnected learning, listening, speaking, reading and writing in English.


  1. Данияров Б. Х., Алиева М. Ч., Мамарасулов У. Дистанционное повышение квалификации. — Казань, 2004.
  2. Васильева О. М. Современные технические средства обучения. — Москва: Знание, 2001.
  3. Наин А. Я., Клюев Ф. Н. Проблемы развития профессионального образования: региональный аспект — Челябинск, 1998. — С. 13.
  4. Фелицина Е. И. Русский язык и информатика. — Москва: Флинта, 2003.
  5. Maslow A. H. Creativity in self actualising people. In Anderson H. H. «Creativity and its cultivation», Harper, 1980. –56p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Москва.

Ключевые слова

distance learning, technical means, individualization, television images, differentiation

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