The importance of learning foreign language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №33 (219) август 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 20.08.2018

Статья просмотрена: 440 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Мелибоева, Зарифа. The importance of learning foreign language / Зарифа Мелибоева, А. Ж. Караматдинова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 33 (219). — С. 155-. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.03.2025).

The role of the teacher and students in the classroom have changed. It has been observed by the specialists that good students are mostly self-motivated, punctual and autonomous which are the key factors for their success and effectiveness.

Key words: methods, effectiveness, Educator, school, autonomous, technology, grammar, Vocabulary, maintenance, creation, conceptual skills, fulfillment.

Unlike traditionally methodology, modern methodology is much more student-centred. According to Jim Scrivener, the teacher’s main role is to “help learning to happen”, which includes “involving” students in what is going on “by enabling them to work at their own speed, by not giving long explanations by encouraging them to participate, talk, interact, do things”. Also he said that “the language student is best motivated by practice in which he senses the language is truly communicative, that is appropriate its context, that his teacher’s competence in a foreign language”. Briefly put, the student explore, tryout, make learnings are the most active element in this process. Though being essential, the aim of learning a foreign language according to modern methodology is still discussed, and there is a variety of possible aims. In this book, Jim Scrivener claims, that nowadays a great emphasis is put on “Communication of meaning”.

Times have changed. The Internet has brought about premature death of time and space. The rat race for grabbing the best and to reach the top has made the man slaves of materialism which is considered to be a big issue and this trend, gave them the crave for having the highest status in the society for which one has to possess special capabilities like knowing intercontinentally-accepted languages such as English, Russian, Chinese, Arabic and etc. and IT literacy. Studying English may seem a tremendously time-consuming, arduous task for most people at first sight.

However, if the methods that the teacher uses are eminently suitable, this process will take a turn for the immensely interesting for them. Traditional way of doing things, age-old methods, have partly been swept by the current wave of changes in any sphere of the life beginning from the education. The role of the teacher and students in the classroom have changed. It has been observed by the specialists that good students are mostly self-motivated, punctual and autonomous which are the key factors for their success and effectiveness. They are not over dependent on their teacher`s guidance.

However, in this point, a common question arises automatically. How can a student progress in the educational field and what are the hidden requirements? Predominantly, as it was stated above, the vital characteristics of a good student is his/her own punctuality which means making plans, schedule considering all necessary points and without any interruptions to follow it. What does actually educational planning mean and how can it be critical for learning foreign languages. In studying any foreign language starting from English, six main skills such as listening, reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary and grammar should be maintained equally while memory and the interest of a student for learning the language are considered to hold a vital position in shaping these skills “Effective learning of a foreign language depends to a great extent on the pupils` memory” [1]. According to researches, the students learning a second language with a strict schedule succeeded tremendously and they informed of their good memory. Initially one has to define the meaning of planning and educational planning in order to excel in the learning process. “Planning is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills”. [2]

The special attention should be paid to the word “creation”. It means that creativity and other psychological aspects of a student are inter related which is immensely beneficial for the student. “Also, planning has a specific process and is necessary for multiple occupations (particularly in fields such as management, business, etc.) Planning is one of the most important project management and time management techniques. Planning is preparing a sequence of action steps to achieve some specific goals. If a person does it effectively, they can reduce much the necessary time and effort of achieving the goal. A plan is like a map. When following a plan, a person can see how much they have progressed towards their project goal and how far they are from their destination”. Additionally, if a person can value his achievements and loses, he/she forms self-respect and motivation in their inner self which gives them more energy and dynamism to continue in this way. “Educational planning is a process of preparing of decisions about an educational enterprise in such a way that goal and purposes of education will be sufficiently realized in future with available resources” [4]. How can planning be useful for the student? It helps in decision making and solving problems, communication and managing information. Education is being considered a key to change and progress. Progress and prosperity of the country depends on the kind of education that it provides to the people. In this term, in order to increase the quality of educational system, the governments should schedule all the staff they are going to teach. In this case only, the productivity increases and the students feel the sense of fulfillment. There are many methods of teaching foreign languages. Nonetheless, if it does not fit into a plan, it will certainly collapse. Students lose their interest and become bored which may take a turn for the worse.

The process of familiarization with grammatical material and its testing can be built in different ways depending on the grammatical material, learning environment and teaching style of the teacher.According to A. N. Shchukin, the approach is a basic category of methods, which determines the strategy of language teaching, and the choice of method of learning. Method involves certain steps, principles, concrete examples. There are two basic approaches to teaching grammar;

– Explicit, which implies the explanation of rules and phonemena;

– Implicitly, the essence of which consists in the repetition and memorizing grammatically correct structures without learning the rules themselves.

It should be noted that in modern education, none of these approaches is used in its pure form. This contributes to a number of reasons, such as age, level of knowledge of the trainees, purpose of training, features of grammar and etc.

Modern methods of teaching Listening Skills Effective, modern methods of teaching listening skills get everything from interactive exercises to multimedia resources. Listening skills are best learned through simple, understandable activities that focus more on the learning process than on the final product. Whether you are working with a large group of students or a small one, you can use any of the following examples to develop your own methods for teaching students how to listen, write, read and speak well. There are many methods of teaching languages. Contribute insights that may be absorbed into the generally accepted mix. Methods for teaching English and grammar Uses of modern technology in classroom teaching is very useful for learners. There are a lot of capacities to make a teaching process easy and productive. Nobody can deny that technology has improved education. Educators have also dramatically adjusted their teaching methods in response to new technology over the years. Many schools now carefully consider cost and application when debating how to best use new technology. Most of the lessons are classical. As the result pupils who finish school cannot understand oral speech or have another problems with foreign language. But it can help to the teacher to improve the level of pupils and develop their knowledge It’s Teacher-Centred Technology.

Gadgets that are used strictly by teachers are designed to enhance presentation, help with book keeping or assist with outside communiactions. Projection devices have become more affordable and now are nearly standard in many classrooms and cyberspace, allowing teachers to transform lectures into real-time multimedia presentation. These devices connect directly to the school’s Internet access, and the signal is relayed to laptops that can be distributed to students. Individual word processors are now also becoming more affordable as well as smaller, hand-held devices such as personal digital assistants that can be hot-synced to the teacher’s technical tools for instance we can say it’s their useful computer. Method you use for teaching listening keeps a few key instructional tips in mind that will help both you and your students to improve the learning process. One, keep your expectations simple, as even the most experienced listener would be unable to completely and accurately recall the entirety of a message. Two, keep your directions accessible and build in opportunities for students not only ask clarifying questions, but also to make mistakes. Three, help students navigate their communication skills by developing activities appropriate to their skill and confidence level, and then strengthen their confidence by celebrating the ways in which they do improve, no matter how small. Methods of teaching reading at English lessons in this diploma work presented some of the well-known modern methods of teaching English language.


  1. Burnett, Cathy and Julia Myers. Teaching English London 2004
  2. Cambridge Movers 2-Cambridge Young Learners English Tests. Cambridge, 2001
  3. “Methods of teaching English” by G. V. Rogova 1975.
  5. “English teaching methodology” by D.B Agzamova.

Ключевые слова

vocabulary, methods, Effectiveness, technology, grammar, school, Educator, autonomous, maintenance, creation, conceptual skills, fulfillment

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