Formation of aesthetic development of the ESP specialists | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Раджабова, Д. К. Formation of aesthetic development of the ESP specialists / Д. К. Раджабова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 22 (208). — С. 347-348. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).

In learning a foreign language, as in no other cognitive activity, continuity is important, since the constant accumulation of communicative skills, grammatical and lexical skills ensures more or less complete mastery of a person by a foreign language [4, p. 163]. The main forms of continuity that can ensure a permanent school, additional, university, postgraduate improvement in mastering a foreign language can be:

‒ continuity in the organization of training activities;

‒ continuity in the use of modern educational technologies in the study of a foreign language at all stages of education;

‒ consistent formation of motivation for learning a foreign language;

‒ development of skills and abilities of self-education, reflection, independent work;

‒ formation of skills of constant training, realization in the practical activity of preparation speaking another language [3, p.241], [1, p.143];

The art of communication grows with growing up, with the increase in a person's life experience, with the growth of his culture and is always the result of the influence of the social conditions in which he is brought up.

In modern conditions of innovative development of the economy and society as a whole, there is a radical change in the education paradigm: a variational content of education is proposed, new pedagogical technologies, modern concepts and ideas are emerging. New tendencies in the development of the education system, including the language one, are of a global nature and coincide not only in European countries, but in the entire world community. The modern paradigm of our education is characterized by a transition to initiative, from knowledge to competence, from education for life to education throughout life.

During crisis periods, there is an interest in identifying specific components in the personality structure that could allow it to adapt comfortably to social changes, find internal resources for enriching knowledge capacity, modernizing professional skills and ideological orientations.

The basis for the effectiveness of the educational process in the university is the level of the formation of the teacher's professional competencies. A key role in the teaching process belongs to the teacher and, therefore, professional development and self-improvement are becoming a top priority for every teacher today. The prospective development of education is associated not so much with the introduction of innovative approaches and technologies in education, but rather with an increase in the level of the professional competence of the teacher.

Given the unusually increased requirements for training a specialist, the teacher is guided by the creation of such conditions of the educational process that would facilitate students' awareness of the need for independent acquisition and modernization of knowledge, hard work for development and self-improvement. Own knowledge, professional skills and competences of the teacher can not be enough for the whole period of pedagogical activity. The content of key competencies that ensure survival in new socio-economic conditions is changing radically.

The category «professional competence» is determined by the level of professional education proper, the object and individual abilities of a person, his motivated desire for continuous self-education and self-improvement, and creative and responsible attitude toward the cause [1]. The fundamentals of all these qualities must be present not only in the structure and content of general education, but also in the structure of literacy. This is functional literacy, which is demanded and updated on a professional level. These are its components, which relate not so much to subject content as to the qualities of personality, responsibility, creativity, curiosity, perseverance, the desire to acquire new knowledge, aesthetic perception of reality and high morality. Professional competence is a necessary component of familiarizing a person with a widely understood culture.

Consequently, the culture of speech does not come by itself, but reflects the degree of formation of the general development of any person, and in particular, the future designer. A professional specialist is a «socialized» or «humanized» person who possesses highly individual qualities, among which, not least, is the mastery of the language.

The thought of a person is always clothed in a language form, if someone is required to convey it, to capture. Flexibility of thought is reflected in the flexibility of language. Speech as the most important and universal means of communication and communication, beginning with childhood, fasting should be improved. The speech of an adult, a cultural person, especially a professional specialist, should contain a large number of words, that is, they have an extensive vocabulary.

A person with oral and written communication is able to convey to other people the most subtle nuances of thought, the nuances of emotional experiences, the movement of the soul. In our eyes, a deformation of communication takes place among young people, among students. We often observe students' primitivism of expressing thoughts, tongue-tie and inability to convey their feelings in their native language, not to mention foreign language. For the appearance of a specialist in psychological neoplasms, it is necessary to provide sufficient intensity of reflexion, which can be realized through saturation of the learning environment with carriers of organized reflection.

Such carriers are the reflexive means (computer, audio-visual aids, questionnaires, as well as various reflexive-game trainings) that are various in their organization and sign presentation. The functioning of these reflexive means will significantly intensify the formation of the abilities necessary for the realization by a particular person of their professional and personal self-determination as the basic conditions for the process of professional development. This applies especially to our almost universal language illiteracy when it comes to assessing the possession of foreign languages.

Many teachers, not to mention students, simply do not realize the multifaceted influence of foreign languages ​​on the formation of the personality of the future specialist. Suffice it to recall that the possession of a foreign language enriches a person spiritually, aesthetically, reveals new facets of understanding of universal human culture. The possibilities of interethnic communication are improved, both verbally and through literature.

In addition, grammar exercises are excellent gymnastics for the development of the human intellect in general. The language is a mirror that shows not the world at all, but the world in the perception of man. The reality surrounding reality is treated, at the same time, as the world of the individual. The world is a reality surrounding reality. At the same time, the person reflects in the mirror of the language, its way of life, its behavior, relationships with other people, the system of values, culture — the world in man.

Language as a mirror reflects both worlds: outside man, and within man, that is, that which he himself created. Language is also a tool, an instrument that shapes and develops a person. The significance of studying a foreign language is absolutely obvious, beginning with the earliest stage of formation and formation of personality [5, p.188].


  1. Zeer E. F., Khasanova, I.I., Socio-professional education in the university: a practical orientation guide — Yekaterinburg: Publishing house of the Russian Agency for Social and Economic Studies. University, 2003.-158p.
  2. Lazovaya O. B., Additional education of children: methodical recommendations / — Orenburg: printed house «Dimur», 2008. — 30p.
  3. Milovanova L. A., Profile oriented teaching foreign languages: Monograph /- Volgograd: «Change», 2006.-347p.
  4. Polyakova O. K., The organization of research work of students on the problems of moral education: degree work on pedagogy: a teaching aid / O. K. Polyakova. — Samara: 2006.-188p.

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