Physical training and sport opportunities for the youth of Uzbekistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №12 (116) июнь-2 2016 г.

Дата публикации: 07.06.2016

Статья просмотрена: 51 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кувандиков, С. С. Physical training and sport opportunities for the youth of Uzbekistan / С. С. Кувандиков. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2016. — № 12 (116). — С. 941-944. — URL: (дата обращения: 18.09.2024).

Each nation’s future life and development of the country depends on physical and moral condition of the youth. Nowadays, intergovnmental communication is developing day by day by the help of highly produced technologies and transportation. It reasons intergovnmental competitions, that can be: sport and education or intellectual activity. On the other hand, improvement of the nation’s intellectual-physical capacity and forming special conditions for these is becoming the key of development and flourishment of the country in the XXI century. We should realize it deeply. Our president Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov paid great attention to the role and improvement of educating healthy and mature generation and made it the main part of public policy from early days of independence. The important thing is that it is involved in not only physical training sport of youth but also whole nation’s physical condition, it must be uninterrupted and integral.

Since the first years of independence for the purpose of increasing the economic power of our country comprehensive and effective reforms have been implemented by our president Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov in order to ensure a comfortable life of our people and to improve not only economic, but also social life. Only 25 years passed since our country has become independent and during this short period many changes have happened in the field of science, education, economy, and also sport. Independence gave these fields great chance to develop. Many sport competitions are being held continuously and it reasons healthy lifestyle of youth and foundation of many new sport resources. It can be seen our president’s such words: “Great country can be built only by healthy generation, strong nation.” In other words, upbringing and educating of healthy and intellectually developed children or youth means great future of the country.

Today Uzbekistan is a sport country. Involvement of population into sport and physical activities, great sports traditions and good coach schools, government support, achievements of athletes are the result of huge work. The following information as a proof of our words.

Last year in London, «Legatum Institute» Research Center announced the rate of prosperous countries in the world (Prosperity Index). One of the main indicators of the welfare of the country is financial well-being, but «Legatum Institute» sets the rating depending on a number of factors.

More than 89 factors are used to calculate the index, including: gross domestic product (GDP) per capita levels, ranging from the number of the conditions of full employment, the number of secure Internet servers in the country and to the factor of how citizens living in happiness.

All of these factors are divided into eight groups: the economy, the level of entrepreneurial activity and opportunities, administration, education, health, security, personal freedom and social capital.

And it’s happy news that our country kept its last year 57th and second place among CIS countries in the index.

We know, without health person can’t manage anything. So that in our country much attention is paid for the development of physical training and sport. By such activities not only sport increases but also they have an influence on upbringing of young generation morally healthy. The other side of such attention to sport and physical training is that healthy and physically fit generation and at the same time they should be also well-educated and they should have their own opinion. We can’t imagine healthy generation without sport. After independence many laws and decrees are accepted: “National program of personnel preparation.” This program includes all rules and opportunities for developing sport and physical training and the basis of upbringing and educating the youth. Only 5 months after independence, on the 14th of January, 1992 a new law on “Physical training and sport was adopted”. There are 28 articles in this law. It is important that none of the countries had a law on sport. In 1993 decree on founding the fund of “Perspective generation” was accepted. Later, on 27th of May a law № 241 “ Developing physical training and sport in Uzbekistan” was accepted. This law is investigated by the deputies of Oliy Majlis and then a new law on ”physical training and sport ” was approved on the second session of second convocation of Oliy majlis. The president of the republic Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov realizes sport’s actuality and pays attention its spreading among all the strata of the population of the country and says: “ Nothing can make the country popular as sport over the world ”. The Uzbek always wish people health sincerely when they meet and say good bye. Nowadays the youth know the value of their health and take care of it themselves and they take part in sport from the childhood and rely upon physical training and sport for keeping their body fit. After independence regard for improving physical training and sport become the main part of state policy. First of all its legal basis is formed. As we know, nowadays the number of convocation, order and law on physical training and sport are over than 20. On the 21st of January, 1992 National Olympic Committee is founded and on the 27th of May Uzbekistan become formal representative of International Olympic Committee. On the 18th of March, 1993 Vazirlar Mahkamasi (the Cabinet) adopted decree on “Spreading football to mass”. On the 4th of March, 1993 the president of Uzbekistan, Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov adopted orden “Healthy generation”. On the 13th of March, 1996 Vazirlar Mahkamasi accepted decree on “The ways of developing football in Uzbekistan”. In 1994 President’s cup was founded on tennis. On September, 1998 World competition on Kurash was held in Tashkent for the first time. In 1999 decree was announced on “Developing Kurash in Uzbekistan” by the president of Uzbekistan. On the 1st of February, 1999 President’s order was accepted on “Supporting international Kurash assosiation”. In 2000 the decree of the President of the republic of Uzbekistan on “Three staged” sport competitions. On the 24th of October the decree of the President of the republic of Uzbekistan on “Founding the fund of developing children’s sport in Uzbekistan” and on the 31st of October, 2002 Vazirlar Mahkamasi adopted order № 347 on “ The fund of developing children’s sport”. On the 25th of December,2002 the Ministry of higher and secondary special education accepted decree on “Founding student’s sport fund”. In 2003 the Ministry of higher and special secondary education adopted order on “ Spreading students’ competitions to mass”. On the 27 th of September, 2004 the president of the republic accepted and announced order on “ Founding the ministry of culture and sport”. On the 29th of August, 2004 the decree of the republic of Uzbekistan was adopted for fulfillment of the order № 348 PF by Vazirlar Mahkamasi on “The measurements of improving the activity of the children’s fund” was adopted. On the 1 st of May, 2006 the president adopted decree on “Developing sport activities in Uzbekistan”. Specialists over the world acknowledged that there are some sport competitions among the pupils and students but there is any basis of physical training and sport’s development for teenagers and the youth. And they emphasizes that the basis of attracting the youth to physical training is perfect and uninterrupted. It is interesting that already many specialists from the countries over the world have an interest on this system. We can see the role of such competitions’ system in the Universiade of students which is held in Namangan in 2000 and “Perspective generation” sport competitions that is held in Jizzah in 2001. None of the countries of the world hold competitions among the students of higher and secondary special education system. So that when the president of National Olympic committee took the golden medal of “Perspective generation” sport competition, said: “ It is real Olympia”. From the academic years in 2001–2002, the first stage of these system has begun with holding the competition “Umid nihollari” among the pupils of the schools. The final stage of competition was began in April, 2002. We can express our conclusion by the words of the president of our republic: “By sport the worldview of the child change. The child who was playing wondering in the streets not to know what to do, can change his future and his opinion about his parents if he learns something or take part in sport competitions”.

