The role of modern educational methods in teaching indonesian language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (507) февраль 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 27.02.2024

Статья просмотрена: 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Авазова, Ф. Б. The role of modern educational methods in teaching indonesian language / Ф. Б. Авазова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 8 (507). — С. 129-131. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.09.2024).

The article discusses the issues of teaching the Indonesian language using the opportunities provided by modern educational technologies. The main methods and principles of the educational process organization are given. The issue of motivation is also considered, which, as is known, is directly related to the effectiveness of learning, ways to form students' motivation to master a foreign language both during the educational and extracurricular process.

Keywords: Indonesian language, motivation, modern education, innovative approach, pedagogic skill, educational technologies.

The choice of this topic as the subject of research is relevant due to the fact that new technological solutions, primarily in the field of information technology, provide extensive additional opportunities in the field of language training of students. The purpose of this work is to analyze these opportunities and their use for the effective integration of new technologies into the educational process.

The rapid development of science and technology has left its mark on many aspects of human life, including the educational process. With this in mind, many aspects of such an influence still remain insufficiently investigated, and this is the theoretical significance of the work.

To achieve the main goal, modern technological solutions that are most often used in teaching practice are considered in this work, and both domestic and foreign experience of their application is taken into account. From a theoretical point of view, the works of a number of authors who have paid attention to certain aspects of this issue are of interest. The practical experience of teaching a foreign language to students will also be taken into account. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, widely available software products have appeared that allow video conferencing in real time. The functionality of such programs also makes it possible to instantly exchange messages, text, graphic and video files, which increases the effectiveness of the educational process. Platforms such as Skype and Zoom are the most popular among students.

The obvious advantages of working on the platform include the absence of the need to spend time maintaining discipline in the classroom. The functionality of the mentioned program blocks the possibility of students communicating with each other without sanctions from the teacher. Taking into account the existing positive experience of working on this platform, it can be concluded with a fairly high degree of confidence that in the future the remote form of teacher-student interaction will become an integral part of higher education.

Research methods — the study and analysis of new technological solutions that have received the greatest use in university practice; the study and analysis of scientific sources on the proposed problem.

Modern technologies can significantly improve the effectiveness of feedback between teachers and students. Students can receive answers to questions, as well as additional explanations for homework by e-mail, via social networks or applications that instantly transmit messages (messengers). Of course, the opportunities that students had in this regard in the analog era were incomparable with modern ones. However, there are also those who find it more convenient to use group chats in WhatsApp and Telegram applications.

The development of modern technologies, the increasing level of digitalization of human life and, as a result, an increase in the volume of all types of information on the Internet have led to the fact that a large number of audio and video materials related to education Indonesian training have appeared on various specialized Internet resources. At the same time, it is worth noting the wide availability of authentic Indonesian-language materials that teachers have the opportunity to use in the educational process.

Over the past two decades, the amount of online content that can serve as a good addition to basic textbooks has become almost limitless. Its use as part of the process of teaching education Indonesian allows to improve the quality of teaching, and also gives students an additional incentive to take an active part in the performance of classroom and extracurricular tasks, since in parallel with the actual study of a foreign language, students enrich their communication skills in the education environment, focusing on the best examples from the field, the primacy in which belongs to the Western educational tradition.

Acquaintance with articles by native speakers, work with audio and video recordings from the Indonesian-speaking environment are additional sources of motivation for listeners, allow them to immerse themselves in the environment of the language being studied, to feel the foreign cultural specifics. In this context, careful selection of specific auxiliary audiovisual material and its compliance with established programs and the level of language training of listeners is of particular importance. If this condition is met, authentic materials can become an organic addition to the knowledge gained in the framework of studying the core disciplines.

Various online platforms and specialized software for composing exercises, dictations, and test papers are of great help in the educational and methodological work of a university teacher of a foreign language. There are a significant number of portals on the Internet, the functionality of which allows you to choose your favorite exercise from the catalog or even create your own using one of the presented templates. In general, there is no doubt that such opportunities significantly expand the tools of teaching a foreign language, help to increase the methodological coverage of the topics studied, especially those related to specialized topics. When teaching students education Indonesian in continuing groups, the practice of using Indonesian-language Internet resources devoted to various aspects of education life has shown its relevance. Students readily complete self-training tasks, resorting to information obtained on such portals.

An additional advantage in this context can be considered their immersion in the foreign language culture of education communication. They come into close contact with the realities of the Western education environment, enrich their understanding of corporate processes, and gain additional insight into the specifics of their future professional activities. With proper preparation, as well as due to its applied nature, lack of academicism and dryness inherent in such tasks, their development causes a very interested attitude of students.

Graduates of secondary schools entering the university, as a rule, are well acquainted and confident in the software that allows them to create presentations and reports. In this regard, such homework assignments find a positive response among students, the completion of which requires the use of skills in the Power Point program and the like. Students are willing to prepare short reports and presentations on the subject under study, which speeds up the development of educational material. At the same time, it is important to keep a measure so that the time they spend working with the program does not exceed the time that goes directly to practicing language skills.

At the present stage, in institutions of higher education, the rule of good taste has become the presence of an electronic library along with the classical one. Methodological developments, textbooks and teaching aids, as well as collections of exercises compiled by the university's teaching staff, are posted on the appropriate electronic resource, access to which is open to students. The ability to work with digital versions of educational materials allows students to optimize their own time.

Of course, the potential of new technologies in improving the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language is very significant. The need to disclose it imposes additional requirements to increase the level of relevant competencies of the teaching staff. In this context, the relevance of conducting targeted courses and trainings for this category of university staff is increasing.

At the same time, a number of disadvantages of excessive reliance on new technologies in the educational process should not be overlooked. Today, technological solutions allow only to a limited extent to replace or supplement those functions that the teacher traditionally performed. So far, we can only talk about the auxiliary nature of new technologies in teaching a foreign language. Of course, they penetrate deeper into the educational process and, with proper use, significantly increase its effectiveness. However, it is obvious that the role of the teacher remains central and cannot be replaced by any modern programs in the foreseeable future. In addition, as a result of the existing generational gap between teachers and students, the latter, for objective reasons, turn out to be more confident users of modern software by default. Therefore, compliance with the level of digital literacy of students is an important condition for truly effective interaction of the university's teaching staff with them.

It is important to understand that the tools offered by new technologies are only auxiliary in relation to classical approaches to teaching students and cannot replace them in any way. At the same time, the competent use of modern technological solutions really makes it possible to improve the quality of students' training. The realization of these opportunities, however, is not feasible without an appropriate level of computer literacy of the teaching staff.


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Ключевые слова

motivation, modern education, Indonesian language, innovative approach, pedagogic skill, educational technologies
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