Selection of backend technologies for creation of web application | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №27 (526) июль 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 30.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 2 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Ухливанов, С. М. Selection of backend technologies for creation of web application / С. М. Ухливанов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 27 (526). — С. 9-11. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

The article is devoted to analyzing various server technologies required for creating web applications. In the process of research, the importance of these technologies for providing performance, scalability and high functionality of web applications is indicated. The description and capabilities of the most popular frameworks are presented.

Keywords: web application, technology, server, frameworks.

Статья посвящена анализу различных серверных технологий, необходимых для создания веб-приложений. В процессе исследования указывается важность этих технологий для обеспечения производительности, масштабируемости и высокой функциональности веб-приложений. Представлено описание и возможности наиболее популярных фреймворков.

Ключевые слова : веб-приложение, технология, сервер, фреймворки.

While the practice of web application development has shifted towards the user and strives to satisfy their needs and visual preferences, the backend is what is actually the core of the software. Without great backend technologies, web applications will lack scalability, functionality, and responsiveness. Backend is the so-called “behind the scenes” part of a software solution, which focuses on the application architecture and acts as a link between the frontend and the database [1].

Today, backend frameworks for web development are experiencing a significant increase in popularity. The constant evolution of the web development landscape, technological advancement, superior user experience, microservices architecture, scalability, flexible business model and customer-centric niche approach are some of the obvious factors contributing to the growth of Backend Web Frameworks quotes.

According to statistics, the top three most popular backend technologies include JavaScript (65.82 % of coders use it), Python (45.32 %) and Java (30.49 %). This is followed by C# (29.19 %), C++ (20.21 %) and PHP (19.03 %). 76.2 % of all websites use PHP as their server-side programming language. Laravel (8.32 %) and Symfony (3.67 %) are the most common in the PHP ecosystem among professional developers. Node.js is the most popular web backend technology, used by 42.73 % of developers [2].

With the above in mind, there is no doubt that choosing the right backend technology stack is critical for any web development project. Since there are many different backend programming languages, deciding which one is best for your specific needs can be a daunting task. It's important to consider factors such as scalability, maintainability, cost, and support to choose the most appropriate technology for the job.

Thus, the above facts confirm the relevance and practical significance of the topic of this article.

The capabilities of modern backend technologies, which allow scaling modern web applications by increasing the efficiency of server-side code, caching and load balancing, ensuring uninterrupted operation even under high load, are considered in their works by Sedelnikov I. A., Koltygin D. S., Zykin P. A., Pervun O. E.

The criteria for choosing server technologies depending on the specifics and scope of application of a web application are reflected in the works of Verevkin K. A., Fedotova I. V., Pavlova A. I., Kuskova N. S., Sharov I. M.

However, with the development of new solutions and capabilities of artificial intelligence, the accumulated scientific and practical heritage in this subject area requires regular updating and updating.

Thus, the purpose of the article is to consider the features and capabilities of backend technologies for creating a web application.

From a technical perspective, backend development involves writing, optimizing, and deploying complex server-side code. This process involves the creation of complex functional protocols, libraries and the development of other deep components that play an important role in ensuring architectural consistency and a defined operational structure aimed at maintaining and improving performance [3].

So, let's look at backend technologies in more detail.

Node.js is one of the popular backend frameworks built on V8 JavaScript from Google. This server-side JavaScript runtime allows programmers to develop web applications that are fast, scalable, and support a rich ecosystem of modules and libraries. Developers rely on Node.js to build real-time applications, including chat applications, online game servers, and collaboration tools. This is because the framework uses an event-driven architecture and a single-threaded design based on event loops, which ensures smooth handling of concurrent connections.

Key features of Node.js:

— non-blocking input/output model. Node.js uses a non-blocking I/O model, which allows it to handle multiple connections simultaneously without slowing down code execution;

— NPM (Node Package Manager). An extensive library of Node.js modules, available through NPM, makes it possible to integrate packages and manage dependencies;

— horizontal scalability. Node.js is known for its ability to scale horizontally, thanks to which it can handle large volumes of traffic by distributing the load across multiple nodes.

ASP.NET Core, developed by Microsoft, is a framework for creating applications on the.NET platform. It is a next-generation Backend Framework, replacing its predecessor ASP.NET, which was limited to the Windows platform. The great thing about ASP.NET Core is that it is compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms as it is an open source framework.

One of the distinctive features of ASP.NET Core is the ability to collect data, which improves performance. In addition, the framework does an excellent job of customizing the environment for the needs of cloud computing, providing integration with cloud platforms [4].

Backend development in Java typically uses multiple technologies and frameworks to create robust, scalable, and efficient applications. Some of the famous development technologies include.

  1. Spring Framework: A comprehensive and widely adopted development framework offers a vast ecosystem of modules for building various backend components of a web application. Spring Boot, part of the Spring ecosystem, simplifies application configuration and development by providing concept-based and redundant configuration solutions.
  2. Hibernate: An object-relational mapping framework that makes it easy for Java applications to interact with databases. Hibernate provides an efficient way to map Java objects to database tables and vice versa, abstracting away much of the underlying SQL and database processing.
  3. Apache Kafka: A distributed data streaming platform often used to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. Kafka can process large amounts of data efficiently and reliably, making it suitable for a variety of web applications.

When choosing a back-end web application development technology stack, there are several factors to consider, including:

Performance — A language or tool that provides high performance and scalability for large projects is critical.

Security — The technology should have built-in security measures such as password hashing and CSRF protection.

Community Support — It is critical that a language or tool has an active community with many resources available online.

Compatibility — the language or tool should be easily integrated with other languages or services.

Libraries and Tools — To make development easier and more efficient, you need to have access to libraries with thousands of useful tools and functions for rapid development.

Cost and Maintenance — Financial considerations are important as the cost of maintenance and upgrades must be assessed, as well as any licensing fees associated with the technology.

Thus, to summarize, we note that the extensive list of backend technologies demonstrates a variety of tools and frameworks for optimizing web application development processes. As technology advances, using the latest backend solutions becomes essential to create reliable, scalable, and high-performance web applications. Adopting these technologies will enable developers to meet the dynamic demands of today's digital environment.


  1. Kalinnikov D. I. Analysis and research of tools for backend development of web applications // Trends in the development of science and education. 2023. No. 101–4. pp. 84–88.
  2. Jesús-Ángel Román-Gallego, María-Luisa Pérez-Delgado Artificial Intelligence Web Application Firewall for advanced detection of web injection attacks // Expert Systems 2023.
  3. Kryazheva E. V. Analysis of platforms for the development of medical web applications // Notes of a scientist. 2021. No. 6–1. pp. 32–39.
  4. Ganzha A.Yu. Development of serverless web applications using Amazon Web Services tools // Scientific review. Technical science. 2022. No. 1. P. 16–23.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PHP, NPM, CSRF, SQL.

Ключевые слова

technology, web application, server, frameworks

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