The use of modern technologies in a logotherapy center | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Грязнова, Ю. П. The use of modern technologies in a logotherapy center / Ю. П. Грязнова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 3 (502). — С. 149-150. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.03.2025).

This article explores the application of modern technologies in the field of speech therapy. Special attention is paid to analyzing the effectiveness and practical significance of technological innovations in speech therapy rooms, as well as their impact on the education and development of students with special educational needs. Both positive and potential negative aspects of integrating technology into speech therapy practice are examined.

Keywords: speech therapy, modern technologies, speech therapy room, educational innovations, special educational needs, learning effectiveness.


The use of technology in speech therapy opens up new opportunities for the learning and development of children with special educational needs, providing them with alternative means of learning and communication. This is especially true in light of the ever-increasing number of children requiring speech therapy services and the need for an individualized approach to learning. The article contributes to the understanding of the role and place of modern technologies in speech therapy, exploring how their effective use can help improve the learning and development of children with speech disorders. Attention is paid not only to the positive aspects of technology, but also to the potential problems of their application, which allows us to form a balanced view of the issue.

Review of modern technologies used in logo points

Modern speech centers use a wide range of technologies aimed at improving the quality of education and therapy for children with speech disorders. Computer programs and applications for speaking training play an important role by providing interactive exercises that promote the development of phonemic awareness, vocabulary, and pronunciation correction. Interactive whiteboards and touch screens are also being implemented in speech therapy offices to create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. [3, p.99]

However, despite the obvious advantages, there are also certain limitations and problems associated with the use of technology. One of them is the need to train speech therapists to work with new technologies, which requires time and resources. Access to technology for all categories of students is also important, including children from low-income families or remote regions.

While it has been argued that overuse of technology can result in less attention being paid to each child's individual needs, many experts emphasize that when used correctly, technology can be a powerful tool for personalizing learning. Interactive programs can adapt to a child's language development level by providing personalized assignments and tracking progress. [5, p.282]

In recent years, special attention has been paid to the development of mobile applications for speech therapy sessions, making therapy more accessible and flexible. These apps allow parents to actively participate in their children's learning, enhancing the learning process.

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using these technologies

Technologies make it possible to create individual educational programs that adapt to the level and needs of each child. In addition, the use of speech therapy programs and applications allows you to monitor student progress in real time, which contributes to more effective planning of the educational process.

On the other hand, there are concerns that dependence on technology may limit the development of social skills in children, since many exercises are performed individually. Another challenge is unequal access to modern technology, which can exacerbate educational inequality. It is also noted that not all speech therapists have the necessary skills and knowledge to work with the latest technologies. [2, p.128]

Many experts agree that the benefits of integrating technology into speech therapy practice outweigh the potential disadvantages.

Practical examples of successful use of technology in logo points

In the Russian city of Novosibirsk, interactive whiteboards and special software have been introduced in schools to develop children's language skills. These technologies allow speech therapists to create more dynamic and engaging lessons, increasing student motivation and engagement. Helsinki, Finland uses mobile apps to help with speech therapy homework. Parents and children can interact with activities at appropriate times, promoting deeper learning and allowing parents to actively participate in their children's learning experiences. In Tokyo, Japan, virtual reality is being successfully used in language clinics to help children with speech impairments immerse themselves in different scenarios to develop communication skills and overcome language barriers in a controlled and safe environment. [4, p.122]

The training of speech-language pathologists and their ability to adapt technology to each child's individual needs are key factors for success. These examples show that, with the right approach and support, technology can significantly improve the quality of speech therapy training and provide new effective methods of working with children with speech disorders.

Research on the impact of technology on student learning outcomes and development

The use of technology such as interactive whiteboards, computer programs and mobile applications has shown improvements in student engagement and motivation. This is particularly noticeable in cases where traditional teaching methods have proven to be less effective for children with special educational needs. Research shows that interactive learning tools promote deeper understanding and improved speaking skills. [6, p.227]

However, there are studies indicating possible negative consequences of excessive technology use, such as decreased attention and concentration in children when exposed to screens for prolonged periods of time. Some experts have expressed concerns that technology may distract from the face-to-face interaction between teacher and student that is critical to the development of communication skills. [1, p.125]

Children in specialized education programs often demonstrate faster mastery of complex speech therapy concepts and improved language skills. This is because technology provides a personalized approach to learning, allowing children to progress at their own pace and review material as needed.


Although technology provides promising learning opportunities, it is important to keep the interaction between speech therapist and child on a personal level. Technological tools should complement, not replace, traditional teaching methods. This highlights the need for training and professional development for speech-language pathologists to work with new technologies. In addition to this, it is important to ensure equal access to educational technology for all students. This includes consideration of economic and geographic factors that may limit access to technology for some students. Therefore, in my proposals, I focus on the development of low-cost and affordable technological solutions that can be effectively implemented in various educational institutions. Based on the above, I propose the creation of interdisciplinary teams consisting of speech therapists, educational technologists and software developers to create individualized educational tools.


  1. Gordeeva E. A. Methodological approaches to the organization of educational activities in the training of speech therapists in the era of digitalization / E. A. Gordeeva, A. I. Sergeeva // Problems of modern pedagogical education. — 2022. — No. 75–3. — pp. 124–127.
  2. The use of IT technologies in speech therapy classes in a preschool educational institution / T. A. Zaripova, V. D. Kryukova, S. V. Chipko, A. V. Alekseenko // Science for the benefit of humanity — 2016: materials of the annual all-Russian. scientific-practical conf. teachers, graduate students and students, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of MGOU, Moscow, April 01–29, 2016 / resp. ed. S. V. Leonova, S. N. Utenkova, S. S. Betanova. — Moscow: Mosk. state region univ., 2016. — pp. 78–79.
  3. Loza I. S. Work of a school speech center with children with special educational needs // Pedagogical science and practice. 2022. No. 3 (37). P.99–101.
  4. Lyubimov M. L., Kuminova I. I., Moks A. A. Modern information technologies as a correctional component in teaching children with speech disorders // Bulletin of Moscow State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogy and psychology. 2019. No. 3 (49). pp. 121–137.
  5. Mikhailova M. A. The use of speech therapy technologies in distance learning // Education and Law. 2020. No. 10. pp.280–283.
  6. Shpagina N. F. Automated workplace of a teacher-speech therapist at a school speech center as a way to optimize the system of correctional and developmental education // Special education. 2014. No. X. pp.227–229.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MGOU.

Ключевые слова

modern technologies, speech therapy, speech therapy room, educational innovations, special educational needs, learning effectiveness

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