Motivation for sports in our life | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №50 (288) декабрь 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 16.12.2019

Статья просмотрена: 313 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Каримов, Б. Б. Motivation for sports in our life / Б. Б. Каримов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 50 (288). — С. 456-458. — URL: (дата обращения: 26.03.2025).

Harmonious development of modern man is impossible without physical training. Everyone understands this. But not all people find the strength in themselves to love themselves in sports. How to win over yourself and from a passive spectator become an active lover of sports activities? My article on how to motivate me to engage in physical education.

Keywords: health, life, sport, youth, motivation, organization.

Health is the greatest value that a person has. To preserve this value, a person must lead a healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle lead to loss of health. Graduating from school and entering an adult, independent life, studying youth faces a number of problems. This is relatively free student life, insecurity in the future, increased academic workload, problems with social communication, as well as the belief in many young people that they are given health and youth forever. These are the eternal problems of students all over the world. Due to the difficult economic situation in our country, students from the first year are forced to think about additional earnings. Students do not have enough funds for proper nutrition, they are forced to eat in fast-food restaurants such as McDonald's, KFS and others, which leads to obesity and the risk of heart, stomach, vascular and intestinal diseases. Having considered the factors affecting the physical education of Uzbek youth, it is necessary to develop a training program suitable for students, as well as motivation. The strongest motivating factor for independent physical education is health promotion. Everyone is well aware of the beneficial effects on the body of physical culture. People who play sports look great, get sick less. Physical education is an excellent cure for many diseases. This is an excellent immunity for the body. An equally strong motivator for playing sports is improving performance. The consequence of uniformity and monotony in the performance of work is a decrease in labor activity. It is necessary to disperse the blood well and supply all the organs of our body with oxygen. This is not possible with passive, inactive rest. But any, even short-term physical exercises for muscles, will cope with the task. In addition, adrenaline and norepinephrine are released during exercise. This neutralizes negative emotions. The mood rises. A person enjoys the process of physical education. Depression, if any, will recede. Physical education is an excellent antidepressant. A powerful motivator for sports is the desire of a person to improve their own achievements. The desire to achieve certain results and overtake their rivals. Become stronger and more attractive than many, have a beautiful body, good posture, easy athletic walk and be in good shape. It is a success. And finally, the main plus of physical education. This is its availability. It is available to all segments of the population, for all ages. Young children, adolescents, youth, mature people, poor and rich can perform physical exercises, finding for themselves a suitable level of difficulty. Physical education can be practiced in the gym, in the stadium, in the yard, or at home on the rug. Physical education is so diverse that it is accessible to people with disabilities. These are people with disabilities and people who have had serious illnesses. Physical education helps them improve their mood, well-being, recharge with vigor. Start moving more actively. That means living brighter and fuller because the movement is life. In order for young people to actively engage in physical education, it is necessary to interest them. Students should form a conscious need for physical education. These activities should acquire a personal meaning. Each student should understand for himself the importance of the time spent on physical education classes. And having understood, to try to engage in physical education regularly, not only by himself but also to try to introduce his friends and girlfriends to this vitally important activity.

Of course, the main motive for students is motivation in the form of a set-off. And if you do not attend classes, there will be no credit, and as a result, access to the session. Therefore, students will be required to attend classes. It is important that they enjoy these activities and become a habit for life. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the motivation of boys and girls. The concept of sports, girls, and guys perceive differently. For girls, physical education is the opportunity to have a beautiful figure, the ability to lose weight, prepare for the beach season, improve appearance, gait, posture, improve health. For guys, sports is an opportunity to become stronger, more resilient, faster. Therefore, girls need to create interest training groups. For example, girls like step aerobics, Pilates, body flex, Tai bo, jump fit, cardio strip, and so on. The guys are interested in a team sport and martial arts. Since such a sport unites, it helps young people to expand their circle of acquaintances, which is especially valuable in the initial stages of training. Martial arts develop self-confidence in young men. The unifying factor for girls and boys is the fact that sports can make them more beautiful, healthy and mutually attractive. What else could there be arguments about the usefulness of the exercise. Do not forget about the fact that sport brings people together. It helps to make new dating, find friends. You can sit at a computer and imagine yourself as anyone. But you can only show your personal qualities and learn your true abilities if you have the opportunity to prove yourself in practice by demonstrating your skills. Sports meetings, trips, competitions allow a person to open up, to find their place in society. Young people are divided into teams and become more friendly and united. Each participant has a new perspective. The course ahead still a long way to work on yourself, but the first step has been taken. This is the main thing. Furthermore. Sports will more and more captivate and delight with their capabilities.

