The relationship between human resource management and employees’ proactivity | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №15 (410) апрель 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 17.04.2022

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Баймулданова, Т. Т. The relationship between human resource management and employees’ proactivity / Т. Т. Баймулданова, А. Е. Мейрамбек. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 15 (410). — С. 87-89. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

The human capital has been broadly recognized as one of the main assets of an organization in order to gain competitive advantage. Besides, proactive employees practice intelligence in their productivity nature as they can innovate better means of delivering their tasks to the organization in a better way, which aid in the increase of the overall level of performance of the organization. Although there is little known about the relationship between HRM and employees’ proactivity. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to summarize the current state of the connection between these two variables.

Keywords: human resource management, proactivity, proactive employee, literature review.

Человеческий капитал широко признан одним из основных активов организации для получения конкурентного преимущества. Кроме того, проактивные сотрудники практикуют интеллект в своей продуктивной природе, поскольку они могут изобретать более эффективные средства для более эффективного выполнения своих задач в организации, что помогает повысить общий уровень производительности организации. Хотя мало что известно о взаимосвязи между УЧР и проактивностью сотрудников. Таким образом, цель данной статьи состоит в том, чтобы обобщить текущее состояние связи между этими двумя переменными.

Ключевые слова: управление человеческими ресурсами, проактивность, инициативный сотрудник, обзор литературы.


The importance of employee ability to act responsibly and be willing to think and take actions ahead of the task provided, as a main element of competitive advantage and performance, has been realized in the strategic human resource management literature [3]. Employees with the ability to propagate proactivity in their performance mode usually exercise positive changes in improving their work performance, leading to increased productivity rates in their respective departments. When an organization employs individuals with a proactive nature of performance, it aids the whole company in registering a progressive increase in revenue generation [4]. Thus, proactive employees counted to make practical changes and improvements at work for organization [13]. The purpose of this paper is to shed light to the literature review to the relationship between employee proactivity and HRM.

Literature review

—Human resource management

Human resource management entails the practice of recruiting, hiring, deploying, and managing a specific organization's employees, whereby the whole task force is controlled and operated from one source; enables an organization to enhance service delivery through its employees keenly controlled by the entire administration. It helps the management realize its goals whereby the general conduct of the employees bestows to the human resource management department. Also, it enables the top executives to propagate the various strategies that could be realized to enhance the organization's revenue output, hence providing a better working platform to improve productivity. Furthermore, it helps impart training to its staff that requires specific skills that would enhance the employees' productivity and increase the organization's general performance; conduct employees’ appraisal and performance whereby all the employees undergo a specific exercise used to determine their productivity in the whole organization [1]; performs the practices of deciding employee compensation and providing benefits to the various groups of the organization's department [2].

—Proactive employees

The proactive employees usually practice intelligence in their productivity nature as they can innovate better means of delivering their tasks to the organization in a better way, which aid in the increase of the productivity in the organization [4].

—The relationship between HRM and employees’ proactivity

The proactive employees make human resource management very easy as they don't require continuous supervision, as witnessed in the other employees who need an increased rate of charge to achieve the necessary results for the organization [4]. The proactive employees have some relationship with the human resource executives as they are usually creative and can be bestowed with the ability to lead specific departments where they become liable in any of the incidences which occur in the respective departments [5]. The proactive employees can be given the mandate to execute duties in whereby they sometimes perform those duties perfectly as the human resource executives in the overall management. The ability to lead and foster positive changes in the various departmental areas needs a lot of innovation as well as creativity and with the capability of the proactive employees managing to promote the same modifications which the human resource executives could have overseen; they intensely indicate that the relationship of the two groups is not significant [5]. The proactive employees can generate and at the same time apply new ideas, which leads to detecting the potential organizational trends in the whole productivity platform [6].

The human resource management may embark on specific motivational drives which lead to proactivity among the employees. The various motivational campaigns which the manager can use to increase the employee's proactivity include the establishment of high-quality employee and leader relationships. The improved connection between the leaders and the employee leads to the increase of trust among the employees whereby it aids them in having a proactivity nature among the employees [9]. The exercise helps increase the employee leader relationship, making it possible for the employees to gain leadership skills through close interaction with their leaders, who impart them the required knowledge of management [10]. The increased relationship between the employee and the leaders helps build a particular bond, which necessitates the employees to be very open to the leaders, which in turn helps the general employees acquire fundamental knowledge of administering leadership in the assigned departments [10]. The motivation by the human resource management may lead to the two types of proactivity to the employees whereby the employees may get the pro-team proactivity or the pro-self-proactivity. The pro-team proactivity entails an individual having acquired skills and innovations that would lead to the individual performing-enhancing practices, leading to the good of the business [11]. In this category, the individual performs the pro-team proactivity to enhance the general productivity of the organization as a whole hence making it in the best interest of the whole organization. Pro-team proactivity is what many human resource management requirements from an individual. It leads to the employee's responsibility of having the desired preferences in having the best performance exercise, which leads to the increase in the organization's general performance [11]. The other type of proactivity includes the movement of pro-self-proactivity, which leads to the individuals being proactive for themselves. The employees may as well acquire this type of proactivity as it increases the individual performance of specific duties, which at the blame time leads to the improved revenue enhancement and productivity of the general organization at large [12]. Pro-self-proactivity helps the employees learn various sources of facilitation of their duties hence making it possible to register advanced improvement on the general productivity of the organization [12]. The pro-self-proactivity also helps enable the employees to need to execute growth in various areas of importance in increasing the organization's overall development, hence making it possible for the continuous growth of the general departments in the organization.

