Статьи по ключевому слову "motivation" — Молодой учёный

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How to Make University English Classes More Interactive

Difficulties of learning English at the medical University and methods of their solution

The improvement of learners’ academic achievement with the help of interactive whiteboard in English lessons

Some aspects of motivation in the innovation activities of businesses

To evaluate the motivational needs of physical education teachers in Mahmudabad county

Effect of self-esteem on learning foreign language at the classroom

Concepts of student ability and motivation

Efficiency of action learning being a natural form of getting knowledge and developing skills

Assessment Methods in Learning English at Distance Learning

Implementing motivation strategies in the classroom

Motivation as a Major Aspect of Study

The role of modern educational methods in teaching indonesian language

Developing independent learning skills: a key success factor for school students in learning English

Discussion method as a way to develop English language skills at school

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