A new method of local therapy of scars of various etiologies with a silicon-containing preparation «Fatiderm» (cream) | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Юсубалиев, У. А. A new method of local therapy of scars of various etiologies with a silicon-containing preparation «Fatiderm» (cream) / У. А. Юсубалиев, Н. М. Ашрапходжаева, У. Р. Музапова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 49 (444). — С. 531-533. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/444/97505/ (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Scars of various origins are an urgent problem of modern dermatology and cosmetology, as they affect the psychosomatic status and quality of life of patients. A scar is part of the healing process of a wound in the skin. On many superficial injuries, such as minor cuts and abrasions, the scarring gradually disappears. However, after some types of surgical interventions or serious injuries (deep cuts or burns of various etiologies), healing is accompanied by the formation of pathological scars that can deform the skin. The exact causes of the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars in medicine have not yet been identified. The formation of scars is affected by violations of the processes of collagen formation. There are several different reasons for this:

– Increased formation of collagen fibers in the wound for a long time;

Growth factors that affect the occurrence of hypertrophic scars through stimulation of angiogenesis (the process of formation of new blood vessels in an organ or tissue), collagen protein synthesis, growth of body tissue ( fibroblasts ) by cell reproduction by division, disruption of the cell matrix;

– Excessive activity of enzymes that contribute to the formation of excess collagen synthesis;

Hypertrophic scars are formed as a result of wound healing with increased production of connective tissue. Such scars rise above the level of the skin, as a rule, this is observed directly in the area of damage to the skin. Often, hypertrophic scars occur in places where the edges of the wound were not fixed in a stationary state, and the wound itself was not protected by a bandage. Another factor influencing the development of a hypertrophic scar is wound infection.

A keloid scar is a structure represented by an excess neoplasm of immature connective tissue. In such scars, there is 6–7 times more collagen than in hypertrophic scars. The contours of the keloid scar are clearly visible. They also rise above the skin, but differ from hypertrophic scars in that painful symptoms, skin irritation, and burning can occur. Keloid scars can react to changes in temperature. The reasons as a result of which keloid scars can form are scratches, acne (acne), piercing, keloid scars may occur in places where there were minor imperceptible skin lesions. It has been established that keloid scars are a genetic disease.

There are many scar treatments used by doctors, mainly dermatologists and burn specialists. Some of them, such as surgical methods, require inpatient treatment. Treatment requiring hospitalization may not be available for various reasons. For these reasons, many patients opt for the more convenient and technically feasible option at home.

Cream « Fatiderm » — has moisturizing, softening, toning and regenerating properties. It has a high anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic efficiency.

Ingredients: lanolin, activated siliceous waters with healing minerals and REE elements and vegetable oil. Indications for use: Recommended for daily use, as well as before make-up. Due to the unique composition of the cream, it is recommended to use it for skin diseases: for the treatment of dry skin, dyschromia, stretch marks, allergic skin diseases (atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis), acne, as well as for dermatoses with impaired keratinization (psoriasis, lichen planus, etc.), lymphoproliferative diseases of the skin. Age is not limited. As a moisturizer, it is recommended for young children. Thanks to the constituent component of y- activated siliceous (SiO2–44.8–52 mg / l) water and REE — elements, it helps to suppress the growth of opportunistic microorganisms on the skin (Stafhylococcus spp. E. coli, candida spp.). Cream «Fatiderm» passed a dermatological test at the RSNPMCDViK of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Considering all of the above, we have developed a new method for the treatment of cicatricial changes in the skin. The essence of this technique: patients with scars of various etiology, daily, an occlusive dressing was made with «Fatiderm» cream under compress paper, which was left for 12 hours (Parchment paper wrapping grease and airtight paper ). Thus, the absorption of the drug into the dressing material was prevented, the concentration of the cream in the scar zone was maintained, and the therapeutic (absorbable) effect of the therapy was significantly enhanced.

The results of applying this method in the first group of patients (28 people), within 30 days, showed a slight decrease in scar density, color intensity and slight flattening, relative to adjacent healthy skin areas.

The positive effect of the modified method is as follows :

– allows dermatologists to treat patients with scars of various etiologies, both inpatient and outpatient;

of use: apply an occlusive dressing under compress paper with Fatiderm cream for a long time (up to 12 hours);

– prevents infection in the foci of scars on the skin and enhances the therapeutic effect;

– the ability to replace expensive and often scarce foreign drugs («Kontratubeks», «Actovegin», «Solcoderm», «Bepanten») with an affordable domestic drug «Fatiderm» (cream), which shows high efficiency in dermatovenereology and cosmetology.

Conclusions: Despite the many different methods of external therapy for scars of various etiologies used by dermatologists and cosmetologists, the problem of effective, affordable and effective methods of local treatment is still relevant. Safety, ease of use (outpatient, inpatient, at home), availability and effectiveness of the technique proposed by the authors allow the wide use of fatiderm silicon-containing cream as the therapy of choice in the treatment of scars of various origins.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): REE.

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