Theoretical foundations of the use of corporate information systems in enterprises | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Терещенко, Н. В. Theoretical foundations of the use of corporate information systems in enterprises / Н. В. Терещенко, К. А. Иванова, Д. И. Малышева, К. И. Брик. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 5 (347). — С. 21-23. — URL: (дата обращения: 01.06.2024).

This paper examines the features of the functioning of the corporate information system, studies the problems in its work and in the IT infrastructure of the enterprise.

Keywords: corporate information system, enterprises, information systems, business, management.

Any information system is an integral part of the business model. The information system is a symbiosis of information and business, which combines technology and management strategies [5].

A corporate information system (CIS) is a way to quickly process data. It can scale: increase as the pace of production grows and expand in accordance with the development of new layers of the sales market.

CIS allows you to combine all business processes within a single system, which is its key advantage. As a result of implementation, many positive, albeit difficult to assess, effects are achieved.

In order for the CIS to be as effective as possible, it must meet the following requirements:

– to ensure corporate security through metered access to the database;

– be able to quickly and efficiently process information, highlighting the most important points;

– use open standards (API and COM) for scaling individual functional modules.

Thus, large-scale production can be successful only if management processes are automated. Unified management of all departments assumes full ownership of the necessary information.

The key task of introducing a corporate information system is to obtain a reliable tool for enterprise management and improve the efficiency of management processes.

The typical goals of introducing corporate information systems include:

  1. Getting quick access to all the necessary data in a readable format, understandable for managers of any level.
  2. Simplification of the processes of registration, storage and processing of information.
  3. Formation of a single information space uniting all levels of enterprise management.
  4. Reduction of financial and labor costs for organizing planning, management and accounting of the company's activities.
  5. Elimination of problems related to the provision of inaccurate data, as well as duplication of information.
  6. Automation of information consolidation processes in enterprises with a distributed organizational structure (companies with branches and divisions).

The main thing that owners of organizations and businesses should understand is that corporate information systems do not directly increase profitability. The main task of the system is to speed up and automate data processing processes to obtain more accurate and timely information necessary for making key decisions.

The main difficulties with the implementation of information systems are associated with three key aspects:

– the capabilities of the system, laid down by its developers, and its configuration;

– the level of training of specialists involved in the implementation of CIS;

– the degree of readiness of the enterprise for implementation and features of its structure [2].

Considering all of the above, it is possible to single out the key factors that affect the success of the implementation of corporate information systems at enterprises of all sizes:

– to what extent the representatives of the management level understand the goals and objectives of the system implementation;

– whether specialists from both the developer (supplier) of the software product and the enterprise itself are involved in the implementation process;

– is the company's management ready to make changes in business processes in connection with the introduction of corporate information systems;

– how deep is the understanding of the specifics of the system being implemented and its capabilities [4].

The global goal of introducing CIS is to increase the efficiency of the organization as a whole. It is extremely difficult to calculate the ROI of the system, since it helps to reduce hard-to-measure transaction costs and optimizes the structure of the organization as a whole [3].

Thus, it is not possible to quantify the increase in the profitability of the enterprise where the information system was introduced.

The main achievement of CIS is to improve the manageability of a manufacturing enterprise. A company with reasonable management and stable management processes demonstrates resistance to aggressive external factors.


  1. Zabotina N. N. Designing information systems: a tutorial. — M.: INFRA-M, 2014. — 330 p.
  2. Kalyanov G. N. Consulting: from business strategy to corporate information management system. — M.: Hot line — Telecom, 2014.- 210 p.
  3. Pavlovich T. V., Dron E. A., Kulikov G. G. Implementation of corporate information systems to achieve strategic indicators of industrial enterprises // Bulletin of SUSU. — 2019. — T. 19. — No. 2. — pp. 77–85.
  4. Stepanov D.Yu. Analysis, design and development of corporate information systems: theory and practice. // Russian technological journal. — 2015. — T.8. — No. 3. — pp. 227–238.
  5. Stepanova G. A. Legal support of information and the functioning of corporate information systems in the Russian Federation // Corporate information systems. — 2019. — No. 4 (8). — pp. 33–49
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CIS, API, COM, INFRA-M, ROI, SUSU.

Ключевые слова

management, business, corporate information system, enterprises, information systems

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