Monetizing programming skills, or How to build a Business with a laptop in hands | Статья в журнале «Юный ученый»

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Отличный выбор методов исследования Высокая теоретическая значимость Актуальная тема исследования

Рубрика: Информатика

Опубликовано в Юный учёный №3 (55) март 2022 г.

Дата публикации: 05.02.2022

Статья просмотрена: 26 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Куатулы, Амир. Monetizing programming skills, or How to build a Business with a laptop in hands / Амир Куатулы, А. Т. Искакова. — Текст : непосредственный // Юный ученый. — 2022. — № 3 (55). — С. 48-49. — URL: (дата обращения: 24.03.2025).

Given the development of the availability of the Internet and computer technology in general, the demand for specialists who are able to create and maintain websites in working condition has sharply increased. This is due to the fact that people's preferences have recently shifted towards digital services.

Keywords: development, specialist, profession, relevance, demand for skills.

Most of the professions of the future are directly related to IT technologies. In the era of globalization, specialists with good knowledge in the field of information technologies and innovations come to the fore. For example, in the Business Insider rating, among the 30 highest-paid positions in the future, a significant number are associated with the IT sphere [1]:

— Computer user support specialists;

— Information security analysts;

— Computer systems analysts;

— Computer and information systems managers;

— Software developers and software quality assurance analysts and testers.

The last profession on this list deserves the most attention. Taking into account the development of the availability of the Internet and computer technologies in general, the demand for specialists capable of creating and maintaining sites in working order has sharply increased. This is due to the fact that the focus of people has recently shifted towards digital services. More precisely, instead of wasting time on real actions, modern people prefer fast services provided by the Internet. For example, instead of going to the library or attending schools / courses outside the home, people began to read articles on the Internet or contact teachers through online messengers. Also, instead of wasting time looking for the right products, most representatives of the current generation prefer to make quick purchases on online sites without leaving their comfort zone.

In fact, this not only provides a convenience for potential buyers, but also brings huge commercial benefits to the owners of such platforms. For example, the owners of online stores benefit not only from the usual sale of goods. They can also receive a percentage of the profit from agreements with certain delivery services as well as profit from the placement of advertising banners on the pages of their website.

All of the above perfectly explains such a high demand for workers specializing in software development. This applies not only to website developers but also to the creators of various kinds of computer programs or mobile applications. This makes it obvious that with the constant development of technology, the relevance of this profession, as well as the salaries of good specialists, will only grow.

How to learn software development?

If you realized the importance of this profession and want to master it as soon as possible, then a logical question arises: how to become a software developer?

Its relevance creates many ways to master this area. However, before starting learning, you should decide what you want to do [2]:

  1. Front-end development;
  2. Back-end development;
  3. Full stack development;
  4. Application development;
  5. API development;
  6. Data science;
  7. Mobile development;
  8. Desktop development;
  9. Software tools development;
  10. Security software development;
  11. Cloud computing development;
  12. Video game development;
  13. Embedded systems development.

Each of these areas requires special skills, so first of all it is worth understanding the creation of what exactly attracts you the most. After choosing a specific direction, it is worth studying information about the basic and most relevant programming languages for this area and also apply one of the following or each of the learning methods:

— Reading books on each of the programming languages;

— Studying online video tutorials;

— Online courses;

— Visiting special schools or offline courses;

— Practice (this method is not possible without using at least one of the above options, but is required to achieve success in any chosen area).

Monetization or how to create full-fledged businesses with only a laptop in hand?

It is certainly good to be able to do something and have certain skills, but it is even better when they bring you at least some benefit. A natural question arises here: What should those who have mastered software development do in case they do not want to create their own commercial project or are not interested in owning a business?

1) First, developers should start looking for clients. This should not be difficult, because for these purposes there is a huge set of freelance sites and sites with orders of completely different kinds. However, beginners should not take on large projects right away and it is better to try themselves on solving easy problems in the first weeks of work to gain experience.

2) Second, it is worth contacting the client and preferably conducting an interview where you need to find out about the customer's preferences in terms of design and functionality. Pre-demos, re-clarifications, and follow-up questions will also be very helpful as you work on a project.

3) Third, it is worth creating a plan for the implementation of the project. In it, you must take into account all the necessary sources of information, money and time resources, the necessary skills, etc.

4) The next step is to tackle the design of the future project. Using a photo editor, constructor, or creating a software prototype with basic elements, you need to create a shell for the future project and also demonstrate it to the client in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes during the creation of the main part of the project and save time.

5) Next, you should start developing the software itself. AT this stage, a full-fledged project should be created, taking into account all the initial requirements of the customer and also based on the preferences specified in the previous stages of the order.

6) The last step to a successful project is testing and reflection. Ready-made software must be tested in accordance with the requirements and if errors or customer comments are found, all these details must be improved, after which you can hand over the project and get paid for the work done.

In general, the relevance and demand for software development skills is increasing and a huge part of the world economy is becoming dependent on IT technologies. In this regard, the study of information technology, as well as the development of relevant skills, which will help to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist in the future, acquires maximum relevance. That is why in a world where technology and IT knowledge will become the main «weapon» of humanity, it would be nice to learn how to use it.


  1. Andy Kiersz and Madison Hoff, “The 30 best high-paying jobs of the future”.–3
  2., “13 Types of Software Development”.

Ключевые слова

Development, relevance, profession, specialist, demand for skills

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