Modern technologies in teaching English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №7 (193) февраль 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 19.02.2018

Статья просмотрена: 221 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зулфикорова, А. Б. Modern technologies in teaching English / А. Б. Зулфикорова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 7 (193). — С. 175-176. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.03.2025).

The article considers modern technologies in teaching English. The mechanical memorization of words does not lead to the desired result in the study of languages, so in the lessons it is suggested to introduce the elements of the game. Work with the dictionary should be expanded by the method of parsing the proverbs in the group, creating situations for constructing a dialogue.

Keywords: group, vocabulary, student, dialogue.

В статье рассматриваются современные технологии в обучении английскому языку. Механическое заучивание слов не приводит к желанному результату в изучении языков, поэтому на уроках предлагается вводить элементы игры. Работа со словарем расширяется методом разбора пословиц в группе, создание ситуаций для диалога.

Ключевые слова: группа, словарь, студент, диалог

For the comprehensive study of a foreign language, including English, the teaching of a foreign language requires learning words, terms, proverbs. This allows you to enrich the language with new words that expand the vocabulary, which in turn leads to practical results, applied further in conversation, writing, translating texts, while listening. Naturally, the mechanical memorization of words does not give feedback. Therefore, in the lessons of the English language it is recommended to use various methodical techniques, which help to memorize words for a long time.

One of these techniques is memorizing words during the game or quiz. The teacher should prepare in advance for such a lesson, as auxiliary materials are required here. It can be a poster on a flipchart, on which words are written with a marker, you can use cubes with letters, but it is most convenient to use electronic material. Using information technology saves time, allows you to make a font of any size and rearrange the letters very quickly. The teacher asks the students of a certain set of letters to formulate the correct word, preferably chosen by the age of the student. Any of the students can go to the board and try to find a word from the set of letters. If the student finds a word, he writes it, and also translating the word first on a sheet with his name, so that no one can see what he wrote. Then the teacher writes the given word on the board, and the students are compared to what is written on them on paper. If the answer is correct, draw an asterisk, if not-leave without a picture. [1, 37]. Topiсs are collections of items that relate to a particular theme, purpose or category. Places contain items that are associated with particular locations. In the place picture, there is a mysterious “quirk” that can provoke students’ discussion and speculation. Posters of the places and some of the topics are available. Нave students identify each of the numbered items, either working alone with a sheet of paper, in pairs or small groups, or as a class.

Have students identify other vocabulary items that are not numbered. When they do, write (or have a student write) the vocabulary items on the blackboard [2, 12]. Students can also write the words on a separate sheet of paper or in their books. To expand students’ range of vocabulary identification, put the names of categories in columns on the blackboard, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. Have students identify additional vocabulary items in the picture that fit these categories, and write them down as they say them. If students don’t know these terms, put sample words for each category at the top of the column instead.

To challenge students, have them work in pairs, on with the book open, the other with it closed. Those with their books closed question the others and draw a picture of their own that replicates the picture in the book. After they’ve finished drawing, their partners then help them correct their versions. Put the students’ vocabulary items on the blackboard. With the vocabulary items on the blackboard, students make sentences that describe the pictures using these words. As a variation, have students make sentences of certain types: statements, questions, negative statements. A further variation is to provide a particular sentence pattern, such as: Whenever____________, __________. You must not____________, because_________.

Draw up list of questions that allow students to talk about the pictures. After practicing saying the questions, have the students work in pairs to ask and answer these questions. Sample questions: What color is_____? What is____used for? Where is_____? What is_______like? What is the difference between____and____? What is happening in picture number___?

Students use vocabulary items and sentence patterns to write brief stories that describe the picture or that use it as a point of departure. These stories can have a concrete, descriptive focus, or they can be based on students’ imaginations. Students read their stories aloud to the rest of the class. They write and perform dialogues that relate to the picture and incorporate the target vocabulary items and sentence patterns. For beginners, you can provide the structure of the dialogue:Where is the______? It’s ________. Are you sure? Oh, I’m sorry. It’s not______.

Divide the class into teams, and have them compete to ask and answer questions about the location and name of numbered items in the picture. The team that remembers the most wins. Have one student study the picture and mentally place himself somewhere in it. The other students ask him questions to find out where he is. They can only ask yes-no questions. Set a limit on the number of questions they can ask. Have them discuss these difference and speculate or identify why these differences be exist. Have students identify items from their countries or cultures that are not present in the pictures. Have them draw a picture that would appropriate to their particular culture. Students show and explain their pictures to the rest of the class. Discuss the commonalities and differences. The next task is to create a dialogue on the proposed situation. You have got a new student in your group. You want to go to his house but you do not know the address. You remember that your classmate is his best friend. You ring your classmate up to know the address and ask him how to get there. All students of the group are divided into two, they tell their dialogue. The most interesting thing is that the dialogues will differ from each other depending on the stock of words that the representatives of the groups have.

Very interesting discussion goes proverbs in English. The teacher read proverbs: 1) Live and learn. — This is usually said by someone who has learned something which he did know before. As long as you live there will be new things to learn. What will you do to learn new things. 2) Be slow to promise and quick to perform. — When you are asked to do something for other people, think well if you can do it. But after giving a promise you must carry it out. Tell how you remember to carry out your promises. You don’t forget them, do you? [1,98]

Whatever method the teacher would use in the lessons of the English language, the most important thing is to observe the measure and always treats with attention to each student. The goal is to achieve constant interest of students in independent work for fluent mastering of foreign languages, which solves one of the tasks set in the learning of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


  1. H. Urazboyev, A.Zulfikorova. Ingliz tili darslarida sinfdan tashqari tadbirlar. T.,2013
  2. Jeremy Harmen. How to teach English. L.,2010

Ключевые слова

dialogue, vocabulary, student, group

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