Diplomacy of the water cooperation of the republic of Tajikistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Политология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №39 (434) сентябрь 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 29.09.2022

Статья просмотрена: 39 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Маннонов, Шодком. Diplomacy of the water cooperation of the republic of Tajikistan / Шодком Маннонов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2022. — № 39 (434). — С. 180-183. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/434/95135/ (дата обращения: 15.06.2024).

The water diplomacy proposed by Tajikistan is a peaceful solution to the problems associated with the management and use of water resources of transnational rivers in the region, which includes not only the post-Soviet states, but also Afghanistan, on whose territory the waterways flowing into the Amu Darya and the Aral Sea originate. This article discusses the development of water diplomacy of the Republic of Tajikistan, which is considered the first big diplomatic victory of the country after independence.

Keywords: water diplomacy, Tajikistan, water cooperation, Climate change, Transboundary River


The global crisis caused by climate change is inextricably linked to water. Climate change is increasing the variability of the water cycle, causing extreme weather events, reducing the predictability of water supplies, degrading water quality, and threatening sustainable development goals. Problems of water supply of the population are aggravated every year. From year to year, the world community is faced with the need to make difficult decisions regarding water distribution in the interests of all water users and sectors of the economy competing for water. Tajikistan among other members of the international community at the global level, remains one of the initiators of active actions for the rational use and effective joint management of water resources. Water occupies a special place in the concept of foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan which has significant reserves of water resources, is a supporter of their fair and rational use through regional and international cooperation and proceeds from the fact that the consistent promotion of cooperation diplomacy in the water sector is the only tool for solving problems in this area. Water diplomacy proposed by Tajikistan is a peaceful solution to the problems associated with the management and use of water resources of transnational rivers in the world and the region.

Water cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Tajikistan has an important water and energy potential, a certain tool is needed to solve problems related to water and energy resources. Water diplomacy can serve as this tool. Historically, energy and water have been considered on a regional basis and within Transboundary Rivers. At the national level, energy and water are treated separately. In Tajikistan, water and energy systems are highly interconnected and interdependent. Water is used in all stages of generation and production of electricity. Energy is necessary for the extraction and delivery of water for the needs of the population and the national economy. Today, in the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan, the water and energy issue occupy a priority, since the solution of several socio-economic tasks will depend on the effectiveness of water diplomacy. Tajikistan and its water resources play a crucial role in the development of the water sector of the entire Central Asian region. Our country supplies the countries of the region with about 60 % of surface water resources, which are not only the basis for the development of irrigated agriculture, but also for all other sectors related to water, including for maintaining environmental sustainability. Tajikistan, based on a proper understanding of the growing water problem, as well as the importance of water resources for achieving sustainable development, is actively and consistently promoting the water issue on the global agenda. The country, actively implementing water diplomacy, sets itself the goal of playing an active role on the world stage in resolving problems related to water issues. Since 2000, the Republic of Tajikistan has initiated the adoption of 7 resolutions of the UN General Assembly aimed at solving water issues. These initiatives have made a worthy contribution to a better understanding of water issues at the global level and have given the necessary high priority to their solution for socio-economic development, environmental sustainability, peace, and stability and, in general, sustainable development. Tajikistan is the initiator of a few water resolutions of the UN General Assembly, including the following important resolutions:

— International Year of Fresh water, 2003,

— The International Decade for Action «Water for Life, 2005–2015",

— The International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013

— The International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028"

The purpose of these initiatives is to highlight the need for and creative cooperation in solving water problems in the interests of preserving life and sustainable development of mankind. In this regard, one of the priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan is to ensure the country's creative role in water issues in the region and in the international arena, which meets both national interests and the aspirations of the world community.

