Entertaining means of activating cognitive activity of 6th grade students in biology lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Хорольская, Е. Н. Entertaining means of activating cognitive activity of 6th grade students in biology lessons / Е. Н. Хорольская, А. В. Литовкина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 2 (397). — С. 228-230. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/397/87816/ (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).

In the article, the authors offer various entertaining means of activating the cognitive activity of 6th grade students in biology lessons while studying the plant kingdom.

Keywords: entertaining means, cognitive activity, activation, methods, techniques.

Since ancient times, teachers have been looking for ways to teach children most effectively, tasks have been set to determine such methods and technologies so that it proceeds quickly and efficiently, with reasonable effort from teachers and students. A lot has already been tried, there is not a single more or less obvious path that teachers would not try to follow. All the most valuable things are concentrated in the arsenal of scientific didactics, the practical task of which is to show teachers the most rational ways to acquire knowledge, skills, and skills developed by previous generations of teachers as soon as possible.

At the lesson, entertaining means activate the mental activity of schoolchildren, enliven the study of the material and contribute to its consolidation. Interesting tasks contribute to the development of a research approach to business, create favorable conditions for attracting various forms of entertaining biology. [3].

Taking part in various entertaining events, the student exerts all his creative forces, which contributes to enriching the student with new knowledge, expanding his horizons. This can be achieved by applying rational selection, gradual complication of the material of entertaining biology. Children show great interest in entertaining, often many of them demonstrate creative activity when composing quiz tasks. The teacher should encourage this and help them, only then he will be able to arouse students' interest in biology [1].

In the classroom, children often face the fact that they need to memorize a lot of new terms and concepts. In an entertaining form, for example, in poetry, it is much easier to do this, because memorizing poems and rhymes is easy. Memorizing verses in the classroom helps students easily assimilate the material being studied. The following are poems that can be used when studying plants in grades 6–7.

1. Venation in a mesh,

Rod system –

There is a double perianth here.

Two cotyledons here instead of one,

Repeat all this with me again.

2. Veins parallel to the silt arc,

The perianth here is the simplest,

the Mochkovataya root system.

We will remember the topic about monocotyledons [5].

Almost all forms of entertaining biology are mass means of educational influence on students. Each of them is characterized by its own structure and content, which determine the possibility of using it in specific conditions of occupation. Almost all forms of entertaining biology carry one or another element of the game. The most effective type of cognitive activity is a game. Thanks to the use of the game, the teacher has the opportunity to expand and deepen students' knowledge in a bright and fascinating way, to demonstrate their use in practice. The game helps to enter the world of scientific and technical ideas, to push the boundaries of the textbook [2].

Biology occupies a special place among school disciplines, because it gives students an idea of wildlife. The diverse material of biology can be more easily assimilated by students when the study of the subject takes place with the lively participation of the students themselves, when their independent activity is widely developed. Under these conditions, we bring up initiative, skillful and energetic people in students.

1. Lotto «Cultivated plants»

To conduct the game, you need to make four cards on which bread, fruit and berry, vegetable and ornamental plants should be depicted. In a special box there are cards with the names of plants, which, after careful mixing, the presenter pulls out and announces to the players, for example, «Rose», «Grape», «Narcissus», etc. the winner is the one who has the plants indicated in the card before the others.

2. The game «Everything is the other way around»

5–6 people participate in this game. Players need to guess the word spoken by the teacher in reverse as quickly as possible. The one who guesses more words will win. For example, akshamor (chamomile), atsineshp (wheat), kinyashil (lichen), aktalkhoh (crested).

3. The game «The fifth extra»

In this game, it is necessary to determine the «superfluous» plant, while the sign is called, the absence of which in one of the five plants makes it «superfluous». The first letters of the «extra» plants form the keyword.

The family «Legumes»: white clover, meadow clover, seed peas, creeping clover, wild strawberries.

Answer: wild strawberries.

The family «Cruciferous»: wild radish, shepherd's bag, hedgehog team, kropovnik team, yarutka field.

Answer: the hedgehog team.

The family of «Compound flowers»: yarrow, dandelion, chamomile, chamomile, cuff ordinary, nivyanik ordinary.

Answer: the cuff is ordinary.

The family «Rosaceae»: small-leaved linden, common mountain ash, wild strawberry, common bird cherry, common cuff.

Answer: small-leaved linden.

The family «Cereals»: timofeevka meadow, yarutka field, annual bluegrass, soft wheat, wheatgrass creeping.

Answer: yarutka field.

The key word is Earth [4].

The most fascinating and favorite tasks for students are various riddles. The use of riddles during the lesson brings animation to the learning process. It is useful to involve students themselves in composing biological riddles. This contributes to the development of cognitive activity, creativity, imagination and logical thinking of students, observation, ingenuity and resourcefulness. Below is a series of riddles on the topic of «Plants»:

1. The plant strengthens in the soil,

extracts salt solutions. (Root)

2. He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Wheat ear)

3. I am black, red, white,

I am good for everyone when ripe,

And I am equal to the leaves of the grape leaves with an elegant pattern. (Currant) [2].

The lesson is a flexible form of training organization, having a variety of content. In accordance with this, appropriate teaching methods and techniques are used. An unconventional lesson is one of such forms of organization of education and upbringing of schoolchildren. The use of non-standard lessons contributes to the development of initiative, communication skills, and also involves an independent search for means and ways to solve problems related to real situations in life.

There are many non-traditional forms of classes: KVN lesson, travel lesson, marathon lesson, fairy tale lesson, teleconference lesson, game lesson, theater lesson. Non-standard lessons also include various kinds of games, and each of these lessons has specific goals [5].

In biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and other disciplines, there are common topics that can be studied in an integrated lesson. Students like non-standard lessons, because they bring variety to school everyday life, create a festive atmosphere and high spirits in the classroom.

School age is a very important period in the formation of a child's personality, the development of his mental processes, the intensive formation of cognitive activity, the ability to learn. In a modern school, a teacher must constantly stimulate and support children's interest in studying the material, their desire to learn something new [3].

The task of the teacher is to find as many pedagogical situations as possible in which the child's desire for active cognitive activity can be realized. The teacher must constantly improve the learning process, allowing children to effectively and efficiently assimilate the program material. Therefore, it is important to use various entertaining tools in the classroom.


  1. Arbuzova E. N. Innovative technologies in teaching biology. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House. 2020. 260 p.
  2. Andreeva N. D. Methods of teaching biology in a modern school. Moscow: Yurayt Publishing House. 2018. 112 p.
  3. Kolesnikova T. A. Application of innovative technologies in the educational process of a modern school // Scientific education. Pedagogical sciences. 2–17. No.6–2. p. 261.
  4. Kuvyrtalova M. A. Application of innovative technologies in teaching biology // Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the IV International Scientific Conference 2016. p. 165.
  5. Usacheva I. N. Innovative technologies in teaching chemistry and biology // Modern science-intensive technologies. 2020. No. 7. p. 214.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): KVN.

Ключевые слова

methods, techniques, cognitive activity, entertaining means, activation

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