Modern social and economic terms | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №19 (205) май 2018 г.

Дата публикации: 14.05.2018

Статья просмотрена: 133 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Тасбулатова, А. Н. Modern social and economic terms / А. Н. Тасбулатова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2018. — № 19 (205). — С. 405-408. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).

Number of new modern social and economic terms is growing fast due to forced development of our society and economic relations. Main aim of the scientific article is to determine and depict distinctive features of modern social and economic terms and to demonstrate close interconnection of terms that belong to social and economic cluster.

Key words: social economy, classification of social and economic terms, distinctive features of modern terms in digital economy

В связи с усиленным развитием общества и экономических отношении число новых современных социально-экономических терминов возрастает. Основной целью данной научной статьи является детерминизация и описание главных признаков современных социально-экономических терминов, а также демонстрация тесной взаимосвязи терминов, принадлежащих социально-экономическому кластеру.

Ключевые слова: социальная экономика, классификация социально-экономических терминов, отличительные черты современных терминов в цифровой экономике

What are social and economic terms, their place in economic terminology and main features? In specific economy dictionaries definition of social and economic terms does not exist, thus we got acquainted with classification of social-economic processes and types of economic process classification from theory of economy and scientific papers of such researchers like Rosyanova T. S. [1], Zaripova А. N., Akimova О. V. [2], Kitaigorodskaya М. V. [3].

According to Kazakh scientist in the field of economy Baimuratov U. social economy is the economy that implement sensible nonmaterial and material necessities [4; p.7.].

An American scientist Robert Pathnem considers social economy as producing and industrial category, exchange of material necessities and the services that take into account limited economic resources [5; p.9.].

According to other resources, social and economic terms include denotations of social-economic relationship, services and goods produced for wellbeing of the society. Main aim of social economy is not to have profit, but to improve the society. Social economy is the economy that aims to improve the individual and the society [6].

German scientist Wankerl F. suggests two classifications of economy: vertical level and horizontal level. Economy in vertical classification include economy of enterprises, economy of bank, credit and financial system, economy of guarantee system, household economy, agrarian economy, transport and communication economy, world economy, economy of external trade and marketing, etc.. It characterizes different spheres of economy. Horizontal level characterizes interdisciplinary connections of economy and parallel usage of definite quantity of terms as well [7].

Specifics of economy finds its reflection in functioning sphere. The difference between economic and other terminological systems is the usage of economic terminology out of its professional sphere among common people conditioned by economic instability and appearance of new economic terms that attract interest to economy in our society. Mass media and most economic literatures are oriented to professionals as well as to mass addressee. Economic problems, economic terminology present in wide range of communicative situations and in compliant genres and types of speech [3].

Analyzing existing theories of economic terminology specifics, we have made following conclusion. Taking into consideration the specifics of economic terms and their sphere of usage we can fully use the term social-economic instead of economic as many theories above prove that economy is strongly interconnected with our society and its terminology is widely used by common people and in mass media. We divide economic terminology in two categories: social-economic and scientific economic terminology. Scientific economic terminology witnesses its usage only among professionals who investigate and develop this kind of science like social economy.

The notion and usage of social and economic terms is vast and it is hard to find its definite classification. Nevertheless, Roy O. M., the Russian researcher of social and economic processes suggests the following classification based on structure of its functioning area [8; p.22]. Taking into consideration the classification of social and economic processes by Roy O. M. it would be meaningful to classify social-economic terms in the same way. The criterion for this classification is functioning sphere of social and economic terms. According to it social and economic terms fall into several categories like industrial, labor, organizational, technological and informational.

Leichik V. M. divides functioning sphere of terms into primary and secondary spheres [9; p.82] Primary sphere includes the terms’ fixation in condition with locked system like special and terminological dictionaries, etc. Secondary sphere of terms’ functioning area is quite significant and implemented among other words in special texts or oral forms of professional communication.

Terms of social and economic cluster falls into several categories. Terminological system of social and economic cluster (therefore SEC) is a terminological system of various areas interconnected with each other. The academic paper suggests six areas of SEC such as technological, informational, marketing, HR and labor, topical economic and scientific. These are six big categories, which have close interconnections. The categories where each of them cannot exist and improve without another one.

The table below demonstrates types of SEC terms.

Types (areas)


Informational (inf.)

advertising campaign, counteradvertising, tryvertising, product placement, prime time, newsjacking, logo, jingle, eye-stopper, feedback, copywriter, circular, bus-o-rama, BTL-advertising, ATL-advertising, brochure, life placement, etc.

