Development of monologue speech at English lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №44 (386) октябрь 2021 г.

Дата публикации: 30.10.2021

Статья просмотрена: 899 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хачатрян, А. К. Development of monologue speech at English lessons / А. К. Хачатрян. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 44 (386). — С. 274-276. — URL: (дата обращения: 02.06.2024).

This article is about the development of monologue speech at English lessons. The problem of learning monologue speech at the initial stage of learning a foreign language is one of the most pressing problems in the methodology of foreign language teaching. The main task of training monologue speech is the formation of core or fundamental communicative skills of foreign language communication.

Keywords : monologue speech, communication situation, initial stage of teaching, monologue types.

The problem of teaching monologue speech at the initial stage of learning a foreign language is one of the most pressing problems in the methodology of teaching a foreign language. The training of monologue speech is extremely difficult. Monologue utterance is considered as a component of the process of communication of any level — paired, group, mass. This means that any monologue utterance is monologue in nature, always addressed to someone, even if this addressee is the speaker himself, although in his structural and many other relations his species are very specificLearning to speak as a productive process requires the student to construct an expression, a conditioned communication situation, is a complex methodological task, since mastering it is associated with the greatest difficulties for students and requires a lot of time and effort both from the teacher and students. Nevertheless, these expenses of time and effort pay off if students master this activity at the initial stage on a strictly worked out minimal material that provides a motivational level and a reliable basis for the other speech activity.

The main task at the initial stage of teaching monologue speech is the formation of a communicative nucleus or the basic skills of foreign-language communication. From the realization of the ability to express the same thought in another language to the skills and abilities of solving communicative and cognitive tasks independently. Monologue speech is, as you know, the speech of one person expressing in more or less detailed form his thoughts, intentions, evaluation of events, etc. One of the tasks that the secondary school's foreign language program puts forward is the training of monologue speech. The aim of the training is the formation of the skills of monologue speech, by which the skills are understood communicatively — motivated, logically consistent and coherent, sufficiently linguistically and correctly to express their thoughts orally. At present, in the mass secondary school, the training of the monologue utterance is not always given enough attention. Such a position seems to be erroneous, because it is this aspect of learning which disciplines thinking, teaches to think logically and accordingly builds its utterance in such a way as to bring its thoughts to the listener. A monologue is such a form of speech when it is built by one person, independently determining the structure, composition and language means. Monologue speech can be reproductive and productive. Reproductive speech is not communicative. Before the school, the task is to develop unprepared productive speech of students.

Monologue speech, as well as dialogical speech, should be situationally conditioned and, as psychologists say, motivated, i.e. the learner must have a desire, an intention to inform something in a foreign language. The situation is for the monologue the starting point, then it sort of breaks away from it.

Due to the contextually of the monologue speech, special demands are made on it: it must be understandable «from itself», i.e. without the help of non-lingual means, which often play a big role in situational dialogical speech. As is known, monologue speech has the following communicative functions:

— Informative (communication of new information in the form of knowledge about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, a description of events, actions, states);

— influence (conviction of someone in the correctness of certain thoughts, views, beliefs, and actions, motivation for action or prevention of action).

For the communicative purpose, the following monologue statements are distinguished: a monologue is a message; monologue — description; monologue — reasoning; monologue — narrative; monologue is a conviction. The affective function of monologue speech is manifested particularly clearly in the monologue-motivation.

As for the training of monologue speech, systematic and systematic training begins already in the primary classes of the class and continues throughout the school years. The educational monologue at the initial stage of training is a simple and very short logically constructed utterance containing one or more speech patterns

Students should be able to logically and consistently speak out in accordance with the learning situation, make oral reports on the topic, and deliver in their own words the main content of the listened or read material within the language. Students need the ability not only to report facts, but also to express their attitude to the above. The volume of the statement is not less than 15 phrases, correctly formulated in a language sense. When determining the types of monologue exercises, it is necessary to take into account the following criteria:

  1. Type of monologue (message, narrative, description, reasoning);
  2. The coherence and consistency of the presentation of thought and the structural and compositional completeness of the utterance;
  3. The volume (completeness) of the utterance — the degree of disclosure of the topic and the number of sentences;
  4. The degree of combination of linguistic (lexical and grammatical) means (ie the nature of speech creativity);
  5. Lexico-grammatical (including syntactic) correctness.

Methodically important are, first, the nature of the supports with which the exercises are carried out in the training of monologue speech, and the purpose of the utterance, secondly. Such supports can be: 1) visibility, 2) text, 3) situation, 4) topic (a fragment of the topic), a problem. This sequence is observed basically only at the initial stage, then the order of using the supports varies; at the middle stage, it can be as follows: 1) the situation, 2) the visibility, 3) the text, 4) the topic; at the senior stage: 1) text, 2) speech situations, 3) clarity (a series of pictures, a movie), 4) a theme, a problem.

In the formation of contextual speech, the main support is written or oral speech. For the development of compositional and structural components of monologue skills, an exemplary, «reference» text with a clear structure consisting of three parts — entry (beginning), main part and conclusion can be used. In this case, it is possible to use a special scheme — a sample of constructing a monologue. To particular difficulties in mastering a coherent monologue speech include the choice of the order of words in a sentence.

As a function of the connecting element in the sentence, as already mentioned, virtually all members of the proposal can act, especially all the secondary members of the proposal — the circumstance of time, causes, etc., perform this function.

In conclusion, it should be noted that schooling cannot sufficiently ensure the true mastery of oral speech. Therefore, given the learning conditions and the nature of the monologue, it is advisable to establish 3 levels of mastery in a secondary school: medium, high and high, taking into account the different learning conditions. The general education school in its majority can provide an intermediate level (it can be called a basic one), whose main goal is to develop skills in reading and understanding texts and developing oral speech based on the text in the form of description and narrative. In this case, there must necessarily be such parameters of monologue speech as connectivity and logical sequence


  1. Тер-Миносова С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация. — Москва «Просвещение», 2004
  2. Пассов Е. И. Коммуникативный метод обучения иноязычному говорению. — Москва «Просвещение», 2009
  3. Миньяр-Белоручев Р. К. Методика обучения английского языка. — М.: Просвещение, 1998
  4. Матковская И. Л. Преподавание иностранных языков. — Москва «Просвещение», 2008.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Москва.

Ключевые слова

communication situation, monologue speech, initial stage of teaching, monologue types

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