A necessary motivation factor for practicing sports for student youth is correctly delivered explanatory work. Moreover, such work should be carried out constantly. It is necessary to make clear to young people that they are very important for modern society. Each student should feel like a person with potential, feel his significance for the society in which he is. Everyone needs to be made aware that he is indispensable to the team. It is necessary to show by examples what the sedentary lifestyle leads to. Explain how the appearance and health of a person is important in the modern business world. If the leader does not fight for his students, all his efforts may be wasted.

At the very beginning of work with the training group, the teacher needs to identify the motivation of each student. It’s not enough to start training, you also need to continue classes systematically. 50 % of people quit training after 7–8 months after the start of classes. It is important for the trainer to identify a leader who can lead the group and carry out explanatory work with him, aimed at increasing the motivation of the other guys. Particular attention should be paid to children suffering from bad habits. In such people, motivation is less pronounced than in others. It is important for the leader to track and form the motivation needed by a particular student. Pay attention to each student. Praise, tell students about progress, if any, identify weaknesses, pay attention to weaknesses. The result will not slow down. I would like to draw attention to the organization of youth sports in our country. There are few free sections, football fields, skating rinks. Everywhere you have to pay. Most people could not afford sports. From personal experience I want to share. I live in an apartment building, the territory of our yard is fenced. Near the house there is a playground with a sandbox and slides for kids. For adults, there is a basketball hoop. Everything is as it should, our yard can be considered exemplary. But the older children are not interested in the sandbox and slide, and one basketball ring for seven to eight people is not enough. Near my house was an empty piece of land. Children and adults organized a football field there. They put homemade gates, broke into teams. All the evenings, our yard disappeared on this field, enjoying football. The whole yard came out, the guys came from neighboring houses.

The organization of tournaments and sports match meetings, in which teachers and students in mixed teams will be on the same site, will also increase interest in participating in sports activities. Teachers and professors hardened during the Soviet era, when the prestige of cultivating the variety was undeniable, will be able to adequately pass the baton to the young modern growth. Today, a lot of guys come to institutes, who studied at a school desk and managed to acquire skills in professional sports. Not all of them continue their professional sports career in specialized sports universities. Having chosen a professional path different from the sports field in life, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to show their acquired skills in future life. The statement of the fact that if a student is involved in professional sports and plays for the university team in any sport is completely groundless, he does not study well. A talented person is talented in everything. Sport is primarily discipline and labor. The development of university sports, the creation and maintenance of university teams, in which students with grades could continue their physical development along with basic studies, undoubtedly raises the status of the university to a higher level. In conclusion, it should be noted that without teachers and trainers who are competent and competent in matters of physical education, who know and love their profession, respect themselves and those who come to them in sports halls, who are able to organize the educational process so that people go to their next lesson with even greater interest and desire than the previous one, a quality education is impossible.

Physical culture is a special value that must be properly carried. It is necessary for all people, especially for young people. It is important to understand this. And it is very important that everyone who crosses the threshold of a sports hall, pool or sports ground leave this place with a good mood and a sense of self-confidence. To make staying in physical culture lesson not an obligation that you want to get rid of faster, but a consciously necessary, interesting and fascinating process — a task that determines the possibilities of raising a healthy generation.


  1. Karimov I. «Uzbekistan's own way of development and independence». T.: Uzbekistan, 1992.
  2. Akramov AK «The history of physical culture and sport in Uzbekistan». T. UzSIPhC, 1997.
  3. Abdumalikov RA, Alibekov Sh., Norkulov Sh. «Spirituality in the Contents of National Games». Tashkent, 1995.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): KFS.

Ключевые слова

health, youth, motivation, life, sport, organization

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