Online-learning is a requirement of the time | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (364) май 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 27.05.2021

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Орманова, У. А. Online-learning is a requirement of the time / У. А. Орманова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 22 (364). — С. 470-472. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The article is devoted to a theme of online teaching, which is one of the forms of distance classes conducting. Currently, the development of information and communication technologies in accordance with modern requirements requires timely changes in the system of assessment and use of knowledge. In this regard, the methods, the techniques and technologies used in training are constantly updating in accordance with the requirements of training. The effective use of these facilities depends on the qualifications, knowledge and experience of the teacher. As a result, the novelty of the current research is due to the implementation of online education in compulsory school, which was previously used only in training in higher education institutions, trying to identify its better ways.

Keywords: online teaching, conducting online classes, forms of developing English classes online, effective online teaching and learning at a comprehensive school.

Online-teaching is one of the forms of distance classes conducting. Currently, the development of information and communication technologies in accordance with modern requirements requires timely changes in the system of assessment and use of knowledge. In this regard, the methods, the techniques and technologies used in training are constantly updating in accordance with the requirements of training. The effective use of these facilities depends on the qualifications, knowledge and experience of the teacher. As a result, the novelty of the current research is due to the implementation of online education in compulsory school, which was previously used only in training in higher education institutions, trying to identify its better ways.

Conducting online classes had its origin many years ago. Firstly online teaching was carried out at higher institutions and private courses of teaching foreign languages. Due to the quarantine in our country as in most countries around the world compulsory education institutions as state schools have to conduct such experience. As an English teacher, I also have to deal with the chance of having experience of online teaching and implement my own ways of teaching online. The necessity in developing my online teaching methods and techniques has leaded to the subject and object of the research I made.

According to the target topic lots of scientific paper were analyzed and still being studied. Most of the scientific works give recommendations how to conduct online lessons effectively, however give no definite methods or techniques in teaching online. In addition, most reviewed literature has proved that the majority of scholars as Loeb, Taylor and Francis, Pope, Wexler wrote their works on the target topic at the time of the distance learning started last academic school year.

The attitude of the scholars to the online classes differs. To illustrate, Loeb states online classes are less effective than in person classes, however, they are better than having no classes [1]. Though, Taylor and Francis are more positive defining online teaching as a process which doesn't require new teaching ways but applying the same methods by using new tools in online environment [2]. Young supports the same idea and considers teaching online as a similar teaching to traditional classes. Young emphasizes the necessity of building well relationships with the students and good management of learning process [3]. In her article Devterova also asserts distance learning is a specific educational process that is built like any other in accordance with the logic of cognitive activity, but is implemented by means of internet technologies, video conferences [4]. The distance education system can fully apply traditional organizational forms of education taking into account the specific of learning in an information and educational environment. At the same time, the availability and development of computer and telecommunication technologies initiates the emergence of new forms or training organization.

Developing English classes online is one of the most discussed subjects among distance learning subjects. A large amount of courses providing online lessons with native speakers are among them as well. The website Future School tells that online English lessons are convenient in developing written and spoken English skills as well. The article also states that online classes are suitable for the students of different level [5]. Therefore talking about practical sides of developing English classes, Cambridge English recommends starting lessons from providing learning objectives at the beginning and discussing the points they have achieved at the end of classes [6]. According to Wexler it is necessary to keep the limitation of new material dose. Wexler emphasizes regular activity change as a good tip [7]. Lysenko notes positive features of online lessons in using gaming tasks and quizzes, which allows giving instant feedback to the students and making it easier to check the assignments for the teacher at the same time [8].

Existing scientific papers also give the list of forms of developing classes online. According to the Edu News there are such variations as video conferences, audio conferences, computer teleconferences, video lectures, web lessons which are among contemporary online methods [9]. Different effective platforms for online classes like Google Hangouts, ZOOM, Skype, and Moodle are suggested by Pope.The opportunity of having group works at online classes using these platforms is also recommended by Pope. For the teachers feeling themselves isolated, Pope advices to join online communities with other teachers to share tips and experiences as well [10]. Distance learning is provided due to the active interaction of both the teacher and students in the process of various kinds of cognitive and creative activities. Socialization problems are very relevant in distance learning. The successful creation of distance learning classes should begin with a deep analysis of the learning objectives, the didactic capabilities of new technologies for the transmission of educational information, the requirements for distance learning technologies in terms of teaching specific disciplines, and adjusting the learning criteria. When planning and developing distance learning lessons, it is necessary to take into account that the main three components of the teacher's activity, namely the presentation of educational material, practice, feedback, retain their significance. The problem of creating distance learning at this stage is the creation of a conceptually new methodological material based on the step-by-step perception of information and full control of the student's knowledge. Also Zayeva and Morozova assume the teaching concept, content and methods selected may be the same as in face-to-face education, but the content for distance learning must be structured and organized in a certain way [11].

