Learning English with usage of specific teaching methods | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №46 (180) ноябрь 2017 г.

Дата публикации: 18.11.2017

Статья просмотрена: 138 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Полванова, М. Ф. Learning English with usage of specific teaching methods / М. Ф. Полванова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2017. — № 46 (180). — С. 306-308. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/180/46427/ (дата обращения: 19.09.2024).

This article is dedicated to the role and effectiveness of learning English with usage of specific teaching methods. And in this article we investigated the compatibility of the concept of foreign language environment that helps individuals and groups become more effective in work to introduce ways of presenting theoretical view with practical part and construct a good lexical base for the learners who study English. Also in this work we demonstrate the findings which can improve to work on teaching foreign languages through “Give One, Get One” and “Drawing for Understanding” techniques in the context based learning.

Эта статья посвящена роли и эффективности изучения английского языка с использованием современных методов обучения. И в этой статье мы исследовали совместимость концепции среды иностранного языка, которая помогает отдельным людям и группам стать более эффективными в работе, чтобы внедрить способы теоретического представления с практической стороны и построить хорошую лексическую базу для учащихся, изучающих английского языка. Также в этой работе мы рассматриваем результаты, которые могут улучшить работу по обучению иностранным языкам с помощью методов “Give One, Get One” и “Drawing for Understanding” на основе контекста.

Learners need a variety of experiences with a concept in different situations with a variety of people. Each new experience will result in some modification, extension or limitation in the process. As we know currently there are some modern methods of teaching which can be grouped into some types. These are teacher-centered methods, learner-centered methods, content-focused methods and interactive methods. It is however important to note that the choice of any form of methods should not be judged, but needs to be ruled or controlled by some criteria which can help us for clarification. Currently we teach our students according to the PRESETT program and it’s clear that most of our teaching methods are focused on learner centered methods rather than teacher centered one. In learner- centered methods, the teacher is both a teacher and learner at the same time. And such way of teaching provide to develop learners’ language skills.

Teaching process is mainly based on two activities. They are imparting knowledge and acquiring knowledge. In the first case teacher sends information and the learners receive it. The interactive methods deal with this process and their aim is to evaluate the activities of a teacher and learners using new ways and methods of teaching including new technical means of teaching. [1, 125] Nowadays interactive method or approach is a modernized form of active methods. The most of teachers usually understand or mean cooperative action during the lesson or seminar work. But here attention should be focused on inner action too. The learners should have inner motivation which involves them into active work or active participation at the lesson. In interactive method teacher’s role is to direct learners activity to getting the aim of the lesson which include interactive exercises and tasks. This means choosing the techniques and activities that are appropriate for each particular task, context and learner, with a focus on motivation and helping learners become independent and inspired to learn more.

Learning language is pointed on creating the natural environment for communication. Traditionally, teachers have used the Whole-class Question-Answer structure in classes. This kind of techniques gives the students little opportunity to interact in class. Some other teachers have also used Pair work extensively, particularly for practicing dialogues or conversations presented in the text. Pair work does have a place in the EFL classroom, but it does not provide a fully cooperative atmosphere in which the whole class work together to gain fluent speech. Therefore, I could suggest the use of complementary methods instead of using one. According to my professional experience I always think about the new ways of teaching and learning theoretical knowledge to the given topic and how to make more effective and interesting my classes which is connected to the seminar work. During the lecture the instructor tells, explains describes or relates whatever information and learners try to get them through listening and understanding. In this case, the instructor is very active that’s way to be effective in promoting learning, we must involve the lecture with some discussion, where we may ask question in order to check the students comprehension. In contrast, on seminars work our learners are learner-centered and should be very active. As a teacher I expect from my student much more. Unfortunately, not all of them try to participate and give the response to the question. So, in order to avoid of such passive activity of learners the teacher should use the following methods of teaching on practice work or classes. As I mentioned, there are a number of different methods as well as variations among them. This variety is necessary because the methods have different functions or domain of usefulness. Under a new teaching method called “Give One, Get One” students are urged to engage with the issue or real world, analyze everything that happens in different life spheres. Give One, Get One is a good vocabulary learning technique because it involves the class getting up and moving around the classroom. [2,45] Use this technique to stimulate students thinking as they investigate an essential question or search for evidence in response to an essay prompt over the course of a unit of study. Students need to interrogate and investigate multiple primary sources and ideas to stimulate their thinking and find evidence. Teachers can also use this strategy as a way to have students share their knowledge with peers during seminar in Lexicological classes. Students will practice being active listeners or readers—an essential skill for learning new information according to the subject of Lexicology with the help of teacher.

