The role of audio-visual tools on teaching technical courses in English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Нарзуллаев, А. М. The role of audio-visual tools on teaching technical courses in English / А. М. Нарзуллаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 24 (104). — С. 1007-1009. — URL: (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).


Audio-visual tools are being used in fields of manufacturing. It has already become a part of our daily life and taking a main contribution in developing of fields. As well as, teaching technical courses through audio –visual tools in English language are important in education. Today our students prefer learning technical subjects through audiovisual tools to learning without services of media. Learning technical courses by audiovisual equipment gives more effective because, nowadays we knows our students interesting in media tools so they are easy to learn their subjects. In additional, we can divide teaching systems into two groups: traditional and modern. The traditional method is taught only one way that are listing and writing but modern method includes in service of media. Quality training for teaching technology, possess the necessary competence in relation to mandatory for the compliance of the qualification level spеnding amount of knowledge necessary to acquaint him with the most recent information. At the same time we should not forget that the specifics of the process of teacher education involves the synthesis of a large number of humanitarian knowledge and modern information on the latest developments in the field of engineering, technology and science. Given the large amount of relevant information and high dynamics of its changes, the problem can be solved only with the active use of information and communication technologies.


  1.                 Introduction

May 20, 2011, according to decree of the president of Uzbekistan «Higher education institutions to strengthen the material-technical base of highly qualified specialists and measures to improve the quality of the resolution» issue № 1533 and March 26, 2013 “Information and communication technologies in the field of personnel training system on measures to improve” issue № 1942 dated responsibility is to make the learning process of modern information and communication technologies, and innovative teaching technologies have their place.

Today, English language plays an important role in our life and people need good communication skills in English to prove their knowledge. In order to share or update their technical knowledge, students should know English language. In other way most of equipment’s instructions are written in English. The use of devices or audio-visual materials will stimulate the greatest number of senses. For this reason, good teachers have always used devices or audio-visual materials. A device is any means, other than the subject-matter to the learner. This paper focus on how to use audio-visual tools in teaching of technical courses in English language.

  1.             Technical audio video tools

Science has contributed a lot in the field of technology which has made our life easier and comfortable. In every sphere of life, the dramatic revolution of technologies has been influential. The field of education and training is not out of this. Now-a-days, teachers are using different technologies in their classes to make it different and effective from the traditional ones. One of these computer and overheads.


Computers have changed the way we work, it will be in any profession you have or see. Therefore, it is only but natural the role of computers in education has been given a lot of importance in the recent years. Computers play a vital role in every field. The researcher uses the computer as a technical tool and they copies all the syllabus in detail disk and present every student of experimental group with this disk.


Second name of Overheads is OHPs, slides and transparencies. Writing on transparencies and using an overhead projector to share them with the class helps facilitate group discussion easily. Groups in the class can also quickly record their work and conversations to share with the rest of the class. Such strategies particularly benefit students who respond to visual learning cues. Although overhead projectors seem outdated in more technologically advanced classrooms, they provide a valuable back-up if the Internet or another technological tool fails to work, and the teacher needs to share visuals with the whole class. Teachers can keep salient information on a transparency to continue with an alternate lesson.

  1.          Impact of audio video tools on teaching technical courses in English

Today, we are using wide variety audio video aids in education processing. Until now, the problem of the use of audio-visual aids has been examined from an intellectual angle. It also includes important practical and technical aspects. To tell the truth, techniques cannot and should not be separated from pedagogy. We have seen that audio-visual aids cannot be separated from educational materials as a whole, this conclusion being thrust upon us by the attitude of the user when confronted by these materials. Now this same user — whether a teacher, a professor or an adult educator — does not act any differently when pedagogy and techniques are involved. He can never be purely a pedagogue or purely a technician. It is clear, therefore, that the pedagogy of audio-visual aids cannot be separated arbitrarily from audio-visual techniques.

No one can hope to achieve good results unless he is a sensitive pedagogue and a skilled technician. The problem must be solved globally. Today's technology offers many choices to the informed educator who wishes to capitalize on a new generation's appetite for multimedia presentations. Lesson plans that incorporate the use of audio-visual aids should be consistent with curriculum objectives and not segued improperly.

Media presentations can also enhance lessons by capturing students’ attention and providing visual or auditory examples of subjects discussed in class. Make sure that you preview any resources you

plan to use in class, and cue them to the appropriate spot before class begins. Providing a viewing guide or asking students to pay attention to certain issues will help focus their experience and prevent them from tuning out. Stop the video at least every five to 10 minutes for discussion, questions, and to reinforce important points. Try to place copies of video or audio used in class on reserve in the library for students who missed class or would like to review the materials.

Auditory learners focus more on the spoken word rather than the written one. Taped recordings of lectures or movies are helpful to auditory learners because they pick up on speech nuances such as tone and pitch. Computers with speech-recognition devices will also help auditory learners to process and retain information better than just reading from a textbook. Students with hearing disabilities will also benefit from teachers who use microphones while lecturing.

A device is an incentive introduced into the method of teaching for the purpose of stimulating the pupil and developing understanding through experiencing. The basis for all learning is experience, and usually the most effective type of learning is gained by concrete, direct, first-hand experience. Teachers are often unable to give pupils first-hand experiences and resort to the written and oral use of words. The experienced teacher, however, realizes that the use of words alone cannot and will not, provide vivid learning experience. Good teachers are constantly on the alert for methods and devices that will make learning meaningful. With the wise selection and use of a variety of instructional devices or audio-visual materials, experiences can be provided that will develop understanding.

  1.           Conclusions

The main purpose of this paper was to find out how to use of audio-visual aids facilitates on teaching technical courses in English. In other case of particular importance among humanities courses has a course «Philosophy of science and technology». It is designed primarily for those students who plan to further increase their level of education in graduate school. The tools presented in this paper are good examples of this kind of applications, where technology meets education to improve the learning experience and, at the end, the quality of life of final users. Thus, one of the easiest and least expensive ways for teachers to prepare the most effective teaching materials is to look around and never underestimate their sense of creativity. Teaching with technology is changing the face of education. Teachers have more resources available to present information, and students have more opportunities to engage in learning. The teaching and learning are more effective.




1.                  Bavaro, Sandra (1989) Audio Visual Aids: A study of the effect of Audio Visual Aids on the comprhense. Recal of student.

2.                  Biagi Shirely (1996), Media Reader, Wadsworth, New York.

3.                  West, J., Donald, D., “Clydetown: The use of audio and video resources within a virtual community learning resource”, DIVERSE Conference, Glasgow, 2006

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DIVERSE.

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