Each new world has its own advantages and disadvantages. Tough times shape mature people. In distance learning, students have few opportunities to answer a wide range of questions. It is difficult to discuss the problem in detail, criticize, and accurately express your thoughts. However, distance learning is also an effective system for the school, convenient for all teachers. Distance learning does not mean being away from the student, but getting closer to him. The role of a teacher is to create an environment for the student to understand as much as possible. Teachers shouldn't be afraid of novelty. We must trust that from the very first lesson, the students' aspiration and enthusiasm will inspire us. The main thing is to prepare more responsibly for each lesson than before, and do a lot of research. It is important to identify the factors and methods that motivate students to learn. When we think about motivating students to learn, we are trying to figure out how to increase their motivation. Participation in learning means getting them involved, giving them the opportunity to try new things, make choices, make mistakes, start over, strive for success. In this way, we help children become independent learners through the wide use of methods of active student participation in distance and traditional learning. It is an excellent opportunity to be able to improve our preparation and develop students' interest in the subject through various educational portals. Through distance learning, we not only take precautions but also improve our skills. Distance learning is an actively developing form of education and can be an excellent addition to offline education, and in some areas, even supplants it.

It can be concluded that most of the papers existing nowadays propose useful offers to succeed in distant learning at school. Online teaching is not entirely new and the adapted application of the methods and techniques of traditional offline teaching is also encouraged. The role of distance learning is very important for education, because thanks to this system, our teachers and students have an excellent opportunity to communicate with the world, improve their scientific and creative work, and deepen their knowledge in the global information space. The requirements of the time defines that each teacher has to make a lesson as a research project. A teacher who can create a lesson in a research project will find a way to the heart of the student, increase his interest in the lesson, and there will be understanding between teacher and student. Communicative development of the teacher: the ability to listen to students, to understand their point of view, to criticize, speak, organize. Each teacher must have conditioned reflexive qualities: be able to apply his own approach to teaching children, find solutions in difficult situations.

The level of informational culture of didactic distance learning programs includes automation of management and control in the field of education, setting tasks for students based on unique multidimensional, multidisciplinary didactic conditions, objective assessment of knowledge and skills, presentation of special information materials in multimedia form. In addition, information technology makes it possible to color the lessons with the help of various applications, presentations, videos, which lead to the interest of students in the subject and to upper their motivation as a result.

The introduction of online learning and teaching requires some time passing for collecting natural experience. One of my conducted surveys at the meeting with the school children parents shows that for some students it has occurred convenient in feeling themselves more relaxed and having no stress while participating at the lesson activities. This is also another example of the fact that online teaching is not so frightening and confusing way of teaching as it looked like at first. Walsh notes that online teaching is becoming as a norm and believes it can be easier than ever [12]. However, education should not stay still, that’s why the further and wider theoretical and practical research is still needed to develop effective online teaching and learning at a comprehensive school.


  1. Loeb, S. (2020, March 21). How Effective Is Online Learning? What the Research Does and Doesn’t Tell Us (Opinion). Education Week.
  2. Ko, S., & Rossen, S. (2017). Teaching Online: A Practical Guide. Taylor & Francis.
  3. Young, S. (2020, April 13). Online teaching: 5 keys for effectiveness. SmartBrief.
  4. Руслановна, Девтерова Зурета. 2011. ‘Организационные Формы Дистанционного Обучения и Специфика Их Применения в Информационно-Образовательной Среде’. Сибирский Педагогический Журнал (12).
  5. Learn English Online. (n.d.). FutureSchool. Retrieved 9 December 2020, from
  6. 12 tips for teaching an unforgettable online English class | Cambridge English. (n.d.). Retrieved 9 December 2020, from
  7. Wexler, N. (n.d.). 7 Tips To Help Make Remote Learning More Effective. Forbes. Retrieved 9 December 2020, from
  8. Плюсы и минусы дистанционного обучения в школе. (n.d.). Skysmart. Retrieved 10 December 2020, from
  9. Виды дистанционного обучения и образования. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 December 2020, from
  10. Six top tips for teaching English online. (2020, March 17). Resources for English Language Learners and Teachers | Pearson English. https :// www . english . com / blog / six - top - tips - for - teaching - english - online /
  11. Л.к, Заева, Морозова Е. с. 2013. ‘Актуальность Применения Дистанционных Форм Обучения в Современной Системе Образования’. Вестник Московской Международной Академии (1).
  12. Walsh, L. (2020, May 20). Tips for Becoming an Online English Teacher | Go Overseas.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): дистанционное обучение, ZOOM.

Ключевые слова

online teaching, conducting online classes, forms of developing English classes online, effective online teaching and learning at a comprehensive school

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