Discussion method as a way to develop English language skills at school | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Назданов, Нурлан Муратбайулы. Discussion method as a way to develop English language skills at school / Нурлан Муратбайулы Назданов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 15 (514). — С. 287-289. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/514/112698/ (дата обращения: 27.03.2025).

This article explores the use of the discussion method in developing English language skills in a school environment. The discussion method, as a pedagogical strategy, provides students with the opportunity for active exchange of opinions, argumentation and critical thinking in English. The work analyzes the advantages of using this method for developing skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English. Possible challenges and strategies for overcoming them when implementing the discussion method in school practice are also discussed. The results of the study highlight the importance of this method as an effective tool for teaching English, promoting the development of communication skills, critical thinking and active participation in the educational process.

Keywords: foreign language, interactive methods, discussion methods, communication, team work, motivation, relationship.

Methods of teaching English are a key element in the process of learning the language, providing students with effective strategies for acquiring knowledge and developing communication skills. The importance of these methods is shown in their ability to adapt to the level of knowledge and needs of students, providing an individualized approach to learning. They also offer a variety of approaches to learning, including listening, reading, writing and conversational practice, which promotes the development of all aspects of the language. The importance of the method is also in its practical orientation, giving students the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have received in practice.

Recently, the educational technology market has been replete with proposals for a wide variety of methods of teaching English. Question: “What method should I use to teach?” is becoming increasingly relevant among teachers faced with a huge amount of linguistic, methodological literature and media aids [1, p. 35]. There are so many new and unknown things offered that doubts arise about a positive result.

Now at the peak of popularity is the communicative approach, which, as its name suggests, is aimed at the practice of communication. Galskova N. D. in her works describes interactive methods as a relationship not only between the student and the teacher, but also a dialogue between the students themselves [1, p. 153]. The most common of these methods are discussion ones, since during the learning process pupils and students are fully immersed in the process of dialogue, as well as group work. They not only develop language skills, but also learn to make decisions, think critically, develop cognitive thinking, engage in discussion, freely express thoughts and prove their point of view.

Discussion methods have several types in their organization:

  1. Discussion with role definition. Depending on the choice of topic, goal, tasks assigned to students and the interactive type of discussion, in the learning process it is possible to use different roles that participants follow throughout the lesson.
  2. Discussion with hidden roles. In this method, in most cases, the teacher secretly assigns roles to students in order to diversify the learning process, as well as to complicate the task.
  3. Free discussion. Participants freely discuss certain or given questions and problems on the topic, share their opinions, and also give their solutions, coming to a certain conclusion during the discussion.

The organization and course of the discussion is similar to other methods, however, it is considered the easiest in terms of implementation of the process, since it does not require the use of various technologies and materials, since the entire process is built on communication and discussion.

The discussion is carried out in 4 stages:

1. Preparatory stage

Leontyev A. A. identifies the following possible speaking situations: real, abstract and difficult [2, p. 27]. However, the methodology pays special attention to the prepared and unprepared type. The first of which means preparatory work before the main process, while the second is carried out without any influences or external factors. At this stage, the teacher sets several tasks:

1) choosing a topic taking into account the interests of pupils or students, taking into account the relevance of the given topic. In this situation, the interests of everyone are taken into account, since one student can influence all the others, and the process turns into organized work [3, p. 411];

2) setting goals and objectives according to the selected topic;

3) organizing space for discussion;

4) preparation of lexical and terminological material, according to a given topic;

5) assistance to pupils and students in group work and distribution of roles. Some students adapt to working only in certain groups and working with other students leads to certain difficulties. In the preparatory stage, it is very important to take this situation into account, and the teacher, in turn, should have several options for distributing students in the classroom.

While pupils and students should follow the following points:

1) if the topic is given in advance, familiarization with the topic and preparation and execution of the necessary information on the topic. Students should not only consider one topic, but should also discuss various issues arising from the main topic. This will help them develop solution-finding and speaking skills. The methods that are used at this stage increase the interest of students [4, p. 35];

2) familiarization with the terminological and lexical base, if necessary, memorizing them;

3) preparation is consistent with the selected roles.

2. Introduction to the discussion

At this stage, the teacher introduces students to the topic, main goals and objectives. The main and important point is to familiarize yourself with the rules of the discussion. The discussion in most cases has a strict framework to effectively achieve the goal. Some of the main ones we can highlight are the following rules for conducting discussions:

1) Barriers must be built between students or pupils, under which they have the right to express their opinions, as well as enter into a discussion. Arguments, interruptions, deviations from the topic, and speeches without the permission of the teacher are not allowed.

2) According to the topic. The words spoken should be supported by actual and relevant facts.

