The systems and principles of managing of the innovation process
Авторы: Сатторкулов Обидкул Турдикулович, Махмудова Гулрух Равшанбековна, Махмудова Мохинур Равшанбековна
Рубрика: Экономическое развитие и рост
Опубликовано в Вопросы экономики и управления №2 (18) март 2019 г.
Дата публикации: 07.03.2019
Статья просмотрена: 70 раз
Библиографическое описание:
Сатторкулов, О. Т. The systems and principles of managing of the innovation process / О. Т. Сатторкулов, Г. Р. Махмудова, М. Р. Махмудова. — Текст : непосредственный // Вопросы экономики и управления. — 2019. — № 2 (18). — С. 27-30. — URL: (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).
Nowadays we are moving on the path of innovative development aimed at a radical improvement in all spheres of the state and society life. It is natural. After all, who wins in this rapidly developing world? Only the state that relies on a new idea, a new notion, an innovation. Innovation means the future. If today we begin to build our great future, firstly, we should do it on the basis of innovative ideas, an innovative approach. [1, p.1].
In the conditions of market relations, an additional special mechanism is needed to influence the innovation process due to a number of objective reasons, conditions and factors, regardless of the degree of perfection of the national economy management system. This means that there are two interrelated systems for managing the innovation processin the national economy.
The first system is the general management system of social production. In this case, the management of the innovation process is considered as an integral part of the national economy management system. This system, is designed to solve problems of social production as a whole, at the same time to a certain extent indirectly stimulates the development of the innovation process. It can be called exogenous (external) control system of the innovation process. The second system is a control system directly by the innovation process itself. It can be called the endogenous (internal) system of managing the innovation process.
The management system directly differs significantly from the management of other socio-economic processes in its goals, content, functions, principles and methodsby the innovation process. The objectives of managing the innovation process are:
− continuous updating of the range and stock of products, as well as the applied machines, technology, methods of organization of production;
− further development of the scientific and scientific-technical potential of the country, the creation of a scientific reserve.
Innovations and scientific-technical progress is one of the main factors of modern economic growth. Not by chance, the most developed countries (Switzerland, 63.9 thousand dollars. per capita GDP at FS, the United States — 57.6 thousand dollars., Singapore — 87.8 thousand dollars., The Netherlands -50.5 thousand. dollars, Ireland — 71.5 thousand dollars, etc.) tops the list of countries with the highest indexes of competitiveness according to experts of the Universal Economic Forum. [2, p.148].
The nature of the innovation process management lies in the targeted impact on the research process of design development and development of innovations (innovations) in order to reduce costs and lead time and ultimately increase efficiency. In general, the essence of management can be revealed in terms of an exogenous system of management of the innovation process.
In order to achieve positive results, a qualitative formation is important for investors who have expressed a desire to invest their capital in our economy, preliminary investment projects by region and industry. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the organizational and legal issues of accommodating participants in free economic zones and small industrial zones, providing them with benefits and preferences. Such opportunities should be provided primarily to entrepreneurs and foreign investors who produce export-oriented products, who have established innovative and high-tech production activities. [3, p.5].
On the basis of general management principles and specific principles determined by the peculiarities of innovation and the content of innovation activity,the management of the innovation process is carried out. For the formation of the system itself for managing the innovation process, namely, for building an endogenous control system, the last ones are important. The specific principles of managing the innovation process include the principles of flexibility, taking into account the time factor, complexity, accounting for the uncertainty of innovative works, taking into account their creative nature.
The most important principle is the principle of flexibility. It is due to the cyclical nature of scientific and technological progress, it is difficult to predict (or even unpredictability) the results of scientific research. The principle of flexibility requires the use of special types of planning (for example, not for specific detailed tasks, but for specific areas of research) and financingforms, influences the composition of scientific technical personnel and the choice of management methods.
The principle of taking into account the time factor is due to the considerable duration of the innovation cycle, the unevenness of the time period for the implementation of its individual stages and phases. Traditional in the management of production calendar periods (quarter, year, etc.) can not be taken as a basis (with rare exceptions) in managing the innovation process. This principle is associated with the promise of innovation, meaning the need to take into account the long-term consequences of management decisions.
The principle of complexity implies technical, economic, organizational and informational unity at all levels, at all stages and stages of the innovation process. Such unity affects to all components of the innovation management system such as planning, financial and organizational support, etc. In addition, complexity means ensuring close communication between various fields of science and between management functions.
The principle of taking into account the uncertainty of innovative works and their risk nature is manifested in forecasting and planning, financing and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of innovations.
The principle of creative nature of innovative works is based on the fact that the creative nature of the creation and introduction of innovations has an impact on the innovation process of management system. It is taken into account when organizing the process of performing work, building the structure of government bodies, determining the mode of work and leadership style, evaluating the effectiveness of innovative work, and especially when encouraging employees.
Management of the innovation process in compliance with the above and other principles is carried out through the use of various methods. Methods of managing the innovation process are divided into: administrative, organizationally planned, financially economic and socially psychological. These methods are very specific in their content, differ from the traditional methods used in production management, as innovative products are a special kind of product, and the informational, organizational, ethical and moral psychological aspects of innovations play a big role. Note that in the final stages of the innovation cycle, the importance of financial and economic management methods increases significantly. These methods cover many aspects of the innovation process management.
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