Methods for the effective use of press materials in teaching foreign languages to students of a non-linguistic university | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (312) май 2020 г.

Дата публикации: 01.06.2020

Статья просмотрена: 23 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Хужанова, О. Т. Methods for the effective use of press materials in teaching foreign languages to students of a non-linguistic university / О. Т. Хужанова, Г. М. Усманова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2020. — № 22 (312). — С. 568-570. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

In this article, the author discusses how to use press materials to ensure the effectiveness of foreign language lessons in a non-linguistic university.

Key words: press, materials, method, headings, speech, stylistic processing.

В этой статье автор обсуждает способы использования материалов прессы для обеспечения эффективности уроков иностранных языков в неязыковом вузе.

Ключевые слова: пресса, материалы, метод, рубрики, речь, стилистическая обработка.

Do you use newspapers in class? The newspaper in modern life is the most important means of transmitting information. In the life of any person, it plays a huge role. Correctly delivered instruction in reading social and political literature (and primarily newspaper texts) is one of the strongest means of ideological and political education, stimulates students' interest in a foreign language and promotes the development of speech skills. This article will examine the forms and methods of working with newspaper material in English classes.

Goals and objectives. Students should be able to not only read a foreign newspaper, extract information of interest to it, but also transmit the content, give an assessment of what they read, and express their opinion about it.

Research Methods. As experience shows, when you start working with a newspaper with students, you can talk about newspapers published in Uzbekistan, Russia and the UK, and show individual numbers of them. For example, “Uzbekistan Today”, “Литературная”, “Труд”, “Aргументы и факты”, “Правда”, “The Times”, “Guardian”, “USA Today”.

It is necessary to familiarize them with the general structure of newspapers, with the placement of the materials published in them, list the headings available in the newspapers with which they have to work. They should be taught how to look at newspapers, while paying attention to article headings and blocks of text in bold letters to get a general presentation from the room. At first, it is recommended that students familiarize themselves with materials close to them in their subjects, which tell about the life of the linguistic lyceum, study, life and leisure of youth, about sports and cultural events. [1, p. 184–186.]

The object of the study is the methods of working with a newspaper in English classes in senior courses.

The subject of study is the methods of working with Russian and English language lessons with newspapers published in Uzbekistan, Russia and the UK, at the initial stage of working with a newspaper, the teacher himself determines the articles suitable for students to read and discuss. Articles should be:

a) not too large in volume (18–20 rows of a newspaper column);

b) accessible to understanding on the lexical structure and subjects;

c) interesting in content;

d) relevant on the subject;

e) rich socio-political or scientific information;

e) having educational value

At an advanced level, when working with a newspaper, students can offer to select texts of interest to them on a specific topic. But it is necessary to lead this work. Political information (Current events) can be conducted on a topic chosen by the student.

Work with the newspaper is carried out at the level of prepared speech. The task of the teacher includes:

a) ensuring the speech interaction of students;

b) bring communication to the level of unprepared speech. Work with the newspaper includes several stages:

1) reading and translating newspaper headlines;

2) reading and translating signatures, text under photo materials and political cartoons;

3) a summary of the contents of the newspaper article in their native or foreign language (depending on the level of preparedness of the students);

4) a brief review of a number of articles;

5) a brief overview of the entire issue of the newspaper as a whole

1) the introduction of socio-political vocabulary on the topic;

2) primary activation of language material through exercises;

3) work with articles according to the scheme: from initial acquaintance to reading and speaking;

4) the development of speech skills (monological and dialogical speech);

5) oral test or written test.

Stage 1: Work should begin with the removal of lexical and grammatical difficulties.

Some exercises of the preliminary stage:

1) Translate words into your native language using a language guess

2) Find international words in a sentence

3) Translate words with negative prefixes

4) Form another part of speech from these words

5) Find familiar place names, proper names, and realities in the headlines.

2 stage. Reading and translating the title.