HR and Labor (HRL)

acqui-hiring, acqui-sourcing, adaptability, hard skills, soft skills, STEM skills, talent pipelines, near-zero employee organization, front office, middle office, back office, leadership skills, emotional intelligence, etc.

Marketing (mg.)

trade agent, telemarketing, tombstone, rebranding, promotion, new market entrants, mystery shopper, personification, merchandising, lead-generation, launch, junk, franchising, etc.

Scientific (sf.)

marketing mix 7P, marketing mix 4C, media plan, external source, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, situation analysis, macrosystem analysis, behaviorism, introductory stage, benchmarking, etc

Topical economic and widely spread (TEWS)

insoursing, leasing, IPO, business plan, infrastructure, diversification, globalization, human capital, hiring, innovation, entrepreneurship, dumping, digitalization, etc.

Technological (techl.)

acquiring, vending, unique, sharing, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, robotized workforce, QR code, QIWI Wallet, promo-site, open-rate, opt-in, nem, monetization, blockchain, mobile banking, miner, microblogging, internet banking, e-commerce, electronic digital signature, etc.

Technological category of SEC present terms that have appeared due to internet space and automation. These terms appear ought to digitalization of economy, electronic commerce development and technological progress that create convenience for people in modern society. For example, term mobile banking, the notion that means the program enabling people to do banking operations by using special application in their mobile phones. Modern technological term QR code means quick response code that gives an opportunity for people to enclose a lot of information in one small picture. Nowadays almost every product in market might have QR code. Cryptocurrency means digital electronic currency that might substitute existing hard currencies in financial market, it gives people many opportunities for financial transactions worldwide. Monetization, this term nowadays owns new meaning that is connected with getting income by definite internet sources of own property. Technological terms that belong to social and economic cluster are vast because our social and economic lives in the 21st century cannot fully exist without internet space and automation that save our time in the fast developing world. Main distinctive feature of modern social and economic terms is its direct connection to the virtual social and economic world.

Next picture demonstrates interconnection between six categories of term belonging to SEC.

Explanation of the image given above.

Entrepreneurship (topical economic term) — e-commerce (technological term) — promotion (marketing term) — soft skills (HR and labor term) — tryvertising (informational term) — PEST analysis (scientific term). Everyone in our society has right for entrepreneurship and in case of entrepreneurship the potential successful entrepreneur deals with e-commerce (electronic commerce) in virtual market that include different operations in internet space. In order to succeed in business the entrepreneur implement promotion of his/her products or services. In order to promote definite product or service he/she uses soft skills or it can be hard skills, i.e. communicative skills or knowledge. In addition, the entrepreneur in order to be more successful can apply different strategies for advertising his/her product or service, for instance, tryvertising. After or before the experience of entrepreneurship or any kind of business he/she can make scientific research, for example, PEST analysis (political, economic, social and technological analysis). So, every category of SEC terminology is closely interconnected.

Conclusion. Terminology of social and economic cluster include informational, marketing, HR and labor, topical economic, scientific and technological terms. These types of social and economic terms is partly based on theory of Russian scientist Roy O. M. who classifies social and economic processes into several categories like industrial, labor, organizational, informational and technological. Nevertheless, analyzing social and economic terms in practice this scientific paper suggests mentioned above six categories of SEC that are closely interconnected with each other.


1. Журнал Власть и Экономика. Управленческое консультирование. № 3–2016. Color-Symbolism in English Economic Terminology. Rosyanova Tatiana Sergeevna.

2. Вестник Чувашского университета. № 1–2013. Специфика экономической терминологии. Зарипова А. Н., Акимова О. В.

3. Китайгородская М. В. Современная экономическая терминология// М.: Языки русской культуры, 1996.с 162–235.

4. Баймұратов У. Әлеуметтік экономика. Том 4. — Алматы: БИС, 2005–320 б.

5. Robert Patnem. American’s Trust in Government Grows. — Washington Post, Sept.286 2001

6. Социальная экономика.

7. Wankerl F. Die deutsche schriftliche Wirtschaftssprache in der DDR: Bestandaufnahme und Aufgaben // Forscungsinformationen des Instituts fur Fremdsprachen. Berlin, 1988–1989. Vol. 10. S. 76–101.

8. Рой О. М. Исследования социально-экономических и политических процессов. Спб.: Питер, 2004–364 с.

9. Лейчик В. М. Особенности функционирования терминов в тексте//Филологические науки. — М., 1990 — № 3. С.80–87

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SEC, PEST, DDR, HRL, IPO, QIWI, STEM, SWOT, TEWS, социальная экономика.

Ключевые слова

social economy, classification of social and economic terms, distinctive features of modern terms in digital economy

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