The Role of the Teacher in Learning English | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №6 (244) февраль 2019 г.

Дата публикации: 12.02.2019

Статья просмотрена: 555 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зияева, Умида. The Role of the Teacher in Learning English / Умида Зияева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 6 (244). — С. 214-216. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

The article is about the role of the teacher in learning English at the lessons. The goal of the teacher is also the formation of the student as a subject of educational activity, which means that the teacher must teach him the ability and skills to plan and organize his/her activities, work with literature, systematize information, analyze the material, etc. the process of active forms of education.

Keywords: carrier of information, expert, leader, modern teacher, combining personal qualities, professional competencies, different roles, manager, communicative learning

В статье рассказывается о роли учителя в изучении английского языка на уроках. Целью учителя является также формирование студента как субъекта учебной деятельности, а это значит, что учитель должен научить его умению и навыкам планировать и организовывать свою деятельность, работать с литературой, систематизировать информацию, анализировать материал и др. процесс активных форм обучения.

Ключевые слова: носитель информации, эксперт, руководитель, современный учитель, сочетающий в себе личные качества, профессиональные компетенции, разные роли, менеджер, коммуникативное обучение

Our President Shavkat Mirziyayev pays great attention in teaching English among young generation. As we know the language plays a huge role in human life. Teaching English language is one of those subjects that helps the deep development of the student's personality. Learning at the present stage is a process of development of students, development of creative thinking, its creative abilities. And the main task of the school is the development and formation of the personality of schoolchildren. We are facing one of the most difficult tasks — creating an environment conducive to the formation of the personality of each child.

I think that every teacher has his/her own learning style, however, depending on the type of work that is currently being conducted in a lesson, he should behave quite flexibly: to lead and support students, but not always to dominate. The teacher performs in different roles in various lessons. A teacher can be a carrier of information, when the student needs basic data, an observer, when students independently work in pairs or groups, at this time the teacher walks around the audience, assisting individual students, a consultant, and when doing an independent task, either advice or certain sources of information are required., for example during project execution. To implement these principles of communicative learning, certain conditions are necessary. The first condition for communicating in a lesson as close as possible to real life is trusting relationships, mutual sympathy between the teacher and students, a favorable psychological climate and an atmosphere of cooperation. The second condition is the ability of the teacher to realize subject-subject relations with students in the classroom and outside of it, through the organization of group, pair and individual work of students, by planning as many situations of communication as possible and encouraging attempts to participate in them. The third condition is the availability of educational and methodological complex, which helps to implement communicative-oriented learning.

In my opinion, English teachers give students the opportunity to learn, gaining experience in practical activities. In one lesson, the teacher can try on many roles. The teacher is the manager. Organizes, gives a lesson design, informs, coordinates learning activities. The instructor is the trainer. Organizes practical activities, objectively assesses achievements, praises and encourages. Teacher — guide. Instructs, gives examples, opens the way to progress. The teacher is a consultant. Gives advice on language issues as well as life situations. The teacher is a source of knowledge. Able to train in students to explore and find the answers themselves.

The teacher is an expert. Facilitating and guaranteeing open communication between students. The teacher is the leader. Motivating inspiration, shaping the goals and dreams of students. The role of a teacher of foreign languages in general, can be defined as the livelihoods of a modern teacher, combining personal qualities, professional competencies and trying on different roles.

The communicative approach is primarily intended to remove the fear of live communication, and aims to build students' interest in learning a foreign language through the means of obtaining and expanding knowledge and language experience. Based on the above, considering the role of a teacher of foreign languages in general, it can be defined as the livelihood of a modern teacher, combining personal qualities, professional competencies and trying on different roles. The new educational standard orients the transition from school explanations and knowledge transfer to school development. Competence approach is one of the best approaches to improving the quality of education as a specific form of implementation of the modernization of the educational process. The use of a competence-based approach contributes to the inculcation and development of students of a set of key competencies that ensure the successful adaptation of the young person in society. The educational process is a two-way process — “teacher and student”. There is such an English proverb “you can bring a horse to the pond, but you cannot make it drink”. This is about education. If the teacher wants to teach, and the student wants to learn, then success is guaranteed.

The atmosphere in the classroom should be comfortable, benevolent; we should never laugh at each other’s mistakes, but correct them correctly, without offending the speaker. Otherwise, the student closes and there is no talk of any further communication. The teacher in the classroom is only a partner in communication, an assistant, an employee, not a dictator. The style of communication with students is democratic. The use of computers in English lessons increases the intensity of the educational process. The use of ICT in the classroom helps to improve the professional level of teachers. The use of a computer is of great help to me in preparing for lessons, drawing up calendar-thematic and lesson planning, preparing reports and reports, in conducting diagnostic activities, and tracking the results of the educational process.

In conclusion, we can say the role of the teacher of a foreign language is very important for creating the motivation of his/her subject. We want to show the means that help us solve one of the main tasks of learning — to teach students to work in and out of the lesson, to arouse an interest in his soul, to make the teaching feasible and joyful, to nurture a person with developed creative thinking.


  1. Верещагин Е. М. Костомаров В. Г. Язык и культура. — М., 1993.
  2. Верещагина И. Н. Афанасьева О. А. Учебник английского языка «Английский язык» для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. М.: Просвещение, 2014.
  3. Яковлева Е. В. Вершинина Е. Ю. Об англоязычной культуре на английском языке. – М., «Московский лицей», 1997. Конференция № 24.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): английский язык, ICT.

Ключевые слова

manager, carrier of information, expert, leader, modern teacher, combining personal qualities, professional competencies, different roles, communicative learning

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