The improvement of learners’ academic achievement with the help of interactive whiteboard in English lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (205) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 12.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 107 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Талибжанова, А. Л. The improvement of learners’ academic achievement with the help of interactive whiteboard in English lessons / А. Л. Талибжанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 19 (205). — С. 232-234. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The following article deals with the latest innovations, the interactive whiteboard in teaching foreign languages. It also discusses with some methods of work with the interactive whiteboard and highlights a number of advantages of this smart board which helps teachers in involving the students into active and creative process.

Key words: innovations, modern technologies, motivation, simulator, interactive learning, shells, educational process.

The term «interactive learning» has been spread in pedagogical practice. It unites a group of pedagogical technologies that achieve a high level of activity of students' learning activities. The modern science of education approached the moment when there was a need to create pedagogical technologies that provide the most important thing in the educational process — the development of the personality of each student, his activity. It is necessary to create such learning conditions that the student aspires to get new results of his work and subsequently successfully apply them in practice. To date, we can not help but think about what awaits our students. It is known that the future will require from them a huge store of knowledge, not only in the chosen specialty, but in the field of modern technologies.

At the moment, almost all educational establishments are filled with various information technologies. They help to increase the effectiveness of learning the material and achieve high results. Consequently, teachers need to learn new modern information technologies. And one such technology is the use of an interactive whiteboard in the learning activity.

One of the latest innovations is interactive whiteboards, which increase the intensity of presentation of new material due to visibility, dynamism and interactivity. The consequence of this is an increase in the motivation of students.

At the moment, research is the priority of the student, who, based on his abilities, builds the process of cognition. The teacher should act as a mentor (consultant), which stimulates the activity of the student.

Interactive whiteboard solves the problem of co-education as well as possible. It allows all students to get involved in the learning process, saves time in the classroom, makes the lesson vivid, attractive, and therefore increases the motivation for learning [1, 47].

Interactive whiteboard not only combines the advantages of a large screen for the projector and the marker board, but also allows you to save all the notes and changes made during the discussion and manage the computer applications, without departing from the board and without interrupting performances. Everything that is on the computer is demonstrated on the interactive whiteboard. On it you can move objects and labels, add comments to texts and pictures, save them for later use, highlight key areas and add colors. Texts, drawings or hints to tasks can be hidden, and then show at the key points of the lesson. Working with the interactive whiteboard allows you to activate the activities of students in the lesson, explain new material, check the knowledge of students, and engage them in the discussion. Any drawing, even scanned, can be placed on the slide, giving it transparency.

This miracle of modern technology can be used as a visual-illustrative method, as a grammatical simulator and a communication skills simulator. And both teachers and the students benefit enormously from this. Students can simultaneously see, hear, read, pronounce, write, play, sing, watch films, work with various disks and much more. Presentations on various topics can be created.

Here are some methods of work with the interactive whiteboard.

‒ To create a sample dialogue to use the sentence arranges shell, which allows building dialogue replicas in order.

‒ The Category sort — image (text) shell allows distributing pictures or words to specific categories. For example, when studying the topic «Political systems», I ask students to divide the proposed words into three categories: the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judiciary.

‒ Multiple Choice shells — can be used at the stage of consolidating the material, which will allow creating a test with an answer check.

In addition, in the program Smart Notebook, in which lessons can be created on the interactive whiteboard, there are many tricks for game situations. For example, the use of cubes introduces the effect of surprise. Dice can be used to test material in a game form. The Question Flipper element can be used to show the clarity. For example, when studying the topic «Sights of London» or «Sights of Tashkent», famous places of the cities can be repeated in the capital of England. When you click on it, an inscription appears about the specific sights.

Thus, the use of an interactive whiteboard makes it possible to carry out the learning process at a qualitatively new level. The perception of the teaching material is active, attention, interest in the subject is increased, understanding is improved, and memorization becomes more solid [2, 257]. The alternation of various activities helps to avoid fatigue and monotony in the work of the lesson, stimulates the activity and initiative of students who not only perceive the information presented by the teacher, but also themselves participate in its creation. A lesson using an interactive whiteboard is more effective and can increase the effectiveness of learning. In addition, the interactive whiteboard allows you to go abroad, create your own forms, and use interesting techniques in class.

Together with the program Smart Notebook, the program for using voting consoles Smart Response, which can be applied in class, works effectively. This allows saving time for testing, create various kinds of tests, see the degree of mastering the material in the classroom almost immediately and, of course, increase the students' interest in the subject.

The role of using the interactive board in the lesson of the English language is very important. Electronic boards exceed the possibilities of implementing traditional means of the educational process, such as chalk, notebook. The work of the teacher and student is built in a new way. Now the teacher can take into account the individual abilities of children, using a different font, audio and video. As a consequence of this, cognitive activity increases. The child begins to believe in himself and his abilities. First of all, the teacher should understand what goals and results he wants to achieve.

A variety of visuals can be actively used to introduce the topic of the lesson and its subsequent discussion. Also in elementary school with the help of interactive board it can be achieved very good results with the help of tasks: connect the picture and the word, insert the letter, and solve the crossword. In doing so, the work in the classroom can be tested with the children and analyze the mistakes made by the students.

When working with a whiteboard, the teacher can involve students in the educational process using different possibilities of the board, while involving students who can then work independently or in groups. Sometimes you can draw the students' attention back to the board so that they share their thoughts and discuss them before continuing. But it is important to understand that this effectiveness of working with the board depends largely on the teacher himself, on how he applies those or other of its capabilities. I would like to note a number of advantages that the interactive whiteboard provides in the teacher's work:

‒ The interactive whiteboard provides much more opportunities for interaction in the classroom, facilitating the implementation of developmental learning;

‒ Allows for a differentiated approach to learning.

‒ Helps the teacher to get rid of monotonous work, involving him in the creative process;

‒ Increases student motivation;

‒ Helps diversify the lesson with numerous resources for working with the interactive whiteboard;

‒ Allows providing the available material.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that every modern teacher, tuned to an effective educational process, must keep pace with the times and use interactive technologies in his lesson.


  1. Oktay AKBAŞ and Hüseyin Miraç PEKTAŞ, The effects of using an interactive whiteboard on the academic achievement of university students. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article 13 (Dec., 2011)
  2. Peter Digregorio and Karen Sobel-Lojeski, The effects of interactive whiteboards on student performance and learning: a literature review. Suffolk County Community College, Selden, New York

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