Indeed, the President's «High spirituality is an invincible power», said, «The future of our motherland, the future of our people, our country's prestige in the world community, first of all, depend on how our children grow up and brought up and enter the life» [9].

Government of Uzbekistan considers fostering a physically robust and spiritually mature younger generation as one of its top priorities. To meet this goal, our government is paying a special attention to the development of youth sport. In October 2002 a Children Sports Development Foundation was established under the President of Uzbekistan, which is designed to be the principal initiator of physical and sports activities among children and teenagers. To this date Foundation completed building more than 1700 sports facilities for children.

For the last 20 years in total more than 6,000 sports and recreation facilities have been constructed and overhauled to include tennis courts, soccer play-fields and stadiums, swimming pools and gyms. In 1991 there were about 4,400 sports facilities. Today this number exceeds 9000.

As a result the youngsters sport has become a truly nation-wide phenomenon. Within the last four years the number of teenagers going in for some sports has grown from 29 up to 35 %, and among girls from 24 and 31 % respectively.

To involve girls in sports, to create for them conditions for regular training are important tasks in the development of children's sports. This issue occupies a special place in the implementation of the state program “Healthy mother — healthy child”.

A three-tier system of youth sport games has been developed to hold sport games at middle and high school, as well as university students levels.

We know nothing can make the country popular as sport all over the world quickly. By the different competitions and Olympic Games our young sportsmen achieved many gold, silver and bronze medals. All the people of the world get acquainted with our country and they know the country named Uzbekistan by such competitions. If sportsman always takes part in competitions and Olympic games and always works hard on his own and at the result of it the body and spirit will be healthy. The biggest aim of the sportsmen becomes winning in the competitions and Olympic games and being winner.

More than 50 national federations of Uzbekistan are the members of International and Asian sports federations. Moreover, our specialists hold the executive positions and represent Uzbekistan in public sports organizations in boxing, gymnastics, canoe, wrestling, judo, football, athletics, tennis, taekwondo. By the significant activity, the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan contributes to the development of sports and physical education, promotes healthy lifestyle, popularization of Olympic education, values and principles of Olympism, strengthens the international relations, supports the athletes, coaches, sports organizations, pays particular attention to the seminars, conferences and regional forums. By the significant activity, the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Uzbekistan contributes to the development of sports and physical education, promotes healthy lifestyle, popularization of Olympic education, values and principles of Olympism, strengthens the international relations, supports the athletes, coaches, sports organizations, pays particular attention to the seminars, conferences and regional forums.

In the modern sports complexes built in the towns and villages our children regularly go in for sports and strengthen their health.

Of course, such conditions and opportunities serve our young generation to growing up healthy and strengthening the independence of our motherland and raising its reputation in the world.


  1. Karimov I. A.«O`zbekistonning o`z istiqlol va taraqqiyotyo`li». T.: O`zbekiston, 1992.
  2. Karimov I. A. «O`zbekiston XXI asrga intilmoqda». T.,1999
  3. Karimov I. A. «Yuksak ma’naviyat-yengilmas kuch» Ma’naviyat Nashriyoti T: 2008 201 y.- b. p. 26
  4. Akramov A. K. “O`zbekistonda jismoniy madaniyat va sport tarixi” o`quv qo`llanma. T. O`zDJTI,1997.
  5. Раджабов О. А. The role of sport and physical training in the state policy of Uzbekistan during the years of independence SP. 2015. — P. 10–12.
  6. Decree on «Jismoniy tarbiya va sport to’g’risida”. T. 2015 “Xalq so’zi” gazetasi № 174 (6357).
  9. "Yuksak ma’naviyat-yengilmas kuch" Ma’naviyat Nashriyoti T: 2008.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CIS, GDP, NOC.

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