Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков (Ташкент) — Молодой учёный

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  • Адрес: Ташкент, 174
  • Сайт: http://uzmu.uz
  • Телефоны: +998 (71) 227-10-34

*Данные предоставлены сервисом Яндекс.Карты.


двести сорок девять авторов

387 статей в журнале «Молодой ученый»

48 статей в сборниках международных научных конференций

15 статей в тематических журналах

0 статей в журнале «Юный ученый»


The effectiveness of using realia in teaching English vocabularies to young learners

The Value of Writing and Written Speech when Mastering Oral-Speech Communication in a Foreign Language

Characteristics of the Main Types of Reading for Training at the Universities

Possible Challenges of Teaching Writing for School Learners with the Technique “Get One Give One”

Problems of the System of Exercises in Methodology of Foreign Language Teaching

Analysis of the Stages of Reading as a Type of Speech Activity

Training Speaking as a Complex Integrated Skill in Foreign Language

Designing the Authentic Reading Materials for B1 Level Students

Teaching Speaking in English

Grammar textbook review

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