The title of the article can help interest students and understand the content of the text. He captures the reader’s attention on the most interesting moment of the article and encourages him to read the article in more detail.

Header exercises.

1) Find international words in the text

2) Decipher the familiar place names

3) Read the title and speculate on the content of the article

4) Make a complete sentence using the headline.

3 stage. Translation of captions for photos.

When working on the translation of signatures for photographic materials and political cartoons, students rely on a language guess, the possibilities, the applications of which are expanded due to the greater visibility of the material.

Newspaper illustration is diverse in theme, it illuminates all aspects of life.

The captions under the illustrations can be used both for working on lexical units and for teaching reading. At this stage, you can use the following exercises:

1) Find the words and phrases that are key.

2) Explain who or what is pictured.

3) Explain what event the illustration is about.

So, when working on the translation of signatures for photographs, illustrations, it is desirable that the teacher first read the signature himself, and then asked one of the students to translate it, helping him in difficult places. Then, after stylistic processing, the final version of the translation is read. Thanks to regular work, students develop listening and memorizing skills for words and expressions typical of the newspaper information style; in addition, they have to constantly repeat and reproduce proper names, geographical names of government institutions, posts, etc. This helps to remove the difficulties that arise among students in understanding the geographic realities. [2.p. 109–115.]

In the third stage, you can use the following exercises:

1) Read and translate geographical names correctly;

2) Find in the signatures under the photographic materials the most common newspaper expressions and cliches;

3) Find the equivalents of the following phrases and newspaper cliches... (they are given in the native language);

4) Find in the text the words, the meaning of which can be easily guessed by context.

5) Find in the text words that resemble Russian in sound and spelling.

6) Tell me in what sense the underlined words are used in the text (in direct or figurative);

7) Find the words and phrases that you consider key in this text;

8) Who (what) is depicted (o) in the photograph (drawing, caricature)?

9) What event in our country or abroad is a photograph devoted to (drawing, caricature)?

10) Read and translate the caption under the photo (drawing, caricature).

4th stage. This stage should begin with practicing the pronunciation of proper names, geographical names, and words that cause difficulties. When reading an article, students should find familiar names, abbreviations, typically newspaper phrases, and persistent expressions.

Exercises that can be used at this stage:

1) Answer the questions;

2) Make questions to the text;

3) Find in the text sentences confirming the idea that...;

4) Find in the text sentences that help to understand the title;

5) Find sentences that convey the main idea of ​​the article;

6) Make a plan of the read text;

7) What are the most interesting facts and fragments of the text?

5 stage. Compilation of a small monological statement.

To compile a review of the articles, you can use the following statements:

− The articles under discussion are taken from…

− These articles review the latest events

− The problems, raised in the text are worth thinking over

− The articles I am going to review deal with

− I am going to review achievements of…..

The final stage is creative. Exercises that can be used at this stage:

− Prove;

− Describe;

− Refute;

− To make a plan;

− Retell

As homework, you can suggest writing a short summary of the article you read.

Findings. Whatever the topic of the lesson, it is very important how you should think about how much information to provide students for preparation so that they receive it themselves, which can also be part of the learning process.

In addition, it is effective to use materials and works of art in a foreign language lesson. Work with literary texts makes an important contribution to the development of a foreign language culture. [3,198]

A foreign language ceases to be only a subject for students, it becomes a means of communication when there is a need to extract certain information from printed sources and transmit it to students. This gives scope for their own searches, while the abilities of children are more fully revealed, the student’s personality is formed.


  1. Read more about working with cartoons in a foreign language lesson / Rosen E. V. On the lesson. German newspaper. M., 1974.
  2. Malyavin D. V., Anikina V. N., Latushkina M. S. Work with a newspaper in English in high school. M., 1981- S. 109–115.
  3. Badalova B. T. Literature as a method of teaching a foreign language // Young scientist №. 6 (244) 2019.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA.

Ключевые слова

speech, method, press, materials, headings, stylistic processing

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