The proactive employees help the human resource executives make helpful suggestions that help determine the general organization's productivity [6]. Human resource management has embarked on encouraging most of the employees to exercise the capability of proactivity [7]. Though this proactivity inspires most employees in their mode of performance in their daily duties, which leads to an increased productivity rate, it takes employees to exercise the willingness to be proactive in their duty undertakings. Humans fail to be willing to exercise proactivity in their performances as the activity requires extra time and effort [7]. The version of proactivity involves a lot of time for certain employees to perform as the whole exercise requires an individual to invest more time and effort due to the need to make changes to the organization's various departments. The employees fail to adhere to the calls of the management to exercise proactivity as they don't want to increase their responsibility and from the little ones they have [8]. The employees refrain from the continuous calls by the management to exercise management's calls realization realizes duties as the exercise is much involving and leads to the incapability of the employees from achieving their other outside job duties hence making them incapable of making the required improvements of the life outside job [8]. The employees also refrain from the calls from the human resource management as they normally fear the uncertain consequences which may befall them due to their practices. The fear of the uncertain consequences makes many of the employees remain fearful in attempts to take more responsibility for the organizations' performances, making them continue performing the stipulated exercises [9]. The increase in burden leads to the rise of chances, usually more certain outcomes, which may lead to an increased rate of insecurity among the staff as they fear repercussions in their life and their sales being deducted. The deduction of salaries responsibility effort to the employees due to their careless performance which becomes availed due to the increase of responsibilities which most of the employees find their selves in due to the urge of the management to allocate the employees with more obligations as they workers needed to be proactive make some of the employees have fear exercising proactivity.


To conclude, proactive employees are best choice to hire for an organization, as they perform tasks in better means, enough innovative at the workplace to make some incremental changes and can foster the overall level of the productivity in the organization. HRM motivates employees to become proactive, however employees choose not to be because of several factors. They are afraid of the uncertain consequences that will be led from the chances to make changes at organization. Also, they won’t to increase the level of their responsibility and they do not want to put extra time and effort to make changes at the workplace.


  1. Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.
  2. ALDamoe, F. M. A., Yazam, M., & Ahmid, K. B. (2012). The mediating effect of HRM outcomes (employee retention) on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2(1), 75.
  3. Boselie, P. (2010). High performance work practices in the health care sector: a Dutch case study. International Journal of Manpower.
  4. Long, C. S., & Perumal, P. (2014). Examining the impact of human resource management practices on employees turnover intention. International Journal of Business & Society, 15(1).
  5. Long, C. S., Perumal, P., & Ajagbe, A. M. (2012). The impact of human resource management practices on employees’ turnover intention: A conceptual model. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 4(2), 629–641.
  6. Mariappanadar, S. (2012). The harm of efficiency-oriented HRM practices on stakeholders: An ethical issue for sustainability. Society and Business Review.
  7. Meijerink, J., Bos-Nehles, A., & de Leede, J. (2020). How employees' proactivity translates high-commitment HRM systems into work engagement: The mediating role of job crafting. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(22), 2893–2918.
  8. Mudor, H. (2011). Conceptual framework on the relationship between human resource management practices, job satisfaction, and turnover. Journal of economics and behavioral studies, 2(2), 41–49.
  9. Paşaoğlu, D. (2015). Analysis of the relationship between human resources management practices and organizational commitment from a strategic perspective: Findings from the banking industry. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 207, 315–324.
  10. PHAM, T. N. M. (2021). The Relationship Between Human Resource Management Practices, Work Engagement, and Employee Behavior: A Case Study in Vietnam. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 8(4), 1003–1012.
  11. Tiwari, P., & Saxena, K. (2012). Human resource management practices: A comprehensive review. Pakistan business review, 9(2), 669–705.
  12. Tummers, L., Kruyen, P. M., Vijverberg, D. M., & Voesenek, T. J. (2015). Connecting HRM and change management: The importance of proactivity and vitality. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
  13. Unsworth, K. L., & Parker, S. K. (2003). Proactivity and innovation: Promoting a new workforce for the new workplace. The new workplace: A guide to the human impact of modern working practices, 175–196.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): HRM, PHAM.

Ключевые слова

human resource management, proactivity, proactive employee, literature review

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