It should be noted that the diplomacy of water cooperation in the Republic of Tajikistan is considered as a tool for the implementation of international initiatives as a type of social activity associated with the promotion of new ideas or forms of activity; the formation of a positive international image of the country and the formulation of pressing problems of our time, in the solution of which states with different economic, political and ideological systems can successfully participate. The Republic of Tajikistan, actively implementing water diplomacy, sets itself the goal of playing an active role on the world stage in resolving problems related to water issues. At the international and regional level, Tajik diplomacy has achieved great success, Tajikistan stands for solving the water problems of the region based on internationally recognized principles: fair and equitable, once smart and not causing damage to coastal countries, initiates proposals for further improving the regional system and institutions of joint management water and hydropower resources of transboundary rivers. After gaining independence, the first agreement signed in the water sector by the Republic of Tajikistan is the «Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, with Central Asia, neighboring states on cooperation in the field of joint management, use and protection of water resources of interstate sources February 18, 1992. This agreement is the basis for cooperation between the countries of the Aral Sea basin. Starting this year, the water issue has been a priority in the country's foreign policy. March 26, 1993, in the city of Kyzyl-Orda, an agreement is signed between the governments of five countries of the Central Asian region on the establishment of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS). An agreement «On joint actions to solve the problem of the Aral Sea and the Aral Sea region, environmental rehabilitation and ensure the socio-economic development of the Aral region» was also signed there. These documents consolidated the vision of the common tasks of the region and created an interstate structure for saving the Aral Sea. Tajikistan was the chairman of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea from 2002 to 2008 and from 2019 to 2022. Accordingly, the President of the Fund was the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. During the period of the chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan, the most important documents in the history of the Fund and the diplomacy of the republic were adopted. Below are the main documents and the most important events that took place during the period of the chairmanship of the Republic of Tajikistan:

— A program of specific actions to improve the environmental and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea basin for the period 2003–2010». Aral Sea Basin Program-2.

— Granting in 2008 the status of an observer in the UN General Assembly.

— International conference on cooperation in transboundary river basins 2005.

— International Conference on Disaster Reduction 2008.

The formation of water diplomacy of the republic can be divided into several stages. The first stage in the formation of water diplomacy of the republic can be considered from the beginning of independence, that is, from 1991 to 2000. The second stage of the formation of water diplomacy of the Republic of Tajikistan begins in 2000. In the next decade, the water diplomacy of the Republic of Tajikistan becomes independent and achieves great success in the international arena. It should be noted that the diplomacy of water cooperation in the Republic of Tajikistan is considered as a tool for the implementation of international initiatives as a type of social activity associated with the promotion of new ideas or forms of activity; the formation of a positive international image of the country and the formulation of pressing problems of our time, in the solution of which states with different economic, political and ideological systems can successfully participate. In the implementation of these tasks, the leading place belongs to the bodies of foreign policy relations of the state.


To sum up, it is believed that water diplomacy is crucial for the political stability of the state. Considering the rich water potential and the increasing importance of water resources for the development of the state, the Government of Tajikistan, from the first years of state independence, developed the main directions of state policy in the field of management, use, consumption, protection, and protection of water resources. Gradually, with the development of the socio-economic sphere of the state and the formation of political stability in the country, the water policy of Tajikistan is also developing. Tajikistan conducts an open and transparent regional water diplomacy with great respect for the states of the region. The supreme political will of the leadership of Tajikistan contributed to the development of mutually beneficial and trusting cooperation between the countries of the region in the use of regional resources. The Republic of Tajikistan, actively implementing water diplomacy, sets itself the goal of playing an active role on the world stage in resolving problems related to water issues. Within the framework of this diplomacy and in the light of constructive initiatives in the water sector (the International Year of Fresh water, 2003, the International Decade for Action «Water for Life, 2005–2015", the International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013 and the International Decade for Action «Water for Sustainable Development, 2018–2028") which received high assessment of the international community, the implementation of new initiatives within the framework of regional and international organizations, primarily the United Nations, is envisaged.


  1. Features of Water Diplomacy in Central Asia. Gulbara Ch. Akunova https://e-cis.info/upload/iblock/4d8/4d861d76235b62235cc9f2551bd425d6.pdf
  2. Water diplomacy // www.cawater-info.net/bk/9–4.htm (In Russ.)
  4. Joint statement of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on strengthening friendship and neighborliness. URL: https://www.gov.uz/ru/news/view/15249 [Accessed: 1.03.2021] (In Russ.)
  5. An article by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the UN Chronicle magazine «Water for Sustainable Development». Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan — 2018. URL: https://clck.ru/TxMit (In Russ.)
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, AND, GEOPOLITICS, GLOBAL, IFAS, INITIATIVES, REGIONAL, TAJIKISTAN, WATER.

Ключевые слова

Tajikistan, climate change, transboundary river, water diplomacy, water cooperation

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