3) All statements must be taken into account and also be considered. Many students may not have special skills in communicating with others, which leads to certain difficulties. That is why such students remain inactive. The teacher must pay special attention to student communication [5, p. 87].

3. Discussion

Participants already have their roles and groups in which they must work. The teacher or a selected participant leads the discussion and follows the implementation of organizational issues. Participants express their opinions, make presentations, answer questions, solve problems and assigned tasks.

4. Conclusion

At this stage, analyzing all the proposed solutions to problems, as well as points of view, the teacher or a certain selected expert commission makes a final decision. Participants share their results and opinions on the discussion.

In the following table (table 1), we would like to consider the results of using several types of discussion methods in English lessons, which were carried out on the basis of practical work among 9th grade students of a general education school in the city of Aktau.

Table 1

Types of discussion methods and results

Title of discussions




The teacher also puts forward a problem on a topic that is discussed not in micro groups, but by all participants in the discussion.

In the process, all participants only exchange opinions and come to a decision according to the topic.

Since there are no specific time or other time frames in this process, participants freely express their opinions, which makes it possible to reduce barriers in the communication process.


The teacher introduces participants to a specific topic, which in turn has several positions.

Participants or the teacher select positions for each student. Participants must defend their positions and give reasons. At the end, the winning side is determined by the expert commission.

Participants learn to analyze, put forward the opposite

opinion in a English language.

Round table

This method is similar to a forum, but differs in that students sit at a round table, and the entire process takes place with the participation of a supervising person.

The opportunity to freely express opinions in a English language, as well as consult with partners

Discussion using the “Quad” method

The main feature of this method is the choice of position. The teacher draws a square on the board, the corners of which correspond to the positions: confident, agree, disagree, completely disagree. Participants, choosing their positions, are divided into different groups.

This method also helps improve speaking a foreign language.

Written discussion

The teacher gives the participants several posters on the topic, however, they are empty. Participants must fill them out with relevant questions, theses, and problems. The most interesting ones written will be selected for discussion.

This method allows you to freely express different thoughts regarding the topic, since there are no frameworks or rules. Participants also exchange thoughts during the discussion.


The difference between this method is that participants sit in two circles (outer and inner) and share their thoughts in pairs.

The method allows you to enter into dialogue with all participants and

practice speaking skill.


Participants are divided into two groups: one side is supportive, the other is against. They are given a certain problem, first they must speak up and give solutions “for”, change and try to put forward arguments “against”.

During the studying of English, this method allows you to get out of difficult situations and be able to argue both “for” and “against” statements.

Discussion methods are varied in their organization and implementation, but they are all aimed at communication and communication, which is a very important aspect in a English language. The choice of topic depends entirely on the teacher, but he must take into account the interests and preferences of students and students.

Advantages of using discussion methods in English language lessons:

1) interaction and work in groups;

2) motivation;

3) study of the lexical and terminological base in the process of communication.

Team work helps both active and passive students to participate in the learning process, which is an effective way to motivate students to improve their speaking skills. Because teachers focus on creating an easy environment for teaching and using the techniques, those participating in the lesson are more likely to achieve their goals. This creates a favorable atmosphere for communication and communication, which is very important especially for learning English language. Pupils and students enter into communication not only with each other, but also with the teacher.

By communicating with other participants, pupils and students have the opportunity to learn from others to solve problems, supplement information, reveal the essence, and do analysis. Students can learn by observing how others think and this happens through interaction [5, p. 96]. That is why interactive methods aimed at discussion and discussion play a huge role in learning a foreign language.

The main goal of the teacher is to teach pupils and students to communicate and communicate effectively through communicative means, such as interactive methods such as discussion methods. This article examined the benefits of using discussion methods in learning a foreign language. In conclusion, we can conclude that a foreign language is acquired through communication in practice, but not in theory. Using these discussion techniques can help many teachers diversify strategies and teach effectively in their classrooms.


  1. Galskova N. D. Foreign language program: new approaches to design / N. D. Galskova, A.Yu. Gorchev, Z. N. Nikitenko // Foreign languages at school, 1990. No. 4.
  2. Leontyev A. A. Some common problems in teaching foreign languages today / A. A. Leontyev. M: REMA, MSLU, 1992.
  3. Shevchenko N. I. Pedagogical technologies: socialization of schoolchildren in social studies lessons: educational and methodological manual. — Russkoe Slovo Publishing House, 2012.
  4. Plaksina, I. V. Interactive technologies in teaching and upbringing: method. — Vladimir: VlSU Publishing House, 2014.
  5. Westwood, P. What teachers need to know about teaching methods? — ACER press, 2008
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ACER, MSLU, REMA.

Ключевые слова

communication, foreign language, motivation, interactive methods, team work, relationship, discussion methods

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