The function of social media in today's educational environment. Peculiarities of the use of social networks in the education of secondary school students | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (463) апрель 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 25.04.2023

Статья просмотрена: 9 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Есболатова, А. Е. The function of social media in today's educational environment. Peculiarities of the use of social networks in the education of secondary school students / А. Е. Есболатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 16 (463). — С. 309-312. — URL: (дата обращения: 15.01.2025).

The article explains how social networks are used in the sphere of education as well as their benefits and prospects. There are various ways that social networks might facilitate learning and enhance teacher-student collaboration. There are suggestions about how to foster students' creative abilities.

Keywords: information, education, foreign language, social networks.

Social media, a web-based internet tool that enables people to discover and acquire new information, share ideas, and interact with new people and organizations, plays a significant role in modern life. It has altered how individuals live their lives nowadays and made communication more simpler, enables the transfer of user-generated data, including data, photos, and videos. The platforms used for social media can take on a variety of shapes, including blogs, business forums, podcasts, microblogging, photo sharing, weblogs, etc.

Social media is computer technology that fosters communication between people by building online groups and networks. Social media is Internet-based by design and offers quick electronic content delivery to users. Personal data, papers, movies, and other materials are all considered content.

Through online applications or programs on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, users interact with social media. As a means of communication with friends and family, social media has emerged. The ability to connect and share information with anyone on earth or with many individuals at once is the strength of social media [1].

Social media's significance. Today, a dedicated social media platform is used by more than 85 % of all firms as part of their marketing plan. A rise in sales was recorded by 58 % of companies who have been using social media marketing for more than three years. A workday's worth of time is spent on social media marketing development and servicing by about 60 % of marketers. social media platform types. Several technology services can be used for social networking. Blogging, social gaming, social networking, video sharing, business networking, virtual worlds, reviews, and other things fall under this category. Even governments and politicians interact with citizens and communities on social media. Students can interact with educational organizations and other systems that make education more easy through the usage of social media in the classroom. Students and institutions have a lot of potential to improve teaching methods thanks to social media tools. You may engage and share using social media plugins with these networks. Online tutorials and resources distributed via social media and LMS can be helpful to students.

According to studies, a learning experience's success depends on a variety of factors, one of which is the teachers' ability to effectively communicate with their students. Teaching and learning will be challenging if there is improper communication between the teacher and the students. Because of this, teachers must constantly watch their students to be aware of any problems they may be experiencing. Faculty will be better able to understand students' learning difficulties if they can identify their issues, fears, or misunderstandings.

The greater the teachers' relationships with their pupils, the more likely it is that they will be able to support kids in learning fast and proficiently. Social media can enhance communication among students as well as between them and their teachers. These people can communicate with one another about impending tasks or exams through social media. They can ask their peers for information regarding the subjects that will be covered on an exam or the specifications for a particular assignment.

Students can ask their peers for help and catch up online on social networking sites if they are struggling with a particular subject. Similar to this, as blogs and wikis rely on the contributions of numerous users, these collaborative platforms can effectively increase student interaction.

Methods for utilizing social media in teaching. To better the lives of students, numerous schools and educational institutions are implementing these reforms today. Using social media in the classroom allows students, teachers, and parents to connect with learning communities and other educational systems while gaining useful knowledge. Students and institutions have a lot of potential to improve teaching and learning methods thanks to social networks and websites [2].

You can link to social media plugins or modules through these networks, which let you share and work together. Students can locate beneficial assignments for themselves through internet learning activities.

The Internet can be used directly in foreign language lessons as a platform for new, creative technologies. The effectiveness of schooling is improved by new, cutting-edge technologies. Increases motivation for studying a foreign language and aids in the development of linguistic proficiency. It permits converting learning a foreign language into a creative process. These websites:,,,,, and can all be accessed during a lecture directly from the Internet.

Currently, a highly convenient platform for remotely reviewing and grading students' assignments is the platform, which is accessed immediately from the Internet (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1

Social media and technology are now an essential component of daily life. Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram*, and other services are used by everyone over the age of 13. the minimum age to open their own sites on well-known social media platforms like WhatsApp has been raised to 16 [3].

Social media benefits and educational strategies for raising pupils' academic performance:

1. Cooperation and communication. Communication improvement is social media's main advantage. The student is always accessible via WhatsApp (Fig. 2). Students can exchange questions and make phone or video calls using these platforms on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The student can always speak to their friends or teachers if they do not comprehend their schoolwork. They don't have to wait to actually meet the teacher. Sharing documents on social media sites like Google Docs and Drive encourages learning.

Fig. 2

2. Perform a data search. Numerous websites and social media platforms offer a wealth of knowledge that is beneficial to pupils. Students can locate useful websites by using a social media news feed. Based on their interests, students can get solutions to their questions. Websites like Tumblr and Pinterest (Fig. 3) can inspire children for their schoolwork.


Fig. 3

Social media can be used in the classroom to assist students efficiently understand certain ideas and get ready for critical classes. Students can conduct surveys and think about new ones because social media websites provide the most recent information on a variety of school-related topics. For students, social media is like Wikipedia. We are living in the social media learning era.

3. Parental participation. Parents who use social media are more engaged in their children's schooling. Parents can learn about school-related events, initiatives, and activities by visiting the school's Facebook* or Twitter sites. Teachers at the school can connect with parents via Skype or other secure online platforms if they want to let them know how their child is progressing [4].

In order to provide parents with information about schools, learning, and education, WhatsApp or Facebook* Messenger can be used to develop a social network for them.

The use of social media by parents to learn about, share, and monitor their children's academic and personal success at school is all beneficial. Social media helps youngsters do better because their parents can offer better academic support at home.

4. Enhanced reading, writing, and communication abilities. Students frequently complain that reading and writing tire them, yet the Internet and social media offer a variety of online content that they are frequently more likely to read, especially if it has visual animations. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to studying because there is a limitless supply of knowledge to read on the internet in the form of postings, comments, news items, and books. These online activities benefit a child's general education, and they eventually help them learn to read, which helps them write better. Social media platforms encourage student participation since they are engaging.

5. Possibilities for online education. The ability to use social media for distance learning is yet another fantastic benefit. There are many students who are unable to receive a formal education by enrolling in the institution's regular classes. Today's teachers can instruct pupils through distant learning programs with the aid of numerous internet tools and social media. It soon will be a crucial component of our existing educational system. Students in distant parts of the world can now learn thanks to live lectures delivered via Zoom, Skype, or webinars [5].

Thus, voice and video chats, document sharing on social media platforms, links, and any kind of information can enhance student learning and academic success.

However, if a kid uses any social media platform, parents and instructors should be aware that rigorous security must be maintained. These days, all parents might use some advice on how to keep their children safe online.


  1. Султанбаева Ж. У., Сеитов Б. Р. Шетел тілін оқытуда инновациялық технологияларды қолдану тәсілдері. Статистика, учет и аудит, 4(87)2022, 84–107 бет
  2. Ractham, P.; Firpo, D.;(2011), «Using Social Networking Technology to Enhance Learning in Higher Education: A Case Study Using Facebook», System Sciences (HICSS), 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on, vol., no., pp.1–10, 4–7 Jan.
  3. «The Internet as a Learning Tool». Retrieved 5 April 2023.
  4. Anderson, Monica (2018–05–31). «Teens, Social Media, & Technology». PEW Research
  5. Cox, Janelle. «Benefits of Technology in the Classroom». TeachHUB.

Instagram and Facebook, products of the company Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HICSS, LMS, PEW.

Ключевые слова

foreign language, education, information, social networks

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