Using interactive games in teaching young learners | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Холмирзаева, Д. М. Using interactive games in teaching young learners / Д. М. Холмирзаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 1 (239). — С. 183-185. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

The article is about interactive learning as a special form of organizing cognitive activities. The main idea of the interactive methodology is the revitalization of learning activities through the system of developmental education, cooperation with the teacher, various styles communication in a team.

Key words: interactive, methodology, games, idea, goals, experience, education, activity, condition, situation.

Статья посвящена интерактивному обучению как особой форме организации познавательной деятельности. Главная идея интерактивной методики — активизация учебной деятельности, через систему развивающего обучения, сотрудничество с учителем, различные стили общения в коллективе

Ключевые слова: интерактив, методология, игры, идея, цели, опыт, образование, деятельность, состояние, ситуация.

One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.

Malala Yousafzai

Times change, and with it the interests of children.

One of the oldest means of education, training and development of students is the game. It is the most important method of accumulated experience from the older generation to the younger. With its help, you can simulate life and learning problem situations. During the game, students use, first of all, their personal experience, as well as their ideas about the experience of the hero being played, i.e. through imitation, a peculiar chain of actions is formed. During the game, students do not copy their hero, but imitate him. The inclusion of the game in the educational process significantly increases the interest in the academic subject, creates situations filled with emotional experiences, stimulates the activity of students. The game manifests many personality traits. The game is cheerfulness, joyous state of health, active vitality, intuition, improvisation, imagination, emotionality, symbolism, detachment.

Over the long years of work in the system of additional education, I realized that children learn more quickly if classes are held in an atmosphere of joy.

Interactive games help students:

  1. Better experience:
  1. interactions with the environment
  2. interaction with other children
  1. Awareness of the relationship between nature and society.
  2. Personal qualities of self-esteem, self-confidence, responsibility.
  3. Ability to work in a team anticipation of the consequences.
  4. Motivation for the knowledge of the environment to interact with other children to the preservation of the environment.

A game is a type of activity in the conditions of situations aimed at the recreation and assimilation of social experience, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

The game performs the following functions:

‒ entertaining (inspire, entertain, give pleasure)

‒ communicative (allows you to communicate with the doll, for example)

‒ self-realization (children with physical disabilities) (polygon in human practice).

‒ therapeutic (helps to overcome difficulties in various activities).

‒ diagnostic (deviation from the normative behavior) The child in the game is relaxed, opened. He can manifest himself.

‒ correction (making positive changes in the structure of positive indicators).

‒ international communication.`

‒ socialization (mastering the norms of human communication.

The success of any game depends on its organization. It consists of three stages:

  1. Preparatory
  2. Playing the game
  3. Summing up the game.

The games used in the classroom create a magical atmosphere of general fun. Games help to better know and love nature, learn to experience the inspiration from communication with her creations. Fun games and tasks are stabbed with energy, children experience joy — it means that the goal is achieved. I use games in a variety of situations with children of all ages and social groups.

Pedagogical technology.

The essence of technology.

The basic principles are:

‒ reliance on the psychological characteristics of students «emotional, the importance of their own feelings and sensations for orientation in the world».

‒ continuous expansion of the range of feelings of the child.

‒ creating and maintaining an atmosphere of creativity in the classroom.

‒ implementation of the child’s developmental needs.

Following these principles determines the features of the construction of the educational process: Organization of classes mainly in the form of the game.


  1. Chen, I.-J. (2005, February). Using Games to Promote Communicative Skills in Language Learning. Retrieved January 23, 2016, from The Internet TESL Journal:
  2. Dunn, O. (2011). How young children learn English as another language. Retrieved January 23, 2016, from Learn English Kids:
  3. El-Shamy, S. (2001). Training Games: Everything You Need to Know About Using Games to Reinforce Learning. Verginia: Stylus Publishing.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TESL.

Ключевые слова

experience, education, activity, goals, methodology, games, condition, interactive, idea, situation

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