To illustrate, let’s see some sample of teaching ways or techniques, GET ONE, GIVE ONE, and DRAWING for UNDERSTANDING. In Get one, Give one, each students fold a piece of paper in half and write “Give One” on one side and “Get One” on the other side working in seminars learners on the “Give One” side as them to write one or two questions from today’s material. Then, they stand up and find a partner. Each students shares own idea from their “Give One” side of the paper and writes down one idea on the “Get One” side of the paper. This process may continue with finding a new partner until this “Get One” side of paper is full of new ideas. The next methods we may use for the checking the knowledge of the students to the given topic materials with the help of Drawing for Understanding, students illustrate an abstract concept or idea after the explanation in order to compare their drawing they may go around the room or prepare the posters for clear up misconсeptions. One more structure can be also appropriate to those methods which are mentioned above is Three-Step Interview. [2, 65]Each person or learner must produce and receive the information related to the topic with using L2. There is individual responsibility for listening, because in the third step each student shares what he or she has heard, and for the first two steps, students interact or communicate in pairs, so one-half of the class is involved in language production at any one tame. These methods of leaching Get one, Give one, Drawing for Understanding and There-step Interview are for better for developing language and listening skills as well as providing equal participation during the whole session or seminar work rather than Group Discussion or Pair work itself. When the teacher is aware of the effects of different teaching methods or techniques, he or she can design lessons with positive outcomes. Moreover, the usage of multitechniques in class teacher can proficiently move in and out of them as need to reach certain learning objectives. Such multistructure lesson might begin with content-related class building using Line-up, or team building using Round Table. The lesson might then move into direct instruction, followed by partners for information input and to check for comprehension the key concepts, the teacher would shift into another one. Usage structure or method individually isn’t efficient for all objectives, so the most efficient way of reaching all objectives of a lesson making multistructural lesson. “Give One”, “Get One” or “Drawing for Understanding” methods of teaching developed to encourage student participation in the classroom. Students are taught to use a new response cycle in answering question. Such methods are simple to learn and applicable across all levels, disciplines and group sizes. In some cases students can facilitate the process themselves.

At the same time each method is not full-proof, but it has own advantages and disadvantages. As we have already know the fruitfulness of using these methods are allow almost every one to express an opinion. While they are discussing, participants are able to exchange ideas and draw on their wide collective experience. It may provide a good opportunity for learners to reflect on the content of a lecture or seminar work. A good lesson will generate many ideas, comments and opinion, the most important of which will be reported back. One main obstacle using such methods lay on highly competent instruction, the time required, the need for leaders within each sub-group need to have tables and chairs arranged for quick and easy discussion. Nevertheless teacher can cope with these difficulties and conduct the lesson effectively.

In conclusion, we want to say that using such interactive methods involves all the learners into active work and forms of motivation. They can be effectively used in improving their speech, other language skills and creates favorable conditions for cooperative work.


1. Clark, D. F. and Nation, I. Guessing the Meaning of Words from Context: Strategy and Techniques.-Birmingham: Department of English, Birmingham University,1995

2. Larson, M. L. Meaning Based Translation: A Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. London and New York: University Press of America. 2006.

3. LunguBadea, G., Dictionnary of terms employed in the theory, practice and didactics of translation. Timisoara: Editura Orizonturi Universitare, 2003.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ONE, DRAWING, EFL, GET, GIVE, PRESETT, UNDERSTANDING